Thank you, Bob, for your ridiculous comic satire. I never knew I could look so good! In response to your rude and uneducated posts I would like to offer you some recommendations should you be open to them. 1) Treat people with respect. It's no surprise that the individuals who do not seek to better themselves or improve their position in life seek to pull everyone else down with them. That is the same reason you can put one crab in an open bucket and it escapes but put in more than one and you don't need to put a lid on it. They continue to pull each other down so that none of them escape. 2) Do actual research. When you are confronting someone you don't believe is correct it is always wise to have information at your fingertips that proves your position. Here is one site that might help you out: There are many others... You can input the word "mangosteen" and check out just the fruit. If you want to look at other things (green tea, aloe vera, minerals...) try searching them. You will find many sites and sources of information available to you via the web. 3) Educate yourself. In life there are people who poke fun at winners and there are winners. There are many "self-help" books and gurus out there who teach how to become the person that moves above and does not concern themselves with minutiae. You may or may not be interested, but some individuals who have had a major impact in my life are Bob Proctor, Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, John Milton Fogg, T. Harv Ecker, etc... The above recommendations are like a buffet - take what you want, leave what you don't. Vemma is a product that makes sense and can be found in the most prestigious directory in medical and naturopathic (natural doctors) use - The Physician's Desk Reference. Maybe you've had the privilege of knowing individuals whose lives have been changed since taking Vemma, and maybe you haven't. My advice to you is try it for yourself! You'll be glad you did! -Isaac
I have a different view of Vemma. My mother has had diabetesfor years and has been taking "traditional drugs" to lower her blood sugar. I let her try my vemma for a week and she had to stop taking the blood sugar medicine because Vemma lowered her sugar! So, she recommended it to another friend of hers who also has diabetes who takes insulin, it lowered hers as well.Both are living with diabetes but no longer have to take the "traditional drugs" that are needed to lower blood sugar (which is the main idea).Vemma is an all organic option for those who do not like the idea of constantly pumping their bodies with "man" chemically created drugs. I know the MLM may be annoying but Vemma is way more than juice. I dont sell the stuff but I buy it.
I find it amusing that the people on here who are recommending this product (the level 1 folks) have answered this question and no others. Can you say 'ringer?'
This Vemma drink business is an obvious scam.Bob Blaylock's got it right, it's not about the drink [appears to have good ingredients] so much as it is about the "claims" of the drink's sellers. Indeed, fantastical claims that drinking Verve will cure every ill under the sun. Yesterday I had a friend, a good friend at that, give me a hard pitch on this Vemma drink [Verve]. The Vemma friend made a number of declarations about Verve's healing power as to defy any semblance of rational belief. Quite honestly, I was insulted. This type of sales preposterousness is something you'd think would be relegated to the outer fringes of society. No chance. My friend tells me the Vemma sales force is legion! Well, PT Barnum was, of course, dead-on about suckers. The fact is plain as day there will never be a miracle drink cure. The human system is way too complex for cure-alls other than trying one's best to follow a healthy diet, exercising regularly and getting fairly lucky in the gene pool of life.
It's good. You should just give it a try. But changing your diet is a most important step that most people need as well. You can't rely on any 1 thing to make you healthy. It comes down to the entire picture of what you're doing and what you're eating (and what you're avoiding!). Vemma here -
One thing I can say it's not a scam it is over priced when you say scam you need to know what your talking about. You need to know what is the definition of the word scam? A ploy by someone to raise money con artist deceiving someone, also a lie.
I believe in it. I was having problems with memory and processing information. After testing I was put on an anti-depressent. I started to take Vemma and my symptoms disappeared. I asked the Dr to take me off of the anti-depressent and he did. Then I stopped Vemma because of the cost and started experiencing the same symptoms again. I restarted Vemma and I won't be stopping it again. It works so well I am going back to school to obtain my Masters degree in Education.
If you're looking for a mangosteen juice don't buy VEMMA. Nor if your looking for a multivitamin or mineral supplement. If you are in the market for all of these then this is an excellent product. VEMMA is definitely not a cure all or a substitute for medical attention but it is Vitamins, Essential Minerals, Mangosteen and Aloe and it tastes pretty good. Be speculative of anyone who is selling a cure for your ailment.
