Right now on my university computer I have 4. # Internet Explorer # Firefox # Portable Firefox # Portable Opera
Technological dinosaur that I am, just one. The classic, Microsoft Internet Explorer.
2 but that's on my work puter. Firefox and IE. At home it's just IE.
Firefox and Internet explorer which is gathering dust in a corner.
2 Internet 7 and firefox for my sons online classes
I have 4 or 5 but I only use Fire Fox.
Firefox and Internet Explorer.
Fox Fire & IE
all of 'em
Three internet explorer, oprea, and firefox
Firefox *cough* Firefox. Oh, and Internet Explorer so I can see just how bad it screws up the websites I am designing.
Two at the moment. ยค I need i.e. for my online math classes. ยค Firefox works best for everything else. The spell check feature is extremely convenient.
Five - SeaMonkey, Firefox, Opera, IE and an IE-based browser called Deepnet Explorer.
Firefox, IE, Safari and....that's it....I guess I don't have Opera at home.
Using IE 7 (With SP2) it Rocks!!!
firefox and IE
Opera, Internet Explorer(ony sites that doesn't work well on other browsers) and Firefox(at school)
Firefox, Explorer, Firefox Light (a to-go firefox), Mozilla Suite, Opera, Netscape. That is 6. I think that is all. I do still have an old CompuServe browser that was built on IE.
Firefox (primary) Internet Explorer (on occasion) Opera (for testing) Safari for Windows (for testing)
2: Firefox (Mozilla--primary) & Internet Explorer (rarely used).
Firefox and IE (<only for sites that don't run well with Firefox)
Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Seamonkey (Netscape)
opera and ie
Firefox, Explorer and Safari
Firefox (most used) opera (don't even know why, just keep it here) IE (Tried to banish it from windows. didn't work, so I'm stuck with the POS)
Firefox Internet Explorer and Ghostzilla.
Everyone else probably said this but I have Firefox and Internet Exploer. Firefox is the only one I use since IE is garbage.
only ie7 it better then ver6
Just one - IE
i have 3 IE, mozilla, safari.
opera and IE7
I have only two: Mozilla Firefox. The only browser I trust. Internet Explorer. So I could use something to download Firefox if it ever breaks down.
two,firefox is my preferred choice I also have safari for windows which is great as well.I found internet explorer and msn explorer very bad browsers to use they dont ever seem to work smoothly.
I'm a web developer, so, I need to test web pages with all popular browser before publish them... Internet Explorer (V.7 and 8 Beta2), Firefox (3.0.1)(windows and Linux), Opera, NetScape, Safari (Windows and Mac version), Google Chrome and... there are some browsers else just customized for developers to test and find bug/glitch in pages...
Opera and firefox, with the former being preferred.
I HAVE 3 Firefox and Internet Exploer and safari joust download firefox to day so its tell new to me
This is a little embarrassing, but I have seven on this one and nine on my laptop. I am really enjoying the new Google browser on m laptop.
I have IE, Mozilla Firefox, Opera & Google Chrome. My preferred browser is Mozilla Firefox. It rocks!!!
Firefox and epiphany
I have Firefox, IE, Netscape, Safari and Opera. I basically use Firefox.
Internet Explorer and Firefox.
I have used different type of web browser,as Avant Browser 11.7, Camino 1.6.6, Firebird 0.7, Firefox 3.0.6, Flock 2.0.3, Google Chrome, GoZilla 1.1.39, Internet Explorer 7, K-Meleon 1.5.2, Maxthon, Mozilla SeaMonkey 1.1.14, Netscape, Opera 9.63, Safari 3.2.2, SlimBrowser 4.06
Just one; but I'm trying to find out if it's save to use more than one and how many people use more than one.
I've actually a script that runs pages as different browsers so I don't need them installed. But I've my own creation and private browser
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