• The town of Antelope was the first to be settled in a valley of the same name where many antelope grazed. It became a stopping point for stagecoaches where passengers could rest and even stay over night. By 1871, the town had grown to the point that warranted a post office and one was opened in August of that year. The town grew to become a center for Domestic sheepsheep and cattle ranchingranchers and had its share of shootings common in western towns during the 1890s. Like many other small towns during that period, Antelope was all but destroyed by fire in 1898. All but one building on the main street was destroyed but that building still stands today. The town was quickly rebuilt. Only a few miles north of Antelope a new town called Shaniko, OregonShaniko became the terminus of a railroad, causing the population to gradually fade. After World War II, the community languished until the 1980s when followers of RajneeshBhagwan Shree Rajneesh, who had started the city of Rajneeshpuram, OregonRajneeshpuram on a nearby ranch (previously known as "The Big Muddy Ranch"), began to dominate the town. Rajneeshpuram was an intentional community (or Commune (intentional community)commune) of "Rajneeshees". On September 18, 1984, by a vote of 57 to 22, Antelope's charter was amended to change the name of the city to 'Rajneesh'. A short time later Rajneesh was indicted on federal immigration charges. After an abortive attempt at flight, he pleaded nolo contendereno contest to two of the 34 charges and returned to India. Meanwhile, on November 6, 1985, the remaining residents, both original and Rajneeshee, voted 34 to 0 to restore the original name. The ranch is now owned by Young Life and has been converted into a camp, known as "Wild Horse Canyon." Source:

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