• Your mother is your best friend! You won't realize that until you are much older. But, she is the one you can always count on no matter what. Her love is unconditional.
  • I think it depends on the reasons why. Why? You can't just dislike or hate someone for no reason, right? There's got to be some explanation. Like, if your mother beats you or something, then yeah I'd say it's ok... but if it's because she is making you eat your vegetables or do your homework then no I don't think it is.
  • If you have valid reasoning, than yes. There are some people who will tell you that you should always love your mother no matter what, however, They haven't had your mother. My mother is hated by all of her siblings, My siblings, my father and most of the people she doesn't manipulate.
  • I could never dislike or hate my mother. She is my hero. But I am not naive enough to think everyone is like this. There are circumstances where dislike for your mother is unavoidable, and necessary.
  • You should never hate your parents. -In the Master's service. Thank you and God bless you!
  • You bet. The norm is to love your mother, but that love is earned and nurtured. I completely loathe mine for the years of occasional physical and relentless verbal abuse that started when I was a baby. It was so bad that at the tender age of 8, I intellectually realized that I hated her. I cringe at calling her "mother" and refer to her instead as "it" or "monster". It never should have had children and had no parenting skill whatsoever. For example, when I was 12 I woke up late for school one day, and it punched me in the face and screamed things at me that a child should never hear, like "you worthless sh*t". (btw I ended up being able to catch the bus anyway). I haven't spoken to it in years and will have no regrets when it dies. I will think, "Good f*cking riddance." It is toxic. Hate your mother if she deserves to be hated.
  • Yes. I think there are somethings a mother can do, that can earn that hatred. It is possible and in some cases justified.
  • Yes. I think it is best to acknowledge that you hate someone, rather than stuffing the feeling and walking around with a fake smile on your face. Then you figure out how you feel and why and come back to a solid, true loving feeling.
  • It happens. We all want a good relationship with our mother but it doesn't always happen. Things that stand in the way can be many. A mother sho cannot love us is one. Some people cann ot love easily. There is a reason somewhere in their past or maybe even a past life. Sometimes mothers have habits that are discouraging to their children. I now a fifty plus year old lady who is a crack addict and her kids do not like her addiction but they love their mother.
  • I could say yes, its okay to express your feelings and its okay to dislike someone, you dont have to like everyone, you may dislike her ways, but I feel and I dont know your situation but I feel that hate is a strong word...hate is something more internal than external, so basically I am trying to say you should analyze where does feelings are coming from, why is it that you feel that way?, is it that you dont want to be like her, or do you see her in you?, you should give someone that much power anyways, my other opinion is, God said you should Honor your mother and your father, he never said they where going to be perfect!!! and also remember that what you "dish out" you should be ready to "take in" meaning you also one day will have kids......what do you want them to think about you or feel towards you, life is a constant test!!! I hope I help you some way....
  • Better try to throw away these thoughts.My mother does not love me, but I just pray for her every day.That`s all.Don`t hate her,it can destroy your heart, be sorry for her, and stay away from her.
  • One, if you're a teenager, its natural for a few years, and two, if you have a valid reason.
  • Yes. Some mother's do not fit the role well. She may have given you life, but if she didn't nurture it, then she didn't really give you much to live for.
  • Gosh I hope so. I strongly dislike mine. I love her anyway but some days it's a real stretch.
  • Sure. Maybe she's a real cunt.
  • Yes. Been there, done that. My mother used to be a real pain.
  • Don't go beyond your limits. It would be worse if your own mother dislike or even hate you.
  • My Mother brings nothing but pain into my life. She has no respect for others, and is horribly self centered. At times her thoughts are delusional and she is extremely difficult to tolerate. She manipulates me to this very day and I am 47 years old. It is hard to bring myself to say the word hate, but there is a very strong dislike for her behavior!
  • F*ck the b*tch! ;-)
  • well i am like this with my mum but i do love her deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep down lol.
  • As the saying goes "You can choose your friends, but not your relatives", so it is not surprising that relatives sometimes (read often!) don't get along. Coupled with the fact that they are constantly around you while you grow up.... I don't know how old you are. If you are young, I wouldn't tie yourself up in knots over it. Mothers and daughters (esp) often have rocky relationships, that sometimes smooth over as the daughter gets older and is away from mum's total domination. But, if you are older and the antagonism is still strong to the point of hate, it might be good to go and talk this out with a professional, to see if there is any way to work through it. You don't want to pass on the same patterns to your own children.
