• On One Hand: Cleans the Liver

    The liver's main function is to clean the body's blood supply and enhance the immune system by combating against infections and diseases. According to its marketers, Liverite Liver Aid is able to assist the functions of the liver, as it cleanses potentially harmful items from the liver. Liver Aid is composed of vitamins, acids and lipids that have been linked to improving the functions of the liver. According to, vitamin b12, which is included in Liver Aid, is important for red cell production, and low levels of b12 in the body can hamper the work of the liver.

    On the Other: No FDA Evaluation

    Stated clearly throughout the Liver Aid website, is that Liver Aid hasn't been evaluated by the FDA. Therefore, there haven't been testings that have been submitted to the FDA to verify if Liver Aid is able to truly clean the liver and do everything its marketers claim it can. Other than the FDA, there are also no third party companies or organizations that have done testing on Liver Aid.

    Bottom Line

    Liverite Liver Aid is being marketed as a product that can boost the liver by cleaning it out. However, none of the alleged benefits of Liver Aid have been tested and evaluated by authoritative third parties to ascertain that the product can do what it says. Nonetheless, Liver Aid does contain many ingredients that have been tested individually and shown to be useful for the liver. Therefore, as with many untested products, users should consult a doctor before using the product.


    liver's main function


    Liver Aid website

    More Information:

  • This doctor says NO: -- "The few human studies done on the active ingredients in Liverite have not shown any conclusive improvement in liver function." --

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