• I think she raised a brat, who believes that laws do not apply to her. She should have done a better job herself. Kudos to the judge.
  • Some of the very wealthy think they are above the laws which govern us mere mortals. I also think she'd better pray that, should she run afoul of the law, she doesn't appear in that judge's court.
  • Paris and her mother are the pathetic ones. Good for the judge!
  • People who think they are above the Law are pathetic. Break parole = jail time. Real simple, but mayber Paris and her mom aren't smart enough to figure it out. Her mom even had the nerve to laugh at the prosecutor when he suggestec jail time for her precious Paris. Don't think either of them is laughing now. Paris has shown complete blatant disregard for the Law. She had two other traffic stops and failure to enroll in a mandatory alcohol education program. What an idiot.
  • He sure was pathetic. She deserved lifetime jail, not only 45 days.
  • If I were the judge, I'd hold the Mother in contmept and sentence her to 90 days. I'd see just how cocky she'd be behind bars with her spoiled brat daughter.
  • Paris Hilton is in jail? Boy, she is going to be the victim of lustful and jealous acts from fellow inmates I'm holding a house party in honor of this, and you're all invited!
  • She deserves to go to jail thats what happens when you repeatedly break the law! just because you are rich doesnt mean you get to buy your way out she already did that with her probation she shouldn't have broken it. maybe she will appreciate her freedom when she gets out! but probably not :(
  • I think she is pathetic for raising a loser for a daughter
  • Shows that money cannot buy class.
  • I think the way she has chosen to raise her daughters is pathetic.
  • I think Paris Hilton is pathetic. But that's just my opinion. =)
  • It proves that parents are indeed the models for what their children become. I am sure Paris' mother is likewise a spoiled b**ch and she has herself and probably her wealthy husband as well to blame for what Paris became. The mother ought to have been fined for contempt for her outburst at the judge in court. It would be poetic justice for Paris and her mother to serve time together!
  • Hold the Mom in contempt and throw her in the click for 45 too!
  • I think Paris'parents are pathetic for not teaching her accountability.
  • I think the mum was disrespectful to the judge and displays herself in the same immature, selfish and careless manner as her daughter. It also makes her, the mother looks as though she's encouraging Paris's spoiled behaviours. I guess now we know whom Paris takes after and why she behaves the way she does.
  • I think it proves why Paris is as lame and misguided as she is. She should have supported the law on this one to show her daughter that she can't run around like a wreckless person risking other people's lives by drinking and driving and such. She is not above the law and her mother should have just been there for her during her rough situation instead of supportinig Paris' denial of her little problem, as if the "world isn't fair" attitude.
  • She's an even bigger loser than her Daughter. I hope the Judge locked HER up for Contempt of Court. She's the pathetic one for raising such a a spoiled little tramp. Oh yeah... I went there.
  • If Mrs. Hilton really loved her daughter she would hire her a private chauffer to take her around town so she could do all her wild partying without putting the safety and lives of others in jeopardy.
  • Shes your typical celebrity, meaning a self righteous naive hypocrite.
  • Yes it is pathetic. She deserves more time in jail than that.
  • The only PATHETIC people in that courtroom last name is Hilton. They have no clue what the real world is about. Kudos, to the Judge for sticking to what he said. Its about time someone put these stupid rich people in their place. Just because you were born into a family with a lot of money doesn't make you any better that I person who works hard for everything they own. Paris Hilton is a waste of space along with all of her friends.
  • Yea i agree. It was pathetic....she should have been sent there 4 longer!!!
  • I think that kathy hilton is a spoiled socialite who thinks the world revolves around her. she thinks the hilton name means they can do anything they want,but i am glad the judge stuck to his guns. I am sure Kathy hilton never worked a day in her life,she can't even do realilty tv,that show was really bad. she thinks the the hiltons are above the law.God i wish the judge out her in jail for contept of court.
  • I think she wanted Paris to for more days in jail!! Knowing her I think that is what she meant.
  • I think its pathetic ;D
  • I think she should have joined her. I am so sick of all these celebs who get a slap on the wrist (IF that) when they break the law. Laws are supposed to be for everyone.
  • Just the very fact that her mother told the judge such a disrespecful thing as that proves that the mother herself is a spoiled rich bitch..! No wonder her child acts like she does..duh..go figure!
  • Her mother apparently left out the 'Sym' part. she should of had the book thrown at her,she will re offend. born rich and stupid bad combo! She may not always be rich ,but she'll always be stupid. Play the cards you're dealt I guess!
  • I try not to think about what the Hiltons think or do as a general rule ;)
  • I think, given the authority, he should have sent her along to be her daughter's companion. They could have worn matching outfits. Outrageous.
  • I think he should have slapped ner "mightier than thou" dumb ass in jail
  • Well she's right!! What he should have done was lock her up and throw away the key! 45 days IS pathetic! haha
  • I think her mother is just being a mother. A lot of mothers nowadays are like that. They think they're children are so perfect and can never do a thing wrong. I could be wrong about her mother, though.
  • Mother was right. Judge was a cunt sucker.
  • Reminds me of an old addage, something about pots and teakettles...
  • I think she's pathetic for raising a daughter like Paris.
  • I wonder what she tells the judge at Barron's DUI court date?
  • The only thing pathetic about Paris Hilton, is that she's acctually considered a celebrity.
  • i think they're pathetic for thinking 45 days in prison was even a real sentence at all. she only got off easy because she's famous. but, she probably just thought it was hot
  • I don't think she would say that
  • I think the Judge was kind to her

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