  • Yep perfectly acceptable. I hate my mother and I think it is okay to do so...and in fact I don't really care if anybody approves or not.
  • everyone is entitled to have their own opinion so I think it's fine to feel that way. I am sure that yuo have good reason to feel the way you do.
  • It is very sad if you do!
  • I'm in my late fifties and do not like my mother. I'm a mom and grandmother now and about the only positive thing I've learned from her is what NOT to do as a mom. She has always shown gross favoritism to my (only) sister and still does. We live near my mother, my sister lives out of state, yet when my sister visits you would think it was the Second Coming. She can never bother to be here for Mothers Day (she is childless) or Christmas, but when I mention this to our mother she defends her and gets mad at ME. She appears not to appreciate what my husband and I do for her and she says whatever she wants, but God forbid I do the same. I have no guilt over my feelings as I feel they're justified. I treat my kids all fairly and tell them I love them which is a phrase my mother has never ever said to me. So glad I am not repeating the pattern ........ I'd love to have a mom who was fun to spend time with, but it just didn't happen.
  • Yes, you can choose to do whatever you would like. My mother and I often disagree, cauing me to dislike her points of view, and sometimes ever her, personally.
  • is a sin
  • A blood relationship can be irrelevant, depending on the circumstances. We can choose our own friends, but we're stuck with our biological family... I have to stop. Now! Or I will start talking about Sophocles' Antigone and Plato's Politics! Aargh!
  • Dislike maybe....Hate never.......Forgive always.
  • Sure, if she has earned your hate. Just because she is your mother doesn't mean that she is still allowed to do whatever she wants to you and be immune to your hatred.
  • it is okay.
  • Hate is kind of a strong word. I guess so though. I always try to stay away from hate of anyone no matter what.
  • I am terribly saddened and appalled by the answers I have read. Please don't take this answer as a lecture of any kind, it is only meant to help. Oedipus complex - Son hatred In the Greek tragedy Oedipus loves his mother and thus kills his father. In recent psychology this complex is not directed from the son to the father but from the son to any of two biological parents. Electra complex - Daughter hatred In the Greek tragedy Electra loved her father and thus killed her mother. Again in recent psychology this complex is not only directed from the daughter to the mother but from the daughter to any of two biological parents. These complexes are there without many of us knowing the absolute reason for these terrible feelings. Weather there is reasonable cause or not it still is a psychological issue that should be referred to a professional. The dangers of these complexes, if unattended, are many and the most powerful of all is the sons/daughters own internal and mental stability which may lead them to terminate their lives. The second danger, yet not less important, is that these feelings will unfortunately be transmitted to the sons/daughters own children even if they think they will not, it can not be avoided as it has become a part of their personality pattern and is thus an enormous part of their sanity. The natural feeling from children to mothers is to love and protect them, many crimes have been committed by children who wanted to protect their mothers though it is rare for children to commit a crime to protect the father. However it is not normal for a child to feel hate towards the mother who is the symbol of their birth and the reason of their existence. It is known that many top rated criminals and serial killers had a pattern of mother hatred, the deep guilt and hatred hurt their sanity. This information is not meant to annoy anyone it is to warn those that have this pattern to seek urgent professional assistance. As times have changed and with modern ways of life many mothers haven fallen into wrongful deeds which have altered and affected their children thus greatly bringing resentment, very much pain and suffering including personality disorders which they translate as hatred. The rest of what is to be said, corresponds to the professionals each may seek for help if so desired. Best regards.
  • A mother is someone who is there to support, care, and love their children. Some mothers lack doing so. If your mother has hurt you like abused you then this doesnt qualify as a mother, well at least not a good one. The question is do you really have a mother to dislike or hate? because if someone has a mother then they would love that person because mothers are kinda and caring and loving. So maybe your mother is lacking being a mother therefore it is ok to have these feelings towards her because what your missing is the chance to have a loving mother. But always remember there is a difference between a mother who is abusive or abadoning and one who is disciplining it is not oik to love your mother if she makes mistakes everyone does. It is not ok to dilike or hate her for teaching hyou but teaching and mistakes have nothing to do with abuse or abadonment or anything like that
  • I have got the same issue. My mother used to beat me up till I was in the middle school. Usually the beating followed when I have done something wrong: like, losing stuff. She beat me till I tell her I am sorry and ask for forgiveness and then beat me a little more to stop me from crying. The emotion I experienced then was Guilt and self-loathing. But as I grew up I realized that she was only human and that she had no right to treat another human being this was as if her rules are absolute. Now I do hate her and I hate her very much. The more so because she wanted me to forget about the whole thing and be friends with her again-as if it was just a light matter. I live with her because I am still a student and I am financiallly dependant on her but during every holidays I dread going back home. Hatred that has been is not something you can just through away into the garbage bin.
