Arts β†’ Art β†’ Art techniques
  • Just about every school around you offer adult evening classes. What you're looking for is "beginning art."
  • A good drafting class at a local community college is a good starting point. That will teach you about perspective, proportion, etc. +5
  • Get a copy of The elements of drawing by John Ruskin, and work through the exercises he presents. By the time you have worked through the book you will have acquired the necessary skills to develop your drawing talent for yourself, though, of course, nothing beats a good drawing-master.
  • One very famous book is called "Learn to draw:drawing from the right side of the brain".It is a good book in order to learn.
  • Naturally, we all have an artistic talent, we are born with it. Unfortunately at the age of 10-12 other things in life become more important, and we stop developing it further. - See also my comment to Answer 1 Good question :)
  • pencil and paper. no eraser. draw your hand. the other hand. let your eye be the tip of the pencil. move your pencil hand in coordination with your eye. draw what you see. let your eye follow the contour of your hand, see the lines in your palm. bend your fingers to your palm, see the lines your finger nails make. see the relationship to the length of the fingers. Do several drawings. save them and show them to your next teacher. draw buildings the same way. draw a parked car. keep a pad of paper and a clip board in your car. draw what you see.
  • i did this one in a coffee shop with a bic black ink pen and journal paper.
  • its easy. some people tell me that they can't even draw a straight line. for me its talent, but i would suggest that you look at a book about basic drawing and try some of the exercises, like drawing an object (a still life) and then add shading for detail. i think we all have artistic ability, for me its really about being observant and focusing on an object and putting it on paper.

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