• Migraines, both typical and atypical, often cause extreme pain and a multitude of other symptoms. However, doctors use the term "atypical migraine" to identify any type of migraine that lacks one or more of the classical symptoms.

    Normal Migraine Symptoms

    Normally, migraines are recognized by the characteristic stabbing feeling on one side of the head. They also normally include nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, dizziness and blurred vision.

    Definition of Atypical Migraines

    Because they are defined by their atypical nature, atypical migraines are often confused with other health conditions. However, they tend to have some common symptoms that make them identifiable.

    Facial Pain

    Many individuals who experience atypical migraines complain of facial pain, usually most severely around the eyes. The pain often resembles that of a painful toothache.

    Stomach Problems

    Atypical migraines may also target the stomach and abdomen, producing cramps, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

    Stroke-like Symptoms

    Perhaps the most alarming form of an atypical migraine occurs when the migraine produces effects similar to a stroke, where the individual experiences loss of muscle control or vision impairment on one or both sides of the body.


    Diagnosis of atypical migraines can often be difficult and elusive. Multiple tests may be necessary to eliminate other possibilities.


    LIVESTRONG: Atypical Migraine Symptoms

    Relieve Migraine Headache: Atypical Migraine and symptoms

    Robbins Headache Clinic: Introduction to Migraine

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