• I wrote a letter to my ex-boyfriend in the 8th grade. We dated for three years and I thought I loved him. It didn't help though. My brother found it and I ended up getting teased more than it was worth!
  • I once wrote a letter to my sister whom I was extremely angry with. It didn't feel like it was helping at first, so I wrote more and more. I think I ended up burning them. I hope anyway. If she ever found them IDK what would happen. I think it helped a little, but not all that much.
  • Yes I have. A person told me once it worked for them. I have done it especially when I was very angry. I just let it sit for 1-2 days. Then I re-read it. And then I wasn't as angry anymore and I tossed it! Worked for me.
  • yes it works very well for me. I kept one for a long time and read it recently, it seems so petty now but at the time it was all consuming.
  • I wrote a letter to my bf breaking up with him when i was still unsure if we should break up. Writing it all out really helped me sort out all the issues I'd been debating. Reading it over allowed me to confirm all the reasons i had were valid and that it was the right thing to do because if i felt this way then it really was the right thing to do. Also it kind of serves the same purpose as talking it over with a friend -except some things are too personal to say out loud so this works to clear things up in a similar fashion.
  • Yes, it always helps me feel better to get my feelings out on paper instead of keeping them bottled up inside. I usually write it, then seal it in an envelope and lock it up in a box or put it away somewhere where I won't look at it for awhile.
  • please delete
  • Yes and Yes definitely. And if the person had actually received it, I might have gotten really hurt.
  • All the time. I did it a lot after tough break ups and it really did help me out. It kept me from picking up the phone, calling my ex and sounding like a total psycho. I think I am even have some of those laying around somewhere. Its a great way to express yourself when you don't necessarily feel like talking to someone else.
  • yes because not only do you get to actually analyze your thought after you write it, but you give yourself time to think if you want that other person to know that information, and then (well to me)when i write when i am frustrated i feel like i am directly telling them and when i get done writing i feel like i have already said what i needed to and then i just decide to not give the note or letter to that person. plus if you want to keep it then you can go back later and relate to your thoughts if you write a date on it it always works for people seem to be better writers than speakers so you use more impressive words in such and it can give you a chance to make the things sound better than it seems especially if you tried writing a persuasive letter and ended up changing your own mind!!!
  • Yes, I used to write letters to my ex after he cheated on me. I never sent them, but I think it helped be through it, in a weird way.
  • Yes. I was doing an empirical research project that took many months and an enormous amount of my effort. At one point a professional group kindly permitted me to distribute a short opinionnaire at its meeting. People were gracious, but afterword one woman wrote me an insulting note saying "You should not expect people to do your research for you." I was enraged!! That creature had no IDEA how much work this project was. I wrote a letter in which I obliterated her with sarcasm, and I enjoyed it very much. Tore that one up and wrote a second one, but I was still fairly pissed. Tore that one up too. Then I wrote a neutral letter explaining what I was working on and why and of what use it might be. I thanked her for her participation. I sent that letter.
  • Yes I have but I would not say it made me feel any better. If they do not get to taste the poison I cannot see it helping my vitriolic mood. If it is a nice letter that I write, if they do not read what I have penned I do not feel any better, just putting the words on paper it frustrates me and I always think of better thinks to say when I have finished writing.
  • Oh my goodness I do it all the time. It clears my head and sometimes I'm glad I wrote it and didn't say it.
  • i write poetry [to or about the person or situation] and it always helps, if only a little.
  • Yes Ive written many letters and not sent them. For a split second the letter gives me some peace. Its nice to see all your thoughts written down.
  • Yes they are usually poetry notes that i get afraid to give away to that person
  • I have done that many times! And it does make me feel better, because even though they haven't seen what I wrote, it makes it easier for me to talk to them without sounding completely stupid... More often though, I write poetry about them, and get all casual trying to give it to them... Makes me get more embarrassed though!
