• Its because life continues after death. I'm not religious at all, but I recognize this. So my advice to you is to work through the shit times and start doing things that make you happy. The goal of this life is two things to me, doing all that I want in this life to make my time here enjoyable and rewarding, and allowing my soul to grow in the ways I desire so that in the next life, I will have an upper hand. We will come back here again, maybe somewhere else instead. If you kill yourself, your soul will depart and you will not have made the best with what you could in this life. It would be a waste of an opportunity. You will have not progressed. The next life would probably start out where you left off, so its best to work through the bullshit and find peace and happiness now. Things get better. I've been to the point of wanting to die, and then months later, loved life completely and been totally motivated to achieve my goals. Its like a spell, you just need to get over it. It can be hard, but hopefully not too hard. It may even be much easier than you expect. The one thing that kept me alive when I was depressed was thinking about how unfair it would be to the people who cared about me if I killed myself. So I worked through the rough times and I am now on my way to living my dream. Good luck.
  • Well falling in love, there is no greater thing. The old saying its better to have loved and lost then to not loved at all, its true, love lifts you up to places you didnt know even existed, this is just 1 thing. The love of a child that looks up to you and thinks more of you then the whole world, this is something let me tell you. What you need to think of is not who you would hurt right now by killing yourself, but what your depriving yourself of later in life, there is so much, so many reasons to live.
  • You won't know the good reasons to live until you pass through adolescence, most likely. You're in a very tough period -- it's tough for everyone, but some have an even tougher time than the rest... hopelessness, self-loathing, despair. This is almost surely temporary, the odds are excellent that you'll pull out of your depression and find plenty to live for. But, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, that's it's main downside.
  • In my opinion, suicide is a permanent solution to what almost certainly is a temporary problem. I realize this sounds cliché, but it doesn't make it any less true. I don't know what your situation is, but if it is that bad, then surely there's nowhere to go but up. I do understand that you might not be able to see it this way, but if you hold on then there is always a chance that your lot in life will improve. If you "check out" then there is no chance for improvement. I truly hope this helps.
  • Have you told your parents? Do you love anyone? Don't do this to them. Call this number and talk to someone. They can help you get help locally. Walk into any emergency room for help honey. Call this number. 1-800-273 TALK
  • Stop being so freaking selfish. The world does not revolve around you.
  • You get one life, thats it, theres no afterlife, no spirt world, nothing, so dont waste the one chance you've got to be something, whether that something be totally irrelevant to everyone and everything, just remember, anything is better than nothing. But if you want to throw the towel in, thats ok, there are hundreds of other people in the same situation as you right now. Im only 2 years older than you, i recently went through a very similar situation as you, however, i was diagnosed with major Depression in January of this year, which made the situation alot worse. I know how you feel.
  • I won't bs you. There are a lot of pretty bad things about life. That isn't a reason to give up though... Someone I love very much is dying now. Nothing can be done anymore. She isn't much older than you. I just read her your question and she asked me to tell you to "please live!"
  • Look, you are a victim of your hormones. Everything seems so intense and absolute. Trust me, nothing is absolute. Lay on a bed, in a dark room, and think of absolutely nothing. That's what it is like to be dead. Emotion is the opposite of dead. Thought is the opposite of dead. Do you really want to be dead? With so many people running around there has to be something going for life. Try it - one day at a time. Today might be a bad day but tomorrow might be better. But you have to be around tomorrow in order to find out. Aren't you curious?
  • Less than a year ago, I could never understand how anyone could ever contemplate suicide. When i walked in on my wife in bed with my friend, i Still didn't. It was the following morning when i woke up alone and depressed and needed someone to talk to about it, and i realised that she was at his place, that was when i thought about driving my car into a truck. The fact that I'd had my first suicidal thought scared me so much that i pulled over and fell asleep in the back of the car. All i can say mate, is that i know things are tough, things will get tougher, things will also get better. It's life. It's full of ups and downs, and many people use things like drugs, alcohol and suicide as a way to escape. But escaping from something means it's still there, and you have let it win. There are MANY things that are in your control. Take control of those things. The things you can't change, take them onboard as fact, and don't let yourself get upset about them. You have the power to change the shit parts in your life. (sounds dramatic doesn't it :P ) See it like a challange. So now it's thrown THIS at me, i can deal with this, what's the best way? Ask people for help if required. Many people are willing to help, even complete strangers... You CAN get through this. My thoughts are with you.
  • A very very simple answer is this: there is a small chance your life will get worse, BUT even if that were the case, things always have potential to get better as well. You have to tough it out, but if you can do that, things will work out. Being a teenager is really rough. When I was your age I often contemplated suicide myself. I, too, had more bad than good in my life. But things did get better after some really trying times. And I'm happy now - not terribly long afterward. What you need is courage. I have a feeling you may need someone to communicate with about what is going on in your life. Maybe just to talk to, to vent to, or to get advice from? If you'd like, you can contact me at evanssl at (where the "at" is really an @ and there are no spaces) I'm always willing to lend a non-judgmental ear to someone in a tough situation, so please, don't hesitate to contact me if you want to talk to someone <3
  • I'm sorry that you're having a rough time. The hope is that the bad things in your life outweigh the bad... ONLY IN THIS MOMENT IN TIME. If we're lucky, we can look forward to a long, good life. This present time may wind up being only a blip on the radar of your life. I hear that you're in pain, and I'm old enough to be your mom and what I want to tell you is that you should find someone to confide in about the bad things in your life, and have hope that there is good on the horizon. In just a few more years you will be 18, and able to make more of your own decisions. I was a mess when I was 15 and I have a wonderful life now.
