• No. It SADDENS me to see someone in that situation, knowing that I cannot help that person. +5
  • yes, but only because I am sorry for the person's situation
  • Only if I know that that person has dropped out of society by choice. If circumstances are beyond their control then I'm not offended. As we cannot judge a person in 5 seconds, I cannot be offended.
  • Only if they say "i'll be honest its for a beer."
  • it annoys me when im coming out the grocery store
  • all i carry is a debit card. i never "spare" my change anymore.
  • The ones that upset me are the kind who have their own homes and do it as a day job, you'd be suprised they can make well over £300 a day just sitting there in grubby clothes. One man i knew tried to commit suicide by jumping in front of a moving train, he failed and ended up living but lost his legs. He's married, owns his own home outright yet his wife will drop him off into town at 6am by the train station in his grubby clothes and leaves him there all day to beg. I never hand over money to a beggar, i will buy them a meal or some cigarettes but i'm not handing over money that could be used for drugs or alcohol.
  • it does not bother me.I just tell the scrounging little bastard to piss off
  • No not at all...
  • For need or for choice? It's always hard to tell... But then, my father always told me that if you want to do any good, do it without looking to whom. Beggars don't annoy or upset me, even if its a choice and not a need, they still in a position of social disadvