Yes, and that's the way it SHOULD be. +5
Of course. There IS the celebrity factor that he can not escape, but there are lines. And he can draw a few more.
It should be but alas, everybody who is famous for any reason is fair game to journalists.
nope notoriety comes with, well, notoriety. if he wants to avoid bad publicity, he shouldn't behave badly
It should be. Unfortunately being a celebrity doesn't give you that option.
Irony alert: By having asked this question you have violated his privacy....
I think everyone's private life is their own business, until/unless they start displaying it in public.
Yes. Would you like your private life not to be?
It should be but not anymore.
Nope. He was happy to take the glory and adulation of being a celebrity before being outed. He can't have only the good and not the bad.
Not when he sells his "wholesome family man" image for 100 million dollars a year in endorsements. He opened himself up to the public and profited from his image. People have a right to know that they were scammed or deceived into buying something. If you don't want public scrutiny don't open your life up to the public for profit.
Yes. But the news has to make money somehow.
Sure, as soon as he stops trying to sell me stuff.
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