  • I've done something like this... After we broke up I sent emails to her old email address. In fact I still send them. I don't think she'll ever see them. I guess I kind of hope she does and she remembers me. Sometimes it makes me feel better, but it may be detrimental in the long term.
  • I do it all the time. In fact, when I write emails at work, I write EXACTLY what I want to say, then re read it, delete the whole lot of it, then write it over, with a much cooler, calmer demeanor.
  • I've done this and it's been good therapy. I've written letters I knew I wasn't going to mail. The writings were helpful in sorting out details. When I begin to write, unrecognized emotions pop up. I write whatever comes to mind. Many times I'm surprised by what I've written. Seeing these thoughts and emotions in black and white helps to clarify.
  • Yeah! I do that quite often and yes it does make me feel better...but usually only for a little bit! It also helps me figure out what to say when I do talk to them about it though
  • I have done this and it has helped me. When I was a teenager I also wrote in a diary and then I would rip out and throw away the pages because I was afraid one of my brothers would read it. Even though some people might think that was crazy, my "diary" helped me deal with many issues.
  • Yes I have, many times, and Yes it does make you feel better. Psychologists will tell you to do this as a way of venting your anger. You can go back later and read what you wrote and see things you had completely dismissed. It's good therapy!
  • Yes and yes! LOL
  • i have for a class and it did make me feel alot better cuz you don't actually give to that person so you can blow up in it.....but if ya want to give it to the person you don't curse so like yeah so the person will actually finish reading it and not be so mad at you so like yeah
  • Yes and yes. It helps to see what you can identify when it has a physical presence about your feelings-ie looking at them on paper. It helps you focus on what is REALLY on your mind and also gets rid of some of those 'negative waves'...
  • DEFINATELY - i know i seem to be alot better on paper then i am verbally. I have written down my thoughts, and even given them to the person face to face so we can later discuss what i had to say/write. This helped me get alot of stuff out that i could not say. best of luck
  • Yes and I had the full attention of having a friend give the letter to her. He kept forgetting to and eventually I was over her enough to not care whether or not she ever got it
  • yes... i wrote a letter to my girl and was getting ready to send it when she called me to tell me she cheated on me... i never sent it. we are still together, and i might eventually give it to her, but i couldnt do it at that point in time. felt pretty bad about it.
  • Yes I got a letter from my daughter-in-law that was a bunch of lies and accusations and it hurt me so so deeply.....I wanted to call her and let her have it...but I cried and talked about it for days with my husband....I finally sat down one day and wrote and wrote and wrote till the wee hours of the morning....I think it was about 15 pages long.....I asked my husband the next day if I should go ahead and mail it to her....he told me that is exactly what she wants from you...a reaction.....I would put it in a drawer and did not mail it.....I have it still but have never reread it....but now I am seeing that she is now reaping the benefits of her ugliness without me even doing anything.....her behaviour has caught up with her and my son now sees her for who she really is and I didn't have to even tell her myself with the chance of my son getting angry at me and disowning me. It was theraputic for me and I felt a relief just getting my feeling out even though it was just on paper and she never got it....the thing with words whether spoke or written on paper once you give it to the person or say it outloud you can't take it just let GOD handle it and in time the truth will come out....
  • yes it does! It's like pouring all the negative out of your heart and leaving more room for something positive...
  • I have notebooks full. If I really ever sent one of those venting letters.... I know it could destroy the person. I write when I am mad, or when I am dissappoined. Often the letter-writing helps me express how I feel at the height of my anger and seeing it all helps me evaluate the situation better so I can approach that person and reach resoloution without just attacking them. I think it out, analyze the situation, and evaluate everything before I speak. It does help, I can think more clearly when I get it all out on paper.
  • yeah I have...alot. I always write them but never give them to him. I dont know why but I think the next letter I will try,..Wish me luck! :)
  • yes it makes u feel soo muchh better.. n if it doesnt make u get over it.. than read it to a good friend it helps

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