Liberal Democracy of Slovenia or LDS (Slovene: Liberalna demokracija Slovenije) is a liberal political party in Slovenia. It is led by Katarina Kresal and is a member of the Liberal International and the European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party. In 1990, the well-known Slovenian sociologist, philosopher and cultural critic Slavoj Γ Β½iΓ ΒΎek was the LDS' candidate for the Presidency of Slovenia (an auxiliary body of the President of the Republic, abolished in 1992). At the European Parliament election in 2004 LDS won 21.9% of the vote, which yielded 2 seats in the European Parliament out of Slovenia's allocation of 7. The LDS formed coalitions ruling the governments of Slovenia from 1992 to 2004, with an interruption for a few months in 2000. The first prime minister from LDS was Janez DrnovΕ‘ek, who became the President of Slovenia in 2002 and was succeeded by Anton Rop, former Minister of Finances. At the 2004 elections, the party suffered a considerable loss of votes. The Slovenian Democratic Party became the largest party, and the Liberal Democracy went into opposition. The party held 23 seats (22.8% votes) in the National Assembly until 2007, when 12 members resigned from the party. Following the defeat of 2004, the party suffered a severe internal crisis. In 2005, the Anton Rop resigned as president and was succeeded by Jelko Kacin. Two years later, a group led by Matej Lahovnik and former Secretary General of the Party, Gregor GolobiΓΒ, left the Liberal Democracy and founded a new political party, Zares. In the same year, several prominent members left the party and joined the Social Democrats, including the former prime minister Anton Rop. Following these events, Jelko Kacin resigned as president and was succeeded by Katarina Kresal. Following Kresal's election as president, several other prominent members, including former minister of health DuΕ‘an Keber, decided to leave the party. Before the 2008 elections they joined up with the later victorious Social Democrats and Zares to form an unofficial coalition. The Liberal Democracy of Slovenia is now the smallest parliamentary party in the country, its representation having dropped from 23 seats in 2004 to just five in 2008.
I don't know in what context you are referencing. One LDS is the Latter Day Saints, another name for the Mormon church.
That you're a dyslexic drug user? :p
Lets Do Sex? LDS
It is an abreviation for Latter-Day saint, or in other words someone who is a member of: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints aka the "Mormon church"
Take your pick: LDS Latter-day Saints (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) LDS Ladies LDS Lightweight Directory Services (windows programming) LDS Loans for Disadvantaged Students (US government; HRSA) LDS Liberal Democratic Party (Bosnia and Herzegovina) LDS Long Distance Service LDS Leak Detection System LDS Limited Data Set LDS Licentiate in Dental Surgery LDS Loeys-Dietz Syndrome LDS Local Digital Switch LDS Limited Discrepancy Search LDS Lightning Detection System LDS Labor Distribution System LDS Local Dive Shop LDS Lotus Discovery Server LDS Location Dependent Services (GSM cellular) LDS Leiden-Dwingeloo Survey LDS Loods (Dutch) LDS Lightweight Decontamination System LDS Leadership Development System LDS Learning Delivery System LDS Low Discrepancy Sequence LDS Linear Dataset (IBM, VSAM) LDS Load Demand Spindle LDS Left-Heart Delivery System (Medtronic Inc.) LDS Logical Data Store LDS Laser Detection System LDS Loral Defense Systems LDS Laus Deo Semper (Latin: Praise to God Always) LDS Logistics Data System LDS Lightguide Distribution Shelf (AT&T) LDS Layered Defense System LDS Local Digital Services LDS Laser Docking Sensor LDS Launch Detection Satellite LDS Lexington Discrimination System LDS Logic Development System LDS Local Data Services LDS Loan Data Sheet LDS Level Discrete Set LDS Lethal Defense System LDS Learning Disability Skills LDS Liberalno Demokratska Stranka Liberal Democratic Party, Slovenia) LDS Lockdown Sleeve (oil drilling) LDS Lightguide Distribution System (AT&T) LDS Low Dynamic Stiffness LDS Local Dissemination System
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