  • You are very YOUNg and haven't even began to LIVE your life yet ... ! Life is not a bed of roses for most of us ... it is usually a daily strugle just to pay the rent/mortgage and put food on the table anymore .... However; that is what life is .... to take your life would be to cause great emotional harm to those who love you ; and let me assure that there are those who do .... To take your life is to miss out on showing all those who thin k that you won't be anything ; that you WILL succeeed and overcome depression and opression .. to make something out of yourself .... I went thru a similar thing at your age due to my father always telling me that I'd never ammount to anything .. I showed HIM !! YOU are a Human Being .. Valuable to this world ... reconize that and become a productive member of society ... Be What YOU want to be ... Follow those dreams ... and best of luck to you ! +5
  • There are so many problems in the world right now, and there are lots of people who (unwittingly) make these problems because they aren't cautious about their interactions with other people. Life can be painful, but all real interaction in life comes from other people. People don't always want to interact with other people at all times, and so they will put up defenses that usually give them an advantage: mocking, insulting, etc, because they are insecure about themselves and therefore forget about other people. Beyond this, anguish for loss is part of life and indicates a strong love for whatever is gone. Any sort of emotion indicates a connection between people. Remember that any human being will give help when they can and that I'm answering this question because I care about whoever might be asking this question.
  • I think you first have to list all the bad things in your life and really look at them. Think about what makes them bad, is it because they make no sense to you? Figure out the reasons. Its no use denying that there are bad things out there. At best the universe is indifferent. Life is what you make of it. The reason it's so challenging is because it would be boring as shite if it wasn't. I'd enjoy the free drugs your brain is providing you with and kick back and be moody and argumentative. Be a right royal pain in the ass and enjoy the time you have. You only get one chance at it.
  • Your life will improve as you grow up and learn how to handle thinks better. Teenage Years are difficult. You should have someone to speak with. Does your School offer counseling? Why do you feel this way? All life is precious.
  • we all die, i'm planning on killing myself when i'm 50 or something. dying isn't a big deal, i think it's overated... sometimes it takes a near death experience to teach the person that death is pretty scary. so idk, only you can help you. just repent from your sins before you do it.
  • Look am sure i wont be as much help as other but trust me on this i was in your shoes once my parents always fighting,yelling at me,always get picked on, having mental problems that won't let me live my life normal,someone trying to kill me at 1 year old and my big bother giving his life up to save me,and a lot more i have tried to kill myself over 23 times but love has stopped me so find whatever good thing you can rather it be love like me or anything else and hold on to it and never let go because only you need is one reason to live one reason to be and you can make it though anything.
  • waking up tomorrow, knowing you didnt throw in the are have no idea if you will be the next tesla, einstien, frost, monet, or the one person to reach out to a person who is considering suicide themselves...i too, struggled with horrible situations in my youth, not "he didnt call" or "they hate me" but incest, emotional abuse, and gross neglect..i am 33 now, i struggle, boy do i struggle, but as i get older, i begin to understand that my life is for me, and no one elses to dictate.. and i tell you with conviction, what you are enduring now, will help lead you to better desicions that will prepare you to cope with what lifwe throws at you..please contact me, i am not a social worker, but i am a good friend
  • please read this we don't want you to die.
  • There are those who love you in this world and support you. You're probably going through a difficult time in your life. Just hang in there, find what's good in your life and focus on that. The teenage years can be a very tough time (I am 16), but ahead of you may be some of the happiest times you will ever know. I'm very sorry about your hard times in life.
  • I'm not going to directly answer the question, as it's been quite lengthly discussed in other answers, but there are a couple things I wanna bring up 1) Suicide is easy. So too, infact, is living. To kill yourself all you need to do is stop eating and drinking for 3 days. Can't think of much that is easier. To live, all you need to do is continue breathing, eating, and drinking. As people pointed out, life fluctuates so readily. It sounds very cheesey, and for a massive cynic like me to say it, it should be worth something, but life is made out of moments. Things aren't all THAT great for me at the minute (not going badly, by any measure, but not outstandingly well) but I've still had some amazing moments in the last few weeks... Spending time with people, feeling the magic of a moment, just appreciating beauty in nature around you, all fantastic stuff.
  • when i was 14 i attempted suicide about 4 times. it was probably the most stupid thing i could have ever tried. i look at the scars on my body and feel ashamed. i realized how much i have to live for, and how much people look up to me. (even though it seems like nobody could give a shit if you live or die) talk to your parents and get on an anti-depressant. talk to the people you trust. talk to anyone! find something that gives you joy and do it as much as you can. do something new and exciting that you always wanted to try. do you have dreams? picture yourself doing those things and doing them WELL. find comfort in joy and happiness that surrounds everyone. sometimes it feels or seems like there isnt; look for it. you will always be able to find happiness. let me know if you need any more help, i am an expert on this topic.
  • Keep fighting, true warriors never give up. If life gets worse, you fight harder. Even if nothing good ever happens to you, at least you know you fought well, and there is some good in that. Life is all about perspective, good and bad is how you see things. Change how you think and more good things will happen.
