I think I'm the shit
i'm quite possibly the biggest procrastinator on the planet. i also have a really hard time expressing my feelings, and i'm a people pleaser...because of this, i get stepped on a lot!
Using archaic terminology to describe things.
Kryptonite, dang my glowing-green harmatia...
My very existence is constructed upon flaws. However, unlike everyone else, at least I don't deny it.
I'm a fat fatty.
Being too permissive and too easily persuaded to do things I don't really want to do. People and my cats take advantage of that weakness.
i never seem satisfied
I believe people too easily.. i'm not gullible, but I do buy emotional bull quite often.
Butting into others conversations......
Spending to much time on here sometimes lol.................................................................but as a person one is that I find it hard to get motivated, for those things that need doing because they are not the things I like doing!
I don't trust anyone. Including myself.
Moving Violation
Excellent April 25 2022
I answer too many questions.
I've got tigolbitties. Dammit.
Misinterpreting people's intentions.
I am flawless ;)
My eyes aren't properly "aligned." +5
i don't seem to let things that piss me off go...
I think that I am over 9000 times better at everything than I really am.
i'm not as assertive as i should be.
I am to good natured despite that I trust no one.
Moving Violation
Excellent April25 2022
Apparently, what I consider one of my main strengths, many others (particularly annoying family members) consider to be a major flaw: I know when to say "I don't know" - I don't believe in empty rhetoric, or unjustified chauvanism. If I don't know something, I believe it is better to point a person in the RIGHT direction instead of giving them the WRONG answer myself. "Only a fool knows everything. A wise man knows how little he knows."
I lie too much and I can't stop myself.
I expect things to be done promptly or at least in a timely manner. Personally, I don't think that is a flaw, but people around me all seem to like to put stuff off hoping it wil go away.
Regardless of how I try not to. If triggered by a movie, I cry! It doesn't take much to make me cry!
I worry about things far too much.
Being human
Caring way too much about people than is healthy.
I have a flaw???? (lol)
I think too much.
I tend to get too familiar w/ people right off the bat, I'm not trying to intrude, but it's just the way I speak. It alternately helps and turns off, me and other people.
is it possible for me to have more flaws than i have characteristics?
My Hormones are out of control! :(
crooked teeth
One of my flaws is the song Swanee by George Gershwin (for piano solo). I can't play it as fast as I'd like to.
I make bad mistakes...i have a flawed track record.
I'm a workaholic.
None that I know of. 😀
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