• Male models have many more options than in the past. You will need to decide what area of modeling best suits your personality and image. Are you best for fashion, runway, commercial, or fitness modeling? Take an honest look at yourself and listen to what others tell you. Look through magazines and find guys who look like you. See what types of ads feature them. Get in the best shape possible, get a job that allows you to take a few hours off during the day with little notice, and start saving some money. You will be spending money at first, the same way you would with any other business. Never forget this is a business. Once you are dedicated to doing what is necessary to succeed in modeling, you need to do the same things any model must do. Your first step is getting an agent. Interview with the top three agencies in your town, and then pick the one that feels most comfortable. The agent will recommend several things to do, some of which will cost money. First, you will need to schedule photography sessions with several photographers. Not one, but several. You need many different looks, and while using one photographer may sound like a faster and cheaper way to get a portfolio, you will present a much more professional image if you do it right the first time. Don't pay an agent for anything up front. All expenses an agent legitimately charges you, and that you will be expected to pay, will be related to marketing you to clients. You may be asked to pay for printed materials, such as composite cards, or your page in an agency headbook, or you may need to pay courier/postage when your portfolio or information is sent to prospective clients. Be careful with headbooks, however, as there are many unscrupulous quasi-agents who make their living by charging models to be in their book, which is never seriously viewed by clients. If you are pressured to be in the book as a condition of representation, go to another agent. Trust your agent, but if you are not happy after a reasonable period of time (I would allow at least six months), switch agents.
  • To the question about whether you can be a 5'9" male model, if the women are all 5'9" and up, since they will want to have men taller than women, you won't likely be booked for the job. It is possible to get runway work as a 5'9" male, but it will be in situations that are not likely to have either tall women, or a lot of tall men. Some examples me be swimwear or active clothing, or if you look young enough, teen/college age shows. Let you agent know you are interested in runway shows, and you will be sent on auditions. If the client likes you, they will try to fit you in.
  • -Hire the best photographer you can afford the picture quality is everything -Hook up with an agency, or have a website created for yourself if you don't want an agency. -MARKET yourself to EVERYONE e-mail your website to everyone, hand out business cards
  • Body building every day. Even you can not become a model, you can also receiving love.

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