• Joseph Smith received the plates on 22 September 1827. However, a number of things got in the way of his being able to do much work on the translation until he was joined in the work by Oliver Cowdery on 7 April 1829. With Cowdery acting as scribe, they were able to complete the translation some time in June 1829. That which we know as the Book of Mormon today was translated in this time period.
  • Joseph Smith received the Gold Plates Sept.23,1827. But he did not actually start translating until the Lord sent Martin Harris as a scribe. They began translating April 12, 1828 until June 14,1828, after translating 116 pages, which Martin Harris lost while showing them to some friends and relatives. The Lord took the Plates and the Urim and Thummim back for a time. The plates were returned again but not the Urim and Thummim. Joseph would now use a Seer Stone. Then the Lord sent another scribe named Oliver Cowdery and they began translating April 7,1829 and finished around the middle of may 1829. Joseph Smith translated nearly 5000 words per day. A special study shows that the Book of Mormon was translated in approximately 65 working days. The manuscript is on foolscap sheets, 8 x 13 inches with approximately 647 words to a page. Joseph's translation filled an average of around seven pages per day which would be 4,615 words. Not bad for a young man with a 3rd Grade education who could hardly read or write English! whew4

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