• You need to play your games at home and not away.
  • It's like an arcade game. If you're good at it, it might last longer, but it's eventually going to end in an explosion.
  • I don't know why you haven't. But why haven't I?
  • You don't know the rules.
  • "Won" as in finding a truly special person? Or "won" as in love and leave everyone you've ever been with? It can be looked at different ways. If you're referring to the first instance I made, you're not the only one. I'm still trying to figure it out, myself. I like to think that special entity is coming closer, day by day, as long as I stay true to myself.
  • you are in the same game as i, we should have chosen a different sport. +5
  • Because you didnt cheat.
  • because its not a game its for adults not punk kids, so stop dating kids
  • Enjoy the game while it lasts. Take winning and loosing equally. As a matter of fact nobody wins in the game of love. Those playing well enjoys playing the game. Thats all there is to it.
  • Let's see If love was a game what kind of game would it be. I like to think love to be a chess game, your opponent is your insecurites bad habbits or turn offs and your desire to ba an ideal. See if you win the chess game if you overcome insecurities break bad habbits and get passed that need to be the ideal thin, makeup covered women everyguy wants to date, then you're one step closer to winning the game of love. Once you've done that and your truly being yourself guys will be all over you. Y'know why, it's because you've got your shit together basically there's stability, guys like that too y'know. I don't know that's my take on it. Someone will find you and partner up with you and then the game gets 100 times easier. After a year or so you can say I'VE WON! and the shove it your highschool enemies faces. Teehee joke
  • Because you're not looking closely at the "game".
  • In every game there are a set of rules. Did you follow the rules? If you bypass the rules or cheat then you will never win. Don't give up. I know you can win! I see a winner in you!
  • Love is not a game its a second hand emotion, i thought everyone knew that.
  • becuz love isn't a game
  • You're not the only one, because the odds are similar to those of wining big at a Casino.
  • Love is game and some wins and some lose so if have not won then you have to keep trying till you win.
  • you're asking, if love is a game, why haven't you won? i ask you, when you play games, do you always win?
  • In a way, the neo-cons are right. If you are not rich, handsome, well-positioned, lucky, or whatever, you should be taught that life for you is making things easier for those that have those things. Me, ugly and stupid, poor and down, I should never have aspired. Perhaps if you accepted your lot as I have, you can at least be marginally happy.
  • out of all the times that you've bought a Power Ball Lotto ticket, how many times have you won the grand prize?
  • maybe your're not playing by the rules?
  • It's not a game .. it's a partnership. You just haven't met your partner yet.
  • you must think that playing by the rules will help you win.
  • Throw the dice well, use your chips and learn a good strategy of the board ;)
  • u have not won or lost're just sitting on the side line waiting to be called on to play .
  • Love is never a game but if you have it you will never lose.
  • It's not a game. It's real live hearts that get broken real families that sometimes get torn apart and real people who get hurt and it can mess them up sometimes. Not a game It's the REAL THING!
  • you probably got unlucky

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