I have read everything on this blog. Bob I do need to say this because of your negativity. Since McDonalds has been around for what 50 or so years does that mean it has a better product then new discovered products? Hmmmm, something to ponder on.
yes it works nothing to loose try it you have 30 days money back garantee empty bottle si the best go to my vemma site you also can help others to make an extra income.
First of all if you want to sell this and think you are going to make money. Good Luck! The only people that will be making money are the ones on the very top. The people that started the business. You might make some along the way but not enough for all the time and effort that needs to be put towards this business. They tell you work from home, set your own hours. I work a full time job and would much rather be doing what i'm doing. Getting paid, health insurance, retirement and so on. My wife was interested in selling with the company and there is a big upfront cost plus when you go to any events you pay for everything, travel, hotel. Not worth it.
I have suffered from Psoriasis for over 15 years, tried topical medication, which did not work. The only medication that helped me was an oral drug called methotrexate, which destroys the liver. The only way I can take the drug was to have regular liver biopsies. I made the decision not to take the drug anymore. I would rather suffer with the itchiness and scaly condition. Then a friend of mine introduced my husband and me to the vemma, I had tried another vitamin manufacturer who CLAIMED it would take care of it (at $120 a month). It failed miserably. I was skeptical because of previous experience, but my husband said we should try it, and took a picture of my forehead for comparison. After drinking my shot in the morning I took the residue that was on the glass and put it on my forehead and eyebrows in three weeks you can see the difference. I am sold I know that it will take a while longer to help with my severe areas and they are starting to lighten also.
ok . the turth is that as our body requires the food for it functions, so as the cells need trhe food in form of vital inorganic and organic form. this has the abuntand source of these things and the body releated problems are caused by the lack of these forms,this is an unike form of product in which ,the things works. the problem of stomach flushing was problem had tried various products but coastly and this unike product helped me and side by side curied other releated problems
As far as I can tell, a lot and I mean A LOT of you really need to learn to utilize SPELL CHECK, your points would be taken a lot more seriously if your comments were not riddled with bad grammar and misspelled words! As far as the product Vemma goes, I have no amount of evidence that ANY product does any and all it is claimed to, do you? The fact is no one single product works for everyone. Those of you who cry out “scam” or called Vemma simply “fruit juice” really need to research, before you speak. The benefits of so many vitamins and minerals packed into a package so small, compared to the amounts of food you would have to consume to gain the same amount, is amazing on its own! I am not selling this product, nor am I endorsing it in any way. However, I do know I am not “dogging” a product without knowing what it is. Oh, and, I am using spell check!
Okay, I'm not sure why everyone is so torn up about a supplement. I'm a vegan and as I don't eat any animal products, I lack several nutrients like vitamins B6 and B12- also vitamin D and iron. I've been vegan for almost a year and the first several months were terrible. I had low energy and was finding it hard to get all the nutrients I needed from soy, fruit, veg, lentils, beans, etc.. with my busy life style. I added Vemma to the equation (not due to any pressure by a salesperson, but honest curiosity) and it works like a charm! In fact, I notice days when I forget to take it. I feel drained and foggy. Oh, by the way, I only take a half a dose a day (because I do eat so many nutrient rich foods). I love this product, and I'll be using it until someone confirms that it's rubbish, because my body tells me it's fab!
Why dont you go check it out and tell us. If you listen to us, we will lead you to a cliff and you will still know nothing because you dont do it your self.
My son had a bad case of warts on his left hand for over 5 years. We had them surgically removed by a medical doctor in October, 2008, and they returned less than a month later - worse than before. My husband was introduced to Vemma in December, and our family immediately took to the product. Our son drank Verve, which is the energy version with all the goodness of the Vemma product in each can. Today there is not one single trace of warts on his hand today. The medical profession completely failed; Vemma eliminated the warts. It may not be for everyone, but for us it's the answer I've been looking for in a supplement that gives my boys everything they need on a daily basis in a form they actually enjoy. I couldn't be more grateful for Vemma.