  • i was 15 once SUCKS.. but guess what? it gets better, it gets awesome! ninth grade is brutal. everyone is an asshole...cliques...etc. or family problems...theyre so hard. but woulsnt u miss: -christmas -birthdays the first snowfall drinking hot chocolate hot showers good movies good talks good music your family/friends kissing soemone your high school diploma going to university or college winning a basketball game[or whatever u play] going to a comedy club your 21st bday:) your first time to vote your first date your engagement your wedding your childs birth your first job your career your first trip somewhere meeting the love of your life your first apartment your first car your first beer eating candy
  • hon what seems so bad now will be a memory in time. you just to hang in there. i tried once and i am so glad i did not succeed. +5
  • It is hard being a teen and I would know because I am one..but I know things are rough for you but you just don't give up. Take up an instrument and find someone to talk to..if all else fails go to therapy and take medication.
  • Please don't. If you need reasons to live, here are some: Your friends, your family, your future.. Everything. Even though it may seem that your not wanted and noody cares, they actually do. They just don't know how to show it. You only have this one life, and if you kill yourself, youll never live to see what your life, or the world has become. Trust me, i've tried. and now i realise that its the stupidest thing to ever do. It ruins you. i have scars and when i see them, they make me ashamed to think of myself as worthless.
  • live for those who LOVE you and try not to think about ME,ME ,ME so sound weak,self centered and full of 'self pity' and have no hopes or dreams....and no one can make you LIVE but YOU..... Life is what you make it and sounds like you have made it and yourself just plain awful.....look around, there is always someone in a lot worse shape than YOU.....
  • Think of all those things you never got to do? And how many people would be torn if you did commit suicide?
  • Please don't because of someone who is alWAys looking to you, His plans when you both get together, He is waiting. Do you know who is He? He is your creator, who loves you more than any thing. He is Allah.
  • If you do it, you'll double your pain and put it on the backs of everyone who loves you.
  • just think of all the things you gonna miss parties girls college especially college and remember suicide is a permanent "solution" to temperary problems(it s not a solution any way)
  • Writing to people on Answerbag is not going to stop you from killing yourself. You have to want to live. I can't give that to you. You probably have some mental or chemical imbalance that needs addressing now. Someday you will be 16 and this will not be an issue for you. You need a counselor now. Go to school and tell the counselors that you need help.
  • You need to seek professonail help which is not on answerbag. We are just normal everyday people go see a real doctor.
  • Im not telling you to do it but i hear Anti freeze taste good. Youre still too young, HIGH SCHOOL AINT SHIT BOY. You'll never know those kids again once its all over
  • well I personally wanna see obama's failure of a presidency, inheret my g-ma's will, piss and dance on George W Bush's funeral, watch Megan Fox turn into a full blown hollywood slut, see whos the heir to bill gates, Oprah, and donald trumps fortune and their deaths. I wanna hear the jokes about chuck norris when he's dead. I wanna see my guidance counsiler get proven wrong (tomorrow!!!)... basically just look at the comical or whatever you find amusing in your life and just stick with it. giving up is for pussies and cowards, jut look at Hitler...
  • Just wait and see how your perception of things change.
  • you should live b/c if you dont you will hurt everyone around you and when things go up they must come down and the other way around and you should live for yourself b/c dont you want to be happy to have a chance at being happy the only way that will happen is if you live and you should get help from a doctor believe or not they will help and fix most of your problems
  • Why are you shutting your eyes to the beauty this world has to offer. Quick methods? That is a cowardly way out you are being selfish to think only your pain counts? What about those who care? Think about how it will affect them and their lives. And don't give me that shit that no one cares. Try to look within yourself as to why you feel this way. Sorry but I won't be one offering a Quick method. I will however offer you sympathy and hope that you find a reason to snap out of this mentality!
  • think of the good in the world... never mind how about trying some good charity work see the happy faces of the people you help is always great
  • 1-800-273 TALK
  • Let me flip this around and ask you, what good reason is there for dying?
  • Not that death is such a bad thing, we all will die one day, and I believe that it will be just another dimension of life for us. But, I also believe that our mistakes and bad choices will follow us into our next life, and we will still be held accountable for them, and forced to live them again, and again, until we learn how to deal with them properly. But, life is all about chances. Nothing in life is guaranteed. That includes happiness. The only thing that matters now are the direct results and impact of the choices that we make in this life. Suicide is the end of the road. No more choices. Choosing to tough it out, talk to people about your worries and fears, or just scream and throw your arms up in the air once a day - my point is that there are a lot more choices available to you than suicide. People who commit suicide usually have completely exhausted all other avenues, have tried every last thing they can think of and gone to every person they know for help, before they ultimately decide to end their life. The choice is always up to the individual in the end, but for someone who is still very young, you owe it to yourself to at least explore some of your choices before making such a final and lasting decision, don't you?
