• I'm not one, but is this a veiled attck against Mormons??
  • I think they have unhealthy sexual needs and should try to re-consider these actions. +6pts =)
  • I've never encountered anyone who condones incest. Are there people out there who do?
  • Dysfunctional. No one would initiate a little child especially in today's society where everyone is aware and horrified, into a dependancy on dysfunctional sex just to pleasure said adult. That is the opposite of love and is crimanally insane.
  • Who condones it?
  • sometimes it's out of geographic advantage and sometimes religious doctrine. in the end, neither approach works out for long, huh? one or two generations and you're stuck with genetic mutations that dr. frankenstein would have admired. best to leave all forms of incest (even of pets) completely alone.
  • 1) I think that incest is quite a bad idea, but I would not see it as a crime if it happens between two consenting adults. I am definitely against it if it is combined with child abuse. It is also the position of the law in some countries. Further information: 2) I have nothing against people with a similar position as mine. And I would certainly not support child abusers, or those who support them: I think those children must be helped.
  • While I am very much against it, I could possibly tolerate them having some occasional casual consensual sex together IF they live in a remote place with no other sex partners nearby ... I am, however, very much against them having children together and would very highly recommend that they go looking for a more suitable mate elsewhere ...
  • I would be inclined to think that they had serious mental health issues, probably related to their childhood & upbringing.
  • They haven't considered the implications of their position. First, there is an increased risk of genetic defects in children. Second, incest would split the family asunder if the couple broke up, because relatives would take sides. Furthermore, the two people wouldn't be able to avoid each other. It can be hard enough to avoid one's ex as is. Why introduce the added complication of having to see him/her at every family gathering?
  • There are people like that? Science tells us that it's not a good idea. There are perverts of all kinds, though!
  • I didn't think that there were that many people who condoned incest other than a few sickos. Isn't the general population against this behavior? I think anyone that supports it is missing a few morality chips in their brain.
  • Must be Liberally influenced
  • I think they're being very sensible. Insects are important for pollinating fruit trees, vegetables, and flowers... oh. (never mind...)
    • mushroom
      No, Emily, not "insects" ... "incest." Oh, that's very different! Never mind!
  • They're so redneck they're related to themselves.
  • They must be very open minded and unswayed by societies beliefs.
  • Its an epedemic around the world...Why is that? When we know its morally wrong..I really feel is a primal animalistic urge...If you start googling incest around the world look at the statistics, it's more widespread than we know...
  • They're real motherf***ers.
  • About the same amount of time goes into thinking about people who condone incest, as thinking about people who enjoy turkey sandwiches. Not much. Whatever. I guess I approve of the non-judgmental...ness of that position? (Unless by incest you mean cross-generational, abusive, coercive stuff. I'm assuming you mean people who don't have a problem with first cousins marrying, that sort of thing.)
  • People are entitled to there own opinion!!!
  • dont ask dont tell.
  • If there's no abuse of any kind invovled then I guess it's alright. You can't control who you fall in love with. I don't support it but if they're really in love with their sister/brother/cousin, I'm not going to shun them.
  • -.- Sorry, this was suppose to be a comment. Ignore.
  • Usually are the same people involved in it. Similar to people who condone prostitution or theft.
  • If you take into account the Biblical beginnings the world was populated twice through incest. In most cases today it is only necessary to go back 3 to 4 generations in any family there was 1st cousin marriage and not to many generations before that most families had incest. The main problem with incest today is the stigma from society and the myths that have come about. Incest today becomes a problem after the 3rd direct generation and increases rapidly as to defects in the body. In some societies today incest is so common it is no longer prosecuted in the courts. I read about a year ago incest in japan is almost 100% between mother and son and over 80% for father daughter and sibling. With the contraceptives available today pregnancy from incest is practically non-existent. Incest is much more condoned that it was even 20 years ago.
  • i think theyre right to condone it, cause if the girl gets pregnant then the baby can be deformed and its not fair to do that to an innocent baby
    • Thinker
      The chances of a "deformed" child from incest first generation is about 1% higher than completely unrelated parents which stands at about 1% to 1.5%. Problems begin at the third direct generation incest child and go up rapidly from there. If an incest child has children with someone not related the new child has no gene problems at all. Most of what you hear is myth.

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