Well, I am about as skeptical as they come and I can assure you it is awesome! A friend of mine simply gave me a months supply (2 premixed bottles) and said try it! So, I did and while it hasn't exactly cured my numerous ailments, several of them are way better now. I have had IBS for the past few years and I haven't had a single issue with it since about day 4. I also have FMS which is still an issue, but it is still better than it was by far. Try it, I am sure you won't be sorry.
I am using vemma and I've found that it has made a big difference in the way I feel. I don't need naps in the middle of the day anymore and I've seen a big difference in my hair and skin. I don't if its a scam or not, I just know it has made a big difference for me and I will continue to use it. Oh, and did I tell you, I'm a cancer survivor?
I started taking vemma about 2 months ago. I am in my 50's and never took vitamins because I have a terrible time swallowing a pill. I was so happy to find a liquid supplement that actually taste great. I love the taste. Wish I could drink a whole glass everyday. I have suffered every night for about 2 years with my hip and leg aching. It actually felt like my bone was cramping. My Mom and my sister suffer from the same thing. After being on the vemma for 3 days my leg stopped hurting and has not hurt since. I told my mom and sister and ordered them a bottle. They have had the same results. Also more energy, better elimination and better sleep at night. I don't feel tired when I wake up now. I have now have friends that are taking it and have had great relief from allergies & irratible bowel sindrome. It has also helped my friends little boy with ADHA. My dad is taking it and his dymensia is clearing up and he is diabetic and his blood sugar is lower than it has been in 20 years. Say what you want about it being a scam and people selling it. I call it sharing. If I know it works and I feel better taking it, I can't help but tell my friends about it, because I want them to feel better too. The company has a money back guarantee. If you take it for one month and you don't like it, they will give you a refund. How can you get better than that? Try it and if it works you will feel better..if not get your money back. You have nothing to lose. It is not a scam. I simply share my story with other people. They make a up their own mind whether to try it or not and the company pays me for sharing it. I love it because I know for a fact that it worked for me!
all vitamins/supplements help improve our health & well being.-tats why tey r call-SUPPLEMENTS.. many mlm companies..sell a range of supplements.. only t BETTER supplements r listed in tis INDEPENDENT guide book-PHYSICIAN DESK REFERENCE-supplements edition. used by 350,000 health practitioners. supplements come in 3 form-tablet,capsule & liquid. t poorest quality is tablet.. email me for more info..
Actually Vemma really does work. So you people don't need to be saying anything unless you have tried it.
The level of biased scam spam on this astounds me especially from all the Vemma lemmings trying to sell their product and posting their MLM website. Of course the company doesn't make legal claims to any cure but they make suggestions to MLM members then let them spread their biased lies to sell drinks To the guy who claims it took cure of his mother's diabetes I LOL'd so hard my stomach hurt especially considering fruit juices RAISE your blood sugar regardless if you are diabetic or not. And OMG.. The poster that wipes the residue on their skin condition you need mental help and curing ADHD.. All these are ancedotal, sales driven claims by blatant Vemma MLM members. Caveat Emptor. To the "vegan" who had low energy. I am a flexitarian and I have friends who have been strict vegans for years. They do not suffer from low energy or vitamin deficiencies because experienced vegans know how and what to eat to get everything they need from fruits and vegetables. On average they have MORE energy then their meat eating friends. FURTHERMORE, Fluoride is a listed ingredient in Vemma which we are now finding has more detrimental health benefits than good. Vemma = overpriced juice. There is NO such thing as a cure all. A greater majority of American health problems due to lack of proper nutrition because of our poor processed food diets. I eat 90/10 (90% veggies and 10% meat - most of which is fish) and over time my minor medical ailments and body weight have improved dramatically. Anyone who thinks they can continue to get away with putting crap in their body and then chase it with super juice is ignorant of basic nutrition. This is like not properly maintaining your car and throwing a bottle of engine restore in it every month. You engine might run better for a few days but it will eventually catch up to you.
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