• Why on earth would that be bad manners?
  • Could it be the food is too spicy and hurts his mouth? Is it too hot? Does he have dry mouth? (some people choke from lack of moisture) Is it too salty? Maybe the food tastes bad, yet he eats it because that is polite but the poor little man needs to flush it down with water to get the yucky taste out. Is the water a way to fill his stomach because he is either overweight and this helps him eat less, or he doesn't eat enough and this is a way to make it fill full. Your displeasure at his water intake at the dinner table says more about control issues on your end. Why don't you ask him why he does it. His answer may surprise you.
  • Why would that be considered impolite?
  • I ask the same question. Not washing your food down if it is dry can be a choking hazard. In this case etiquette must take a back seat to safety. +5
  • I would like to know too, because I've never heard of it being bad manners before.
  • 8-4-2017 Anybody who considers that impolite needs to stop making up rules for other people to follow.

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