• Only when they are holding a gun. Otherwise, I would whip their a$$.
  • depends on who it is... but in retiliation i usually ignore them, and it gets to them much more than if i actually did something to them or treated them badly in return. this is a case where less is more i guess... many people get green knowing they are not that important in your priorities list to warrant any reaction to what they did to you.
  • Not anymore. I won't stand and argue about it...I will walk away, and continue on with my life. I've taken enough bull...I'm too old for that shit!
  • I use too, but i learned too put my foot down. +5
  • Never.
  • I used to, but I don't take crap from anyone now unless it's justified.
  • Once. Then I leave. Happy Sunday! :) ((hugs))
  • I did for a number of years but only because she was the mother of my child and a bit of a psycho drama queen who thought it was perfectly normal to nail me in the head or face with whatever she could pick up. She learned early on that I won't raise my hand to a woman. +4
  • On the surface, yes because she's my employer. But I know that I really run things so I let her enjoy her shallow victory.
  • It is very seldom that I shoot anyone anymore - mostly I seldom perceive that it is so as if they have no respect for me I have no concern towards them. I have no idea if this is reference to mental or physical - the emotioal issue I responded to. If physical I may have to find my old flint lock but more likely would just vacate the area - the law protects the jerk as well as the sane and I would not care to spend time behind bars just to do society a favour. +5
  • Yes, I have. Doesn't everybody? The more I love someone, the more I let them get away with stuff. Or if they have a mental illness, I tend to be more understanding and forgiving. I am probably codependent as well. I would never let someone continue being physically abusive, however. And emotionally, I will stand up for myself if I feel they are violating my dignity or respect.
  • No, they will know I am not pleased.+5
  • I call them on all depends on the whole scheme of things that brings the bad treatment on.
  • A snide remark here or there does little to upset me any more than a differing opinion or someone having an off day. An ongoing campaign against me will bring an onslaught against YOU. +5
  • Not unless there's some very good reason for it, no.
  • I would let them know in very subtle ways that I have a grievance with them. I wouldn't just let the matter go away all by itself by doing nothing.
  • If "badly" here means having your (what you thought quasi-hardened) heart wrenched from your chest while still beating, held aloft to ensure a great view to every friend and colleague in the state, then tossed aside like a spent wine bottle, smashing *hard* onto the jagged rocks of the cold, damp shore of existential vacuum, well, I suppose. (!) ;-)
  • don't let people have the oppertunity and always remember cause not everybody else does
  • Yup. I'd prefer not to, but I'm not a very confrontational or aggressive person. I am in fact quite passive in many situations.
  • I used to, nobody walks over this moon now....the ones that tried to make me weak have made me stronger, the ones that made me strong are the grounds that I build on.
  • Too often, I'm afraid. Still it's better than having on your conscience that you treated someone else badly.
  • No. What I do depends on whether they are stupid or whether they are foolish.
  • I'll usually give a 2nd chance, but rarely a 3rd.
  • +5 not anymore.

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