• If you choose to budget on your computer, you may already have tools installed, with a MicroSoft suite. You can also download free tools from places like TuCows and ZD net. If you choose to use something paper, you might consider BudgetMap. They have a 90-day guarantee. A nonprofit Credit organization will sit down with you for FREE, and help you to write a budget: Your bank might have a free budgeting class. Community Centers, High Schools, Community Colleges and Chambers of Commerce sometimes offer free classes. While you are setting up your budget, consider getting a free copy of your credit report. It may have errors you are not aware of, and you have the right to dispute these, for free.
  • Try this Debt Budget. It really works: 1. 35% (of your take home pay) - House, House Insurance, Electric, Water, Phone 2. 15% - Car, Insurance, Gas 3. 10% - Savings 4. 15% - Credit Cards, Medical Bills, Loans 5. 25% - Groceries, Child Care, Spending Money, Luxury Items, Vacations, Etc.
  • A friend told me recently about a free online personal budgeting utility, I have used it for over two month now and it is too good to be free. "Out Of The Dark" (OOTD) is easy to use, simple yet powerful, an online personal budgeter that is totally anonymous so your personal identity is never compromised, and it's packed full of good guidance and information from the developer and the community of users. OOTD can be found at: Happy budgeting.
  • 8-31-2017 Some people talk like a budget is some sort of dark magic, but it's only simple arithmetic. Take a paper and write the date of your next payday. Start a second column and write the amount of income at that time. Under that, write your predicted expenses such as rent and utilities. Some expenses have to be saved up, and some have to be divided and paid in parts. That is what you are deciding as you go along. And that is how you make a budget.

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