• Getting an accounting degree is a great way to get a start in a career in the financial sector. In order to be successful in accounting, however, certain math requirements must be met.

    Admissions Requirements

    Basic mathematics requirements must be met in order to gain entry into college. These include arithmetic, algebra and geometry.

    General Mathematics

    Pre-calculus or calculus is required for some accounting programs.

    Advanced Mathematics

    Finite math or intuitive math is a requirement for other programs.


    With most mathematics-intensive programs, general math requirements are minimal, as most of the math requirements are encompassed into the specialty coursework, such as accounting-specific courses.


    Further specialization in accounting, such as forensic accounting, auditing and so forth, may require additional math courses such as statistical concepts.


    Any questions you may have regarding what classes are required to earn a degree in accounting should be directed to the admissions counselor at the school you are considering or attending.


    Franklin University

    Washington College of Business and Economics

    Illinois University

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