  • I am going to repeat a comment I made here: I had a friend who said he was going to suicide at 18. I was worried for him. Instead, he found a girl, got married, he was in a bike wreck at around 21, was in a coma for 10 days or so, leg broken in two places, and yet he lived. He had intellectual problems for a while because of the wreck, and emotional problems because his wife cheated on him. He still lived. They divorced. He met another. They married. He has two beautiful girls. He is successful at what he does. He's now 54. . You never know what lies ahead. Life is an adventure. Enjoy the ride, even the down parts. They make the up parts so much better. ;-) ** I have been depressed. I have never felt suicidal, but I can understand why people feel like that because of the way I felt. I felt like I was having an emotional breakdown, and may have. But, since then, I've married, had two kids, been divorced, lost my job, lost my toes, torn my knee up, and I STILL live. There's just too much I want to see... Too much I want to do... Too much... I have answered questions like your prior one so many times... Here are the ones I saved in my profile. Many of the answers are similar, but each, I believe, says it in a different way. Read them all, and choose the one you prefer. Why do people suicide? - Why not suicide? - Confused, stressed, and anxious to the point of CONTEMPLATING suicide - Why are some people judgemental and self righteous about commiting suicide? Its my life i can terminate it when i want; what right do people have to judge me or suicides for this? - Shaking, whole body's trembling - the girl he love dumpedd him and he just wants to die - Why NOT? I would like to know of an accessible substance that I could ingest to painlessly bring about death in a short amount of time? - (modifies prior answer) No way out i dont expect for u to understand 3 kids no support from no one and will be homeless. who really cares to put me back on track and save lives? - Sometimes i get upset w myself n my life and i feel like if i werent here the people in my life would be better off w/o me and sometimes i feel like hurting myself or even killing myself what should i do i dont want to feel like this anymore? - I am so tired. i dont want to do this any more i just want to end it all.i want this all just to go away i jsut want to go to sleep and nevery wake up - (Great answer - Not mine) I have a lot of issues and horrible grief with my husband's suicide, which happened last year. I was with him a long time and I don't think I want to go on with my life because at my age (57) its too late to start over. -
  • Your life has barley even Begun . At your age (although you probably don't want to hear it) you haven't experienced enough of anything to form absolutes in decisions yet. I can tell you this , there are so many things coming in your life that will be worth the wait this small blog couldn't hold it. Your life at home or in a home if you have no parents is the smallest and shortest part of your existance. The opportunity to take control of your life is right around the corner, you will be able to do what ever you want with it. However , throwing it away is not only a cowardly act , it removes any possible chance for you to gain control and decide.
  • i know what its like to want to kill yourself. and believe me if there is one thing i know its how the bad things in life deffentially out weigh the good. if you want to chit-chat my e-mail is but some things that might help is each day when you wake up, simply go outside, or find a priviate quite spot, close your eyes for 30sec or so, then start writing all the things you like, even if its just a piece of chocolate, or being alone, or laughing. dosnt have to be complicated, just keep it simple. I personally know about pain, gerif, being lied, being cheated, being abused, drinking, drugs, sex and divorce. if you have any questions just e-mail me. im young as well im gonna be 17 in november. +3
  • Life will get better when you eliminate all the negative in your live. Make a list of all these "bad things" you mentioned. Leave some room after each one to write down what would it take to eliminate that bad thing from your life. Next, for each of your answers, write down (for each answer) what would be the first step you would have to take to begin your plan to eliminate the bad. If you come to one you can't come up with an answer for, get back to me and I'll help you think it through. It's easier than you think to eliminate the negative - it's just that nobody seems to know how to go about it! This is just one way to get you started, there are other ways to come what you are going through. If you are still stuggling after a few attempts to set things right, get back to me and I'll try to help some more. Good luck! I met a man many years ago who seemed to have everything going right for him. I asked him about it, and he said "I just walk away from anything negative." This got me started on this concept, and I've been happily living up to it ever since!
  • Growing up is hard. I think sometimes young people your age are under a great deal of pressure and stress from all around you. Your parents have expectations for you, you have a lot of responsibility with school work weighing on you and then there are all the social problems with other kids your age. Who likes you, who doesn't, etc... It can all be very overwhelming. What you need to remember though, is it's very temporary. When you look at a life time of 80 years, it's easier to see that this won't last forever, it's a small bit of your life. Whatever problems you have right now are not going to last forever. I had very bad depression myself and many times wanted to end my life but I've been better for a year and I can tell you that I'm so glad I didn't end it. This last year, even with problems, has been great. I love being alive and I love life. I enjoy my life now. Yes, I still have the same problems. Nothing miraculously changed except my outlook. I had a very good therapist and with time, medication, and some cognitive behavorial therapy, I feel so much better. Give yourself a chance. Things will get better, trust me!! In the meantime find someone you can talk to. Whether it's the school counselor or a professional therapist. They have income based clinics with therapists who would be willing to help you. Call your doctor if you don't know who else to call. He's a good place to start. Tell him how you're feeling. He deals with this all the time and won't think poorly of you. This is part of his job.
  • The thing about suicide is that it's the end. People do drastic things in order to feel the relief that comes from it. If you die, you don't feel relief, you stop feeling altogether. At that point, what was gained from your suicide? You would have lost out on everything and not even known it. 15 is a tough age. You have to deal with parents being parents while you are a kid but likely mature enough to be an adult whilde putting up with highschool drama and the boy issues. If you stick it out, it will get better in every possible way.
  • Perhaps musical inspiration?
  • Let me ask you this: What's wrong? Have you been dumped? Your mom get fired? You get diagnosed with any form of cancer? All within the last 6 months?
  • Please don't do anything like that. Look at all the people who have responded to you. We all care. Take one day at a time. :-)
  • Wait for Obamacare, and the Death Panel will take care of the rest.
  • There must be someone you can talk to. Don't keep all of this bottled up inside of you. It's okay if RIGHT NOW the bad outweighs the good. Things change very quickly, especially at the age you are at. It's hard to fight through, but it will make you stronger in the long run. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger". Reach out, people are there for you.
  • Life is good and bad. It is the ultimate roller coaster ride. Suicide is not the answer, that is the cowards way out.
