• when i was younger my best friend was a guy, he got a new girlfriend who was jealous over us because we were so close. the thing is, this girl knew us both before they started going out so there was no reason for it. some people are just insecure, if this fella doesnt trust you with your best friend hes only going to be worse with other guys when you are out. i know you probably dont wanna hear this, but do as my friend did, end this relationship. there cant be a happy relationship without trust.
  • apparently, he thinks you are going to cheat on his and go to your best friend instead which i hope you don't do. try having a little talk with him where you will only be best friends with the other dude and stay loyal to your boyfriend.
  • You can't. That's his problem to conquer. I'd tell him to do it if he wants to keep going out with you.
  • Did he know your best friend was a guy when he started dating you? Maybe you should all 3 go out for dinner and have a little getting to know you party. That way your partner will know that it is him you are romantically interested in. Your best friend is a different kind interest, not romantic. If this guy you are dating really Loves you, he will be willing to meet your best friend and take it from there. I wish you the very best. :-)
  • Trust is earned, not given.

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