  • It's not good to hate anyone. It hurts you a lot more than it hurts them. But sometimes admitting that you don't love your mother can be healing.
  • my mother abused me, physically and mentally it took me years to break away asking the same question but eventually i realised i wasnt the one in the wrong so it was ok not to like her and want to cut ties. now i have my life is so much better.
  • Depends on the individual mother. Some do harm but mean well. Others maybe ignorant. Asking people a Q like is bound to get overpersonalised views. It CAN be okay and sometimes more than okay. one possible strategy to do in neglectful situations is try and be indifferent. There'll always be temporary anger at some stage. You can also hate something they did but try not to confuse that with person themselves in general. Intention is important to consider
  • Dysfunction is ok only on tv.
  • depending on the mother, i would say yes if she harmed you or did something to you to feel that way. but if she did nothing wrong, then absolutely not.
  • Only if you have a reason to. Like, she slept with your boyfriend or something.
  • I can say yes. I never had a good family relationship with my mother.
  • Depends why you feel this way.My dad HATES his mother.In fact he won`t even refer to her as a mother.He had a horrific upbringing and himself and his brothers were treated badly,abused by his mums "boyfriends" and abandoned in homes on more than one occasion.In his case,I don`t know what else he can do but hate.I think its as normal to hate a parent as it is anyone else,if they`re bad enough..In fact I think the hate would feel stronger as Parents are meant to look after you not expose you to wrongs.
  • My mother abused me as a child and I would say if the reasons are valid then why not at least dislike!
  • Hate is a really strong word, but dislike is practically normal. If she severely abused you, then of course its ok to hate her. There is no reason to abuse a child. And there is no reason to keep in touch with someone who you hate.
  • As far as I'm concerned, yes, if there is good reason for it. However, one needs to keep in mind that their mother gave birth to them. That doesn't give the mom the right to mistreat them as children though. A parent should be, if not nurturing, at least neutral, but abusive is out of the question. How can you expect someone to feel good about parents who didn't protect their children from harm and instead brought it to them?
  • I know people who are close to me who HATE their own mothers and knowing what has happened to them in their childhood, its understandable for them to feel that way. I have disliked my mother many times, I have told her I hated her which was a lie because instantly I felt guilt for saying it.
  • My mother was not in the strictest sense a true mother, I dont remember ever her loving me, cuddling me. She was an extremely selfish person, and at the age of 56, I still wait for her to say "I.m sorry for what i put you through" Guess what? Its not gonna happen. She is now in old age, I do the dutiful daughter thing, ( i feel a fake, because the love is not in my heart) I do have a good heart, but toward her, I feel cold. I do wish that this was not the case, and feel bad so much of the time.. But I, having been my own best friend all these years, tell myself that its ok. Yes you can dislike your mother, giving birth does'nt make you a mother, its the nurturing and love that does that.
  • It's ok as long as you don't kill her or something. Not all mothers are good. Some of them are bad. REALLY bad! I don't have a scientific research on that but I'm pretty sure everybody will agree that we all had at least one time when we temporarily hated our moms. Like when they stopped us from getting what we wanted in the moment. Don't get me start with examples.. ;)
  • I don't think it is ok but i understand why ppl do. We all get mad at are parents. But it is totally understandable for you to not like your mom b/c sometimes they are just flat out wrong in things they do or say to you.
  • I think if you hate your mother then you are doing a grave injustice to yourself. It's been proven that feelings such as hate, resentment, guilt and the like cause phyiscal issues for the barer. Try very hard to accept who she is, even if you don't like who she is, and move on with your life while letting her live hers. Anger isn't a good thing to hold onto, life can be much more rewarding.:)
  • I hate my mother. She's the reason why I'm a misogynist.
  • My mom was very difficult when I was growning up. I swore I would have nothing to do with her as an adult. She's probably as bad or worse now, but I have a better relationship with her now. Once you move out things change a lot. I'll tell u one thing my wife says to me all the time" You'll miss her when she's gone". Very true!
