• May I ask how old you are? People call me a loner too. I'm actually really shy in real life. I don't like socializing with people I don't know because I stay in my comfort zone. I think it's all about breaking your comfort zone. It's less of a "them" thing and more of a "you" thing. But there's nothing wrong with being a loner.
  • The loner part, yes. The people picking on you part, most likely no. Most folk grow out of the need to abuse each other - well at least openly. Folk will talk about you behind your back, if you do anything interesting. You choose to be a loner (Not a sin, not a bad thing) if you continue to make that same choice then yes you will be a loner.
  • Most likely you'll be less of a loner as you get older. Just keep trying to get out of your comfort zone as much as you can stand it and little by little you will become more social.
  • Best yrs in life are suppose to the ones in school; or so "they" say. At any rate once the learning is over you will not have to deal with those bullies or any others if you don't want to. You can simply walk/stay away from them. Just take with you what you need or want to and don't look back. People always change, it comes with experiences so I'd say chances for you are on the up side.
  • Look Pouncey, those people are assholes.. quit putting up with shit from people, act like you don't care and they'll come around!!
  • Not necessarily. I mean, you may remain antisocial, if it's in your nature -- you may even enjoy it, and there are definitely people in the world who are nice and interesting and non-asshole-ish.
  • Surely it cant be. People are stuiped sometimes and dont know when to stop they just keep going. There will be people in this world who will be like that for the rest of their life. But as you go you will find people who do when to stop and be a true friend. Dont worry things will change one day :)
  • If you look for an opportunity to be ignored or picked upon, they will come. You teach others how to treat you. Once you build confidence in yourself through any accomplishments you achieve . . . keep at it and the world will become a much friendlier place . . . if that's what you want.
  • In school, people have things to prove, a social order to maintain and stick to. Then things change when school ends and the bully has to head out on their own. Sure there are those that never outgrow their high school ways, but generally people don't pick on others as much because the consequences are bigger, and there is little to be gained from bullying (no group of like-minded immature friends to impress)
  • I know the feeling, it was the same for me until I started working after college. You start gaining some confidence and peope don't know you very much, you have a chance of starting anew. At my third job (where I still am after 6 years), I found GREAT people. With them I feel comfortable enough to try stuff and pass comments without feeling judged all th tie. Wh out the people I think I would still be a loner and vey shy. They have helped me grow adn they still do everyday. They have changed my life for the better and I know that I have influenced them also. They have become my very good friends not only my colleagues. Give yourself a chance and give life a chance, when you 'll meet those people that are great for you, you will see your life in a totally different way! Best of luck!
  • i was a complete loner in i am a little bit older and people are nicer...weird how that works..i guess people get older and mature up:) which is good.
  • yep, once a loner always a loner. you might meet another loner you like, then you two can be loners. its not a bad thing.
  • I Do not
  • I was teased when I was young. Then I exercised and practised martial arts. I joined the military. I became confident in life. I also studied hard because I didn't want to be picked on forever. Do what you can to better your life.
  • No one picks on me or teases me any more. we have all grown out of such things. I do not know where any of my once-tormentors are, nor do I care how their lives are going. I daresay they do not think of me either. Do not look back on what has gone, you have survived it, and the only harm it can do you now is if you dwell on that. So jump into whatever your interest or job is, just be yourself, and enjoy it as much as you can. The best revenge you can have over anyone who tormented you or torments you now is to ignore them. They will go away and find another target, and you will still be you. Get on with it ! Life is fun.
  • The trick is to find a place where you are wanted and needed for your skills. I wonder if you have ever been diagnosed with Asperger's. Children with this disorder tend to be bully targets because they just don't fit in and have a very different way of processing information than the rest of the world. One entrepreneur (don't remember where) has created a company where a significant percentage of his employees have Asperger's. Though in traditional settings they are often not understood, in the right setting, where their strengths are useful and their quirks understood and respected, they are happy and very productive employees. I think this guy uses them for computer coding, because typically Asperger's bestows an incredible memory and people with this syndrome are highly methodical. Whether or not you have something like Aspergers, adults tend to tolerate differences much more than kids do. Things will get better, but you may want to spend sometime really exploring and understanding your strengths and go work for someone who is seeking such strengths in order to be truly appreciated for who you are.

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