• Not time, cos I can do other things when smoking, but a waste of money, oh YEAH. I'm in the process of giving up - it's v, v hard, but I'm gonna get there!
  • gosh yes...with packs at between $11-13 in Australia, you have to be crazy to smoke...
  • Goodness yes, my friends dad went broke.. But he had about 45 packs of cigaretts left
  • Goodness yes, my friends dad went broke.. But he had about 45 packs of cigaretts left
  • Yes most definately. In the UK they cost anything up to £6.00 plus a pack. I used to chain smoke (at least 4 packs a day) Since stopping smoking it has paid for me to travel to some fantastic places and with what you save from the cigarettes, you do not even notice the cost
  • most definitely! its like paying to kill yourself slowly
  • It is a huge waste of money and a complete waste of time.
  • Nah, what else can you do to look so cool for that amount of money? I mean, you have a cigarette! And you're smoking it! 'Nuff said. Also it helps improve the average IQ of the survivors.
  • My parents smoke like chimmnies! They normally get through about 6 packs a day between them. I hate smokking, I have never smokked because of the smell in my house while growing up! It is a waste of money, kills you, makes you smell and definatly is NOT cool!
  • Smoking is a complete waste of time and money. You are wasting your life away....I think people must be really stupid to smoke. There's much better thing to do with the money that cigarettes cost, things that will improve your life rather than shortening it!
  • I was told that years ago, along with the fact it was bad for my health and would make my clothes smell.... How I wish I had listened.
  • Well, people smoke for a reason. To some it's pleasurable. I guess what age a person dies determines how much of a waste of time and money it was.
  • yes, it definitely is. tobacco is expensive, it causes many health problems, including, but not limited to, lung cancer, throat and oral cancer, and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes). it also takes away an adult's social desire for family, causes bad breath and wrinkles, and can also trigger depression. smoking affects the person's career and also causes decline in school performance. don't do it people. it's just not worth throwing away your lives over.
  • Definitely it is. But there are people still want to 'smoke' their money away.
  • why waste money on an item that can kill you? Its a waste
  • I do.. nowadays people skip to smoke.. or like smoke whenever they have time to.. and after they run out of smoke they have to go buy some again... which is a cycle. really dont get it why people still smoke.. all the chemicals in the cigs and second hand smoke affect others who are non-smokers
  • Yes, no good comes from it, except temporary social acceptance. Why do you think retailers cannot display them anymore.
  • time and money get wasted regardless, however your life is wasted.
  • Well, it's technically buying something that kills you.
  • Definitely a waste of money. It depends on the person if it is a waste of time. Some have more time to waste then others.
  • I look at smoking this way.... It's a personal preference which doesn't affect me. I don't smoke because I don't want to. I don't like inhaling it and I don't like the cost (which is actually irrelevant anyway as I don't like it). For me it is a useless expense but if another person smokes I'm behind their decision to do so. It would be their personal preference, not mine. They don't need to conform to my likes and dislikes. To each his/her own.
  • Waste of money, yes, waste of time,...yes. But its a small price relative to not being a square.
  • yes i only stopped because they cost far to much now!!!! i save so much money aswell now!!
  • Well it definitely erks me that I'm spending almost 8$ a pack, but I still I don't there a waste, they give me what I want, that cheap lovely buzz. =)
  • Absolutely not, for those who want to commit suicide veerrry, veerrry, sllooowwwly.
  • I think it's a bad habit, bad for your health and money down the drain.
  • Yes it is, but I still do it. As my good friend Allen Carr says.. telling people the reasons why they shouldn't smoke doesn't help them stop smoking; telling them why they don't need to smoke and what life will be like when they stops, helps them stop smoking.
  • hell yes it is a waste if money and time my mom is a smoker and most of her time is spent smoking . :(
  • its a waste of time, money, health and life. only problem is.. its painfully addictive.
  • Yes, as well as a toll on their health and that also costs money and time.
  • a waste of lung capacity
  • It tends to sequence your life when revolving around tobacco
  • Yes, and I will NEVER undertake this dirty habit.
  • yes i do, but remmember this is an addiction not a habit. it is easier to break a heroine addiction that one to nicotine. granted ppl who smoke make the decision to start, but it's not a habit like biting you nails would be
  • For me, no. I've smoked for some 61 years, starting when I was ten years old! It continues to give me pleasure and satisfaction. Due to the fact that, being a caregiver for my S/O, who suffers from Alzheimer's disease, I am under near constant tension and strain. I'm also convinced that to stop smoking after these many years, it might well cause me a major mental reaction of a negative nature. I do NOT wish for others, particularly children or young adults, to "play" with this addictive activity. In most cases it will lock you in. Cessation is extremely difficult and, itself, may play hell with both your physical and mental well-being. DON'T START! +5
  • not any worse than the time and money an obese person wastes,or a skoal user, or the time and money an alcoholic wastes, or the time and money a drug addict wastes, or a gambler, or a porn addict, or the time and money wasted on video games,cell phones, computers,etc....their all vices..some bad to the health and some bad to health and families.... what's ur vice? JUSTME:) and by the way, if i had to choose which vice ,it would be smoking!!!

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