• Team-building exercises are used to increase morale and ease conflicts in an office. Team-building presents a way for co-workers to learn to work toward a common goal.


    Team-building is used to cultivate and improve relationships within the walls of your company and develop communication skills between co-workers. This is especially important if co-workers are facing a communication problem.


    Team-building can increase employees' motivation by giving them a break from their day-to-day work and reminding them that their work is valuable to the company.


    Team-building exercises, depending on the task at hand, can pose challenges to co-workers and ask them to come up with problem-solving strategies.


    Examples of team building include treasure hunts that incorporate elements of your company, cooking contests, problem-solving workshops and board games.


    Team-building will not repair deeply ingrained problems. Also, putting people "on the spot" and forcing them to participate in exercises in which they feel uncomfortable could have a negative effect.


    Team-wise: Definition of Team Building

    Team Technology: Team Building Guide

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