  • hey im 17, and i know what its like, but really you cant see the bad stuff only, everyday there is more bad things than good things that go on in your life, and i now this from personal experience.. my mom hated me, i lived on a couch with my dad and brother for 2 years, and you know what thats what life is sometimes, you have to look at the good things and make them seem like they can WAY over due the bad things, you only live once, some people dont even get the chance that you have truse me you dont want to waste it by waking up and thinking how shitty everything is in your life, try to wake up and think of all the good things about it, first off, your alive lol, you probbably have friends, and look at how many people are trying to help you rite now, we have to make you happy knowing that theres many people who want to help you. live to the happiest you can be, even if your looking into the darkness, find the light, and make it seem like theres nothing to care about other than that. i really hope i can help you, just idk if you need anything just ask, im not a sry one,.. i love to help
  • I have been there. I understand how you feel. When the bad outweighs the good, it feel absolutely awful. You feel helpless, right? You feel lost? Well, this is what you have to know, life is NOT a bottomless pit. It's a glass, with a bottom. SO when things get bad, and I mean really bad, that's it, it doesn't get worse. You have to view every small sliver of life that makes you smile -- as miniscule as it seems -- as a battle you won in your current war. It's half empty now, but each time you see something that makes you smile on the inside, or giggle, or just not make you feel so bad as yesterday, then the glass leans a little bit more towards half full. The scales get tipped. Suicide is a permanent answer to a temporary problem, and you can trust me, because as I said before, I have been there. Waking up each day may be only the start of the difficult decisions of the day, but you have to pick up feet up, swing them over the edge of the bed, and put one foot in front of each other. Maybe you find a penny on the ground. Maybe someone unexpected says hi. Find something, anything and focus on it. Bury yourself in a good book, even Dr. Seuss would do. And remember to never be afraid to laugh at yourself. When all else fails, remember Home Depot's motto: "You can do it. we can help." [I hope this at least made you chuckle] You have many friends here on AB.
  • Lots of poeple have said lots of thing, all of them very good. I'll just give you a list. Cookies Sunrise A starry sky on a dark night. choclate kittens rollercoasters Your first time driving Your first car your first boyfriend Seeing that special person for the first time. Seeing that special person every time. The feeling of a lovers warm breath on your neck Seeing that special person walk down the isle The feeling of your baby's warm breath on your neck. Seeing your baby walk down the isle. The feeling of your grandbaby's warm breath on your neck. That covers the first 46 years. I'll let you know how it goes from here.
  • Tomorrow might be better.
  • Don't get too down on yourself. Im only 13 and I sometimes have the same thoughts. But remember, you only get this kind of life once.. so make the best of it. If its too rough, find a way to make it better. keep telling yourself that you will be successful in life, and I know you will. Remember that someday you will have beautiful children and make their lives better than it was for yours. Just don't end it, life is too precious :)
  • I've been where you are. The only difference between us is that mine hit at twelve instead of fifteen. I know a song that will help you. It helped me. Look for Conversations with my Thirteen-Year-Old Self by Pink. You're angry I know this The world couldn't care less You're lonely I feel this And you wish you were the best No teachers Or guidance And you always walk alone You're crying At night when Nobody else is home Come over here and let me hold your hand and hug you darling I promise you that it won't always feel this bad There are so many things I want to say to you You're the girl I used to be You little heartbroken thirteen year old me You're laughing But you're hiding God I know that trick too well You forget That I've been you And now I'm just the shell I promise I love you and Everything will work out fine Don't try to Grow up yet Oh just give it some time The pain you feel is real you're not asleep but it's a nightmare But you can wake up anytime Oh don't lose your passion or the fighter that's inside of you You're the girl I used to be The pissed off complicated thirteen year old me Conversations with my thirteen year old self Conversations with my thirteen year old self Until we meet again Oh I wish you well oh I wish you well Little girl Until we meet again Oh I wish you well Little girl I wish you well Until we meet again My little thirteen year old me
  • hey listen up i will share an inspiration stry with you that you can actually doubole check(mostly) by reviewing my older questions i am 20, live in my van, in texas. HOT HOT HOT, ok! this is killing me. but 10 miles a gallon kinda hurts to, not having a job means i am stuck in the heat all day, not having gas means no AC, oh yeah! i studied my a$$ off in collge to become a paramedic, but i got in a car wreck and no one will hire me now, so i am unable to work in the feild i borrowed money to enter(still owe that money) i am well educated, intelligent, and hard-working...but cannot find work. been living in this van for a year now...damn near starving every night. i would be able to tolerate this but the woman i love(actualley discussed marrage with her...then she said no) has contacted me after a year...reminding me i still love her and i am still alone, then after bringing my hopes up confessed she is in love with a man from her country...then i rode that roller coaster, now it is over and so she has stopped talking to me again. i fix computers for money but i have no money to advertise and sometimes go a day without food so i can at least have gas. oh yeah! i have horrible asthma and on hot nights cannot even breath!! long story short: i am homeless, hungry, heart-brokin, depressed, and worried about how to live, i am so lonly, forgotten, i would love to have a shower somewhere other then a gas station bathroom with a rag cloth...but thats my life. i worked hard getting here, all my hours studying, all my time practicing, and all my motive ro live sucked by this cruel insufferable world. DO YOU BELIVE I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL? can you beat my story? take a deep breath! feels good huh? now get a sandwitch from the fridg, extra ham? nice choice... do you know why i wake up every morning? why my tired bones keep walking, handing out flyers? yelling every night at a different tow truck driver for trying to haul my home off private property?...hope. i can honestly say if things get any worse i wont need to kill my self...i would simply die from whatever happens next. that is rock-bottom, this has been home for about a year now. but every day i hope to find love again, get a costomer that needs a thousand bucks worth of repairs, or a job willing to overlook my driving record, and bad references. someone to understand my life and love me anyway. if all i have is hope...then here...i extend my hand to you and offer you some. share my hope, share my dream. wake up tomorrow and dont plan to be happy...instead just be happy, be excited that this is your chance to turn things around, be excited that even if this sucks today...tomorrow is a new chance with new faces, new something. look forward to the school dances or trips to the mall, whatever you do for fun. but never expect a plan to work life is too crule to let your time and effort count...the only way to win is to play the game and get lucky. we all have our limits but we cannot decide when we have hit them, instead the limits will tell us and we will recover in time. you want reasons to live? nothing is free!! get off you butt and give yourself a reason to live!!! you decide what you do and where you go in life...not us!!! go make you own joy, seize the day, and establish who you are without compromise or fear. dont take life to seriously or youll never survive.
  • I understand your pain, having lived through a very rough part of my life at your age (and for a few years afterward) 4 decades ago. I used to "contemplate" suicide, too. I hope that's all you're doing, though. You sound much too intelligent to throw away a lifetime of possibility because of ... whatever it is you're going through now. Not that I'm trying to minimize that; you may be having a far worse time than I did. All the more reason, I think, to persevere and see just what might be on the other side. I won't sugar-coat things for you: your entire life might be a struggle. You may not have even hit bottom yet. And you may have very few victories and many, many defeats. What you do have, if you want it, and no matter how bad things might get, is "hope". It's there for the taking for anyone who will pick it up and carry it. I'll tell you right now that I would be happy to make a deal to go through much worse than I ever did go through if I could only hope to live the live I'm living now. Not that this life is a total walk in the park! But I do have a lot of hope for my future, my kids' futures ... and yours, believe it or not. But all of this, no matter how sincere I am when I say it, and no matter how much anyone else might agree, is going to seem like nonsense to you if what you're facing is not just "bad stuff my life" right now, but an actual disease: Depression, which can strip away hope and make it seem like a cruel joke. I would strongly urge you to see a doctor or psychiatrist (look in the Yellow Pages under "County Mental Health Association" if you don't want to get your parents involved or if they don't think it's serious or if they lack the means to pay for treatment). Depression is treatable, if not "curable". Two-and-a-half years ago someone very dear to me made a very real attempt to commit suicide. We were very lucky that the attempt -- and I can assure you that it was a real try -- ended in failure (and NOT in permanent damage, which is also a possibility). She only agreed to get treatment because I insisted, and because she saw the effect that her attempt had on me. She never believed that SHE was depressed. After six months of treatment and two years gone by in her life, she's 180° turned around, starting her own business, and in love with her life. And nothing is being handed to her, either; she's just living and enjoying her own life. So, yeah, I have hope. I hope you'll check this out and get back to us on this.
  • Smoke weed everyday. You'll feel better
  • It's very difficult to go lower when you are at the low. Fundamentally, things can only get better from that point. You should see a doctor and get medication for your depression.
  • When you are a teenager, the bad things in your life ALWAYS outweigh the good things. It will get better. Put your focus on your own health and well-being. Keep yourself as healthy and as calm as you can. Care for yourself as if you were a child put in your own care. Eventually, you will get past your teen years, and if you have cared for yourself well, your young adult years and your adult years will be better by sheer virtue of the fact that you will no longer be in high school and perhaps you will no longer be at home and and at the beck and call of others.
  • My God you need to read these stories. You need to start by loving yourself. I wish I was there with you just to give you a hug. I'm a mom of two. My son is 21 and my daughter is 13. If they ever committed suicide I would be devastated. We all have bad things in our lives outweighing the good things. God knows how many times I had the same very thoughts but somehow I always saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Please don't end your life! Look at how many people reached out to you. I know one thing for sure from all these responses that I read, you are so loved! Please stay here with us! We need you and we love you!
  • i'm 19 and i've been where u r too many times but now even with all my problems(which r more than i had when i was thinkin about ending my life) i'm fine and i'm happy and i learned that u can't wait for things to change cz they won't on their own U have to make the changes u need in ur life and look at it this way if ur life is so unbelievably bad then maybe it can't get any worse, maybe there's only room for it to get better from now on, and if that didn't happen sooner it will later and if u ever need to talk to someone that understands let me know and i'll give u my e-mail
  • life will only get better by postive thinking. make sure you exercise, eat right, join clubs in school of your interest. do yoga and meditation to ease the stress and control it. i had a very rough childhood, and thoughts use to cross my mind, but when i found out the cause of my thoughts it all went away. i meditated and started to do things of interest. now i am a successful professional. In any stressful situation, understand the problem, try to come up with a positive solution.
  • Dear Brother if you hope for good then good things hapean. try to get good hopes.
  • I think everybody has wanted to commit suicide when they were 15. You haven't even lived, you can't even make the decision whether or not you should continue. I'm only 19, I haven't even lived yet, I'm old enough to know that by theory, not by practice. Whatever it is that you're having problems with, try and stick it out. Life gets better, all of the time...except for the one's who end it.
  • Here's the good news: You won't be 15 forever. Things tend to fall into perspective eventually.
  • Why are the same questions being posted over and over again on this broken site?
  • don't give up! It might seem like the bad outweighs the good, but its really not that bad. I've been in your shoes before, many many times. Just sit down and think about what you want out of life. no not death... what do you really want... fame? fortune? to help others? etc. then figure out what you need to do to get there. Everything that happens, happens for a reason, to make you a better person. You are so young and have such a long time to become something amazing, don't give up just b/c someone doesn't like you or you don't like someone... move on...
  • 30 years ago, I stumbled across a question that ended my suicidal thinking and started me on a "path" I've walked upon to this very day. The question is... ..."What if THIS is not ALL there IS?" What if the goal of our lives is to perfect ourselves and we're born again and again and again until we get it right? I have no idea if this is true, but what if it is? Killing myself would add ONE MORE THING I would have to deal with in my NEXT incarnation. My life may be miserable, but at least I have the consciousness NOW to correct a few things so it won't be so miserable NEXT time. Nonsense? Perhaps. At least it's something to think about. Be well.
  • Hey... I think it was wise to ask for help. :) Life is harsh. We all live it day-to-day, experiencing some messed-up things. Seriously; I've been through some messed-up heartbreaks, being blamed for things I haven't done, being put on medications that I didn't need, watching my parents argue and my dad abuse my mom and her boyfriend abuse her and me. I've thought about it... I've even put a blade to my wrist, but no; I didn't cut... I've even went as far to put a bottle of alcohol to my lips thinking it would ease the pain. In truth; it's still here, no matter who I talk it out with. However, despite that I indeed WANT TO DIE; I also have no plan on it. I know that may not make sense as-is, so let me explain. I care for everyone around me... I HATE that they care for me, simply because I don't like hurting people, and if they care, and I'm hurting; they hurt too. My point; I won't hurt myself because others care. I'm sure there are people out there that care for you. Look at all the people here who PROBABLY DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU that are trying to help. Keep your chin up and smile through the pain, find something to occupy your mind, and maybe your hands. Take up a hobby; perhaps playing an instrument. Take on something like martial arts, or kickboxing to vent your anger. Talk to those that will listen to get things off of your chest. I wish you the best and I do hope that I've helped. :)
  • i think you are too young to talk of bad things out weighing good things in your life,commiting sucide is not a soultion to any problem in this world,you can not run away from your problem(s) but you need to face have meny years ahead of you.i beleive that every person GOD created has a special thing in him/her and GOD has good plans ahead of this world they are alot of problems and life is a of me i do not think i can ever commit a suicide in what ever problem(s) i come a cross.
  • man ive contemplated it too a few times but if ur a that point theoretically it cant get any worse it can only get better or stay the same but thought thought of livin the rest of ur life shitty aint exactly encouragin either chin up things wierdly hav a way of workin out
  • Spiritually, suicide is the worst thing you can do. You cannot avoid your life's lessons, and will simply be reborn, but disadvantaged. It can take many incarnations to repair the effect of suicide on the path of the spirit. Reflect on this deeply. If you stay with it, whatever it is you are working with may be cleared in a few weeks or so, instead of a thousand years.
  • I can't really help you because I don't know what your reasons are. However, here's 1 good chunk of advice: If you are thinking of killing yourself over your x-boyfriend, DON'T do it! I guarantee you he doesn't care about you that much if he dumped you and isn't worth your life. I wish I could help you more, but you aren't saying what the problems are in your life. Are you sick with a detrimental illness or something?
  • In 1976, Life was really rough. I had been burned, and almost died. My wife had cancer and needed surgery. I had debts I couldn’t pay. IRS was driving me crazy and the future looked hopeless. Life was not worth living. I considered Suicide. But if I did that I would have just hurt my wife and son. I gave up and I turned my life over to JESUS, and from that time on things took on a different light. In less than a year everything was completely different. My family and I were at peace, and I received my first pay increase at my job. In six years I had settled with the IRS, my debts were manageable and I owned half of the Company I had been working for. Pick out a Church and turn your life over to the Lord and let Him help you. In John 10:10 Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” Give Him a try. He is waiting for you.
  • Never give up; the things your thinking and feeling are short term, life will get better; you being 15 havent lived long enough to see how golden life can be.
  • Life is like a box of chocolate,you never know what you gonna get! Oi!
  • My dear young friend - as I answer this it is 12 hours after you asked your question and already 88 people have reached out to you - 88 people who never met you and wouldn't know you if they walked past you in the street. I haven't ploughed through all of the answers but of all of those I have read everyone agrees that suicide is not the way! Suicide is a very permanent solution to what is ALWAYS a temporary problem. No matter how bleak it seems, how lonely or depressed you feel, how sad and frustrated you get - there is always another way to deal with things. I urge you to write down all the muddled thoughts that are undoubtedly raging through your head and try to make some sense of them - sort the problems from worries and then start to form a plan of attack. When it seems too difficult come back here with a specific issue and we'll help; all 89 of us! When you feel afraid come talk - again we're here! You are not alone and there are people here who understand your distress - people who can help you through it just by being here for you - 24/7 there is always someone here! Take care xx
  • heyy... chill young boy... dont take such harsh decisions in a short time.. just bee kool.. sort out ur problems...ask some one who is near n dear to u,who can understand u and support u and ul be able to share ur problems.. example parents,frens,teachers etc...everything will be alright if u act rightly at da rite time.. just remember one phrase alwayz "WHATEVER HAPPENS , HAPPENS FOR GOOD".. OK..all da best
  • well, my friend, you need LOVE and HOPE in your life. so, open your heart and listen carefully: I've seen the tears and the heartache And I 've felt the pain I've seen the hatred And so many lives lost in vain And yet through this darkness There's always a light that shines through And takes me back home, takes me back home All of the promises broken And all of the songs left unsung Seem so far away As I make my way back to you You gave me faith And you gave me a world to believe in You gave me a love to believe in And feeling this love I can rise up above And be strong, and be whole once again
  • You are only 15.... how much can be wrong??
  • Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I am sure you must feel so alone to even comtemplate such a thing. Please reach out to a support group or church. These people are trained to help young people like yourself thrtough difficult times. They really can help, and make a differance. Please don,t give up on life. I am sure you are a wonderful person and the world needs you. If you have no close family or friend that you can go to for support please seek out the help I mentioned eariler. These people are most often annonymus, so you don't have to worry about the whole world knowing your business. Good Luck and God Bless!
  • You're fifteen. You have internet, a roof, and food in the belly. You'll get over it. You have no idea how bad life gets. In fact, you probably never will. Be happy about that.
  • Like what kind of bad things?
  • OK, I really want to know what is it, that makes you feel life is not worth living. Really, I mean that. LIst your reasons, I could partially understand if you have some nasty disease, or like bone cancer, but really, are they major reasons or are you just thinking "Why is this happening to me?" I can assure you that MANY have bene in your position. Even I too once contemplated suicide. I didn't go for it, though it would have been so easy. I live today and for tomorrow.
  • Whoever said highschool is supposed to be the best years of life was an idiot I've only read through some of the other responses, and I haven't yet seen it pointed out that the fact that you're asking for suggestions/help is a sign you want to live... first my suggestion, then my story, if your situation is really nasty (ie. abuse) get out, if not, consider this: you can't control how others treat you, but you can control how you treat others, be a hero/blessing/light to others any way you can ( for me it's clearing off the table and setting up a board game -which removes a source of tension and brings people together), that way you know your not spreading more negativity... also, don't wait for a snapping point to talk to someone... I've been lucky enough to find someone I consider very wise who doesn't think I'm a bother it's tough, I know, when was 14 I spent 10 days locked in a hospital ward for the suicidal ideation, and it's hard to believe that anyone could understand, and there's a stigma, and people want just say that your "sick", that you've got a disorder or chemical imbalance, and you may, or, like me, you might just be fed up with life... last time I let it slip that I was thinking of suicide, someone told me that I was such a positive influence for people around me...
  • Oh it can get much much worse! . Life is what YOU make it. If you go through life thinking everything sucks it will. You have to step back and look and what you have good going in your life and feed off of it. I am sure there is at least one thing in your life that kicks ass to you. Grow from that, but there will be people to stand in your way. Get over the fact that in life not everything will go your way, and not everyone will like you. Just keep thinking of that one thing that makes you happy inside. . Have you ever tried helping someone in need? I personally find that as a great day picker upper. It can even be as small as helping a elderly person to their car with their grocery's, or letting someone with less to purchase in front of you in line at check out. . I see the major problem with our younger people to day is that they do not look past themselves. They only see the bad in their lives. We have all struggled in life and we all remember who helped us along the way. . I do not mean to ramble, but killing yourself just because you think life sucks is just so, well selfish. Do you not care about the feelings of the ones that love you? Killing yourself would just make them feel like you did not care about them, and their is no way to make things right once you have do the act. . Here is what I recommend you do. Go to a nursing home, and ask someone at the front desk if their is anyone you can visit. Then listen to what the person says. Ask them questions about their life and listen like your life depends on it, cause it obviously does. You will learn not only that your life is 1000 times easier but they are the people that made it so much easier. . I hope you do that even if is just once. Hell I hope everyone does that even just one time. You never know you just might meet a awesome person that their own family has forgotten. . Good luck and God bless.
  • Through patience, and hope pain is transmuted into wisdom into compassion for others' sorrows into character into a story to tell into a monument in your mind to show you how far you've come into joy. beware - joy is reserved only to the faithful and suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. -when you are alone, cry out to the god you don't know. Ask him if he's there, and if he gives a damn. Ask him to do something. Ask him his name, and the name of his son. Don't be surprised if you recieve an answer.
  • Oh my gosh, life will change for you dramatically. I used to be the same way when I was 13 and 14 and 15 and 16, I was very sad and did not have a very good life, but seriously in just a few years everything has changed. Totally for the better, and after coming out of that stage in life I am actually so much stronger. Just remember that things will not be like this forever, please just hold out through the tough times!!
  • First, we're all going to die. Why rush the trip? Second, all things miserable originate from within your mind, even if it doesn't seem that way. The anger one expresses toward you can only make you angry if you choose to absorb it and reflect it back at them. Otherwise, anger can have no more effect than a spot of light shined on your face. Simply choose to move around it. Third, you can do whatever you want. You just have to free yourself of the fear of failure, which is inevitable. Failure is all part of the process of success. And finally, working through your desire to die will make you stronger in the long run. Just bear through it for me, will you?
  • Suicide is evolution's way of getting rid of the weak. Are you weak? Or will you pull yourself up, take a little courage, BE STRONG and see yourself through your problems? Choice is yours. You want to die? Then go for it! Stop feeling sorry for yourself! Nobody will respect you afterwards for being a LOSER who commits suicide - NOBODY! LISTEN, EVERYBODY HAS PROBLEMS. Many have problems worse than you have, yet they manage to stay alive, thrive, and make something of their life! Why? Because they face their problems just like you will. BE STRONG, and try to make good in life. Just do it and stop whining about killing yourself.
  • Anonymous, you shouldn't think of suicide. There are people somewhere in your life who care about you. Think about how they would feel seeing you in a casket. You'd be causing them just as much pain as others do you. Life is precious, so don't waste it. Think about what you want to be in your life.. If you kill yourself, you will never know your limits, accomplishments, love, the gift of life, new opportunities, and etc. I am here for you although I may not know you by name. Please don't commit suicide. Hope this helps, Nena.

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