  • of course it's okay. i absolutely hate my mother. ive never met her, but i heard my story, and i dislike the person she is(or was). that's all i will say
  • some mothers deserve it... in fact, they don't deserve the title "mother". plus everyone has their bitchy moments.
  • Exclude me....
  • What did she do? That's the operative question. If she tried to drown you and your siblings in the tub, then yes.
  • I guess...seeing as I dislike my father.
  • I do. I wish I didn't but that's the way it goes.
  • hate no. dislike yes. rather hate what she's done and dislike the person she is. if you're honest with yourself you'll find that you are more angry at her than anything else.
  • " It's not OK to hate her!"
  • Well, my mother has been emotionally abusive my entire life. I have tried and tried to understand her, have had arguments with her that she mostly initiated, crawled back for "forgiveness" for something I didn't do, on and on and on. It's futile and has caused so much pain. I just sent a balloon bouquet to her house for her husband's (not my father - she's been married 3 times) birthday. She refused the delivery. I cried the entire day away. It was dreadful. There is nothing I could have done in this life or any other life that would have made that justifiable. SOmeone top that one! She is selfish, self-centered and nasty. She is the type of person that if she doesn't have something MEAN to say, she won't say it. Getting a compliment out of her is like pulling teeth from an elephant. Getting her to say "I'm sorry" is IMPOSSIBLE. In fact, I don't think I have EVER heard her say those words.
  • I don't know. I think it is okay a good friend of mine hates their mom. Where I think my uncles are jerks for hating theirs.
  • I suppose if your mom has done you wrong, then yeah. It would break my heart if one of my boys hated me.
  • Disgust and hatred are feelings, and to some extent, feelings aren't entirely in our control. Hopefully if you do hate your mom, you have a good reason for it. If so, I don't think it's wrong to hate a parent who failed you or didn't raise you well, but try to maintain civil discourse with her on an occasional basis. If you see her drowning in a lake or something like that, save her life. As long as you practice polite (not necessarily friendly) behaviors, it doesn't really matter what you feel on the inside.
  • I sure don't like my mother...I love her anyway, but I do not allow others to judge me for that. It is up to you whether that is 'okay' or not. I wish I did like my mom, but our personalities are just incompatible.
  • Yes, we don't like all the people we meet and our parents are just people afterall. If you are in an abusive situtation call your local abuse hotline, no matter your age, and they will help you. If it is just behavior that you find embarassing talk the problem out and be sure to listen to her side and I am sure you can reach a compromise. Maybe it is just a clash of personalities as with me and my only living son. He does not nor does his wife like me so I stay away all else has failed throughout the years but this works and it might be your answer as well, unfortunately.
  • "It's not OK, to hate her!!!"
  • I tried to ignore this and it keeps popping up. It annoys me because I lost mine... And I really miss her. and on the other hand... I get it because I hate my dad! *Thanks for ruining my night.
  • Yes it is possible and it happens a lot
  • i think it may just be a phase. i think soon you sort of realize things, & you don't hate her as much. & you learn to appreciate her.
  • if your reasoning is valid, yes. i hate my dad and i know i have very valid reasoning for that so i don't feel i've done any wrong doing.
  • yes. with what my mother has done and still does only a fool would like her.
  • I can understand why you'd ask this question. In American culture, mothers are angels and criticizing them is still somewhat taboo. If a parent wrongs a child, but doesn't physically abuse him/her, people will say, "Oh, she's doing it for the child's own good." But parents can damage their children in other ways besides physical violence. Some parents are not worthy of respect because they are manipulative and unkind to their children. Respect and admiration must be earned, not demanded. Parents are people, too, and they are not perfect, so it's perfectly acceptable to dislike them if they are cruel.
  • Yes, for having given birth to me. +5
  • Yeah..... I always think: I Love my mom, but I hate what she does and I really dislike her..
  • The verse goes Honor your mother and father. I don't think hating is very honoring.
  • I always loved my mother or at least I thought I did. At the very least I always "respected" her and catered to her "whims." When I started to really question whether I loved her I figured I did but just didn't like the things she did and the way she acted. But the psychological damage she has done to me is beyond forgiving now. At this point I can't even say I love her at all anymore. She has destroyed my spirit and I find it hard to really love anyone. Sad but true.
  • It totally depends on why. If its because she gives you a curfew then no its absurd but mosy teens arvue that. If she has abused you verbally, mentally, emotionally or physically then anger or hate are normal responses and expected. If she enabled someone to do those things to you then yes its acceptable.

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