not really, but the media sure does.
Not really...except to say that I'm glad to be a nobody! +5
good comment.. although here in the U.K it was front pager for two days then it ended, bet the U.S it went on for longer Personally i havnt got time for anyone who cares about celebrities lives, especially that big titted slut, brownie points for anyone guessin who that is
NOPE! *thumbs up*
No, but I am not hiding myself from what is coming out about him now.
Not at all, I wouldn't care even if I liked golf, but he does need help with his driving, if only on the roads!!!
No what he does in his life is his business. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. I try very hard not to judge others, because I don't want to be judged myself
You obviously do care. You've posted yet another question on this topic.
Not a whit or a shiit of concern about Tiger. Not in an arena I employ or enjoy.
I sure don't.
Who is it?
He's a good golfer, thats all I care about.
I used to like watching him golf, he is a phenomenal golfer. But he is also just a human being, unfortunately a very well known he is a 'commodity'. I personally don't go out of my way to follow what's happening..but it's hard to avoid it.
Care no, but I feel sorry for his wife.
No. It proves that all these so called famous people. That some people worship are imperfect. I do not worship anyone . Every Human has their imperfections . Famous people should not be expected to be perfect; but Tiger needs Professional help. I feel sorry for his Wife and Children.
not even enough to finish posting this answ
A small amount I suppose. Since I always admired Woods for how he handled the comment by Fuzzy Zoeler I have to take his less-than-admirable behavior into account too. But there is a difference between public and private (however much the media would suggest otherwise) and I am less concerned with his private mistakes than his public successes. . I am only somewhat aware of what went on and I'm happy to keep it that way.
As far as I'm concerned he could f___ whoever he wants because I don't care.
Nope, I don't care either. The celebrity asshatery is on television to distract us from real stupid citizens while we rule you.
I couldn't care less about
No, of course not, but I'll keep answering questions like this one if it will get me more points!
I slept with Tiger, so I care, want to make sure my name isn't brought up.
It's interesting sociologically, that we push these so-called role models (ministers, presidents, athletes, etc.) onto these pinnacles. Then we're surprised/disoriented when they fall off...and fall so far & it happens so often. But re TW personally, or his family...the specifics are not particularly interesting or unique.
Neither do I. Just leave him alone and let him play golf. His private life is none of anyone elses business. +5
He was boring before and he's still boring I don't care if he makes a porn flick. The media will sieze on anything and shove it down our throats and force us to think it is entertaining. He hit a tree. Get over it. They are acting like this is Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.
Can't help it. Tiger Woods is all over the internet. And I am surfing.
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