• As far as I know, this behavior is caused by the animal not defecating properly. He/she did not "pinch" (for lack of a better word) all of the excrement entirely. If you have a dachshund, this behavior is strongly discouraged because it will hurt their backs. The only other reason I could think of is because it itches, and he has no other method of scratching it.
  • also there is a type of parasidic worm that some dogs are infected with your vet could tell you more but these worms cause that itching around the anal area .
  • Dogs may some times have an itchy rear... but in that case they attempt to turn around and chew on it. This is either a sign of clogged anal glands (if it is a small dog) or most likely worms (hook, round or whip worms) ...either way this dog should be examined and treated by the vet.
  • It's because it has worms
  • dogs have glands near their butt that may get plugged. It needs to be seen by a vet to remove the "stuff" by squeezing the gland A very quick procedure that should not require a stay. My dog has been treated twice in six years for that.
  • There Could be a possibility that your pet may have worms, you may want to go to your local store and you may find a few products that will take care of this problem. Also, you may want to check excretions for worms, which will look something similar to white larve. The medication is syrupy in substance and can be poured over your pets food, do this everyday and the problem will take care of itself in a matter of a few days. Hope that helped ^^
  • Anal glands are swollen! To remedy: 1) get a pair of gloves 2) put the gloves on 3)Lube your pointer finger 4) Insert Anal glands are located at the 10 and 2 position (much like driving a car). If you feel a large lump, Call your Vet. Also feel bad for your dog because you just violated him/her. You could try squeezing the glands, much like a zit.
  • Generally, this is a sign that the dog needs to have the anal glands expressed. This is a rather stinky job and can be stressful for both dog and owner. You have to apply pressure to each side of the dog's anus, firmly enough to cause the glands on either side to expel the feces and possible liquid that has been retained there. The first time is best done by your Vet, even if you are willing to do it yourself at home should it be a problem in the future. Watching how much pressure, where and how as your Vet does it can build your confidence and also help you see exactly what should happen. Of course, you'll also find out how stinky it can be and make an overall informed decision if you do want to "do it yourself" should the need arise. Ideally, if your dog is not elderly and appears to be in reasonable good health, this should rarely be a problem. Look to the quality of FOOD you are feeding (semi-moist foods contribute to this problem a lot!), provide MORE exercise for your dog (overweight dogs frequently may have this problem) and be sure your dog has access to CLEAN, FRESH drinking water. While having worms COULD result in perhaps having an itchy bottom, you can easily take in a SMALL (a table spoon or one turd is MORE than enough) fecal sample to your Vet and have them test it, if this is a concern. Tape worms look like bits of moving rice, while many other types of worms can not be seen at all with the naked eye. A lethargic dog, dry coat, bloated stomach, eating a lot but looks thin, suddenly coughing when playing or running, runny stools...are all other signs that often are a red flag to check for worms. IF you have fleas, you likely will also have Tape worms which come from the dog swallowing a preg. female flea while biting the itchy buggers.
  • ok well i have checked every stool he has produced and he does not have worms....i also have him groomed monthly and they squeeze his anal glands each any other ideas
  • Trying to write his name? Actually he either has worms or he needs his anal glands expressed. Take him to the vet.
  • Usually caused by worms. Get him medication.
  • my dog is basically known for that hah we took him to a vet and yes squeezed his anal glands. The dogs butt my get very raw depending on where he/she does it. If raw and a little bloody or pink looking go to a vet and they will perscribe a cream to putt on the dogs behind and it helps. My dog was great after that.
  • either anal glands or it's opinion of your carpet.
  • I think they do that to "clean the area".
  • He either has worms or he needs to have his anal glands emptied. Take him to a vet.
  • Have you ever not scratched an itch? I think it can be the glands or worms or just plain needing a rub down.
  • Have you ever not scratched an itch? I think it can be the glands or worms or just plain needing a rub down.
  • It could be a number of things: worms dingleberries anal glands need to be emptied itching from fleas
  • its butt is probably itchy lol imagine a dog doin that dragging its butt all over the floor! LOL! or fleas r biting his butt. LOL!!!
  • My cat just did the same thing 10 minutes ago.
  • It can be a sign of the animal having a worm infestation. Give the dog worming medication
  • Because he lacks thumbs therefore he can't use toilet paper and his butt probably itches sometimes...just like a persons.
  • Because his butt probably itches.
  • watch this click on this
  • Cleainng your carpet me thinks. LoL
  • Thats hilarious when dogs do that! Its because they have an itchy butt. To stop this behaviour install wooden flooring, the friction will make the dog think twice about it then. SQUUUUUEEEEEEEEEK WWWWUUUUFF OOOOOOWW!!!
  • Your out of toilet paper?
  • LOL My dog does that too. We don't have a carpet though. Here are some of my theories: - the dog's butt is ithcy - it's their way of cleaning their butt - they usually do that after they poop
  • He's just marking a trail so he dosen't get lost on his way back. Or another possibility, he's warming up someone's lunch.
  • She's warming up her mates lunch!
  • your dog might have worms or it might have an itch spot under the tail. but it could also be an infection
  • If your dog is a female then it may be a sign that her anal glands may need doing. If so then take her to the vets to have a look. If not then your dog may have worms. Also see the vet
  • from experience of owning two dogs, definitely the anal sacs need to be squeezed. You can do this yourself or your vet can carry it out.
  • dogs normal do it when they have worms but sometimes they just have a itch
  • when was the last time you saw a dog wipe its ass with paper
  • Try to get rid of the sh*tty skid marks on your carpet?
  • a. the dog is leaving a scent saying this house is his, and all intruders better get the Hello out. b. his butt could be itchy, so that is one way to clean his butt by wipeing it on the carpet.
  • Usually because they have worms and that causes their butt to itch.
  • Usually by eating something unsanitary, but I'm not an expert on worm infection.
  • she might have worms or allergies,have your dog see the vet someday if keeps happening.:)
  • Her anus is itching. This can be caused by a lot of things, but it's generally worms.
  • either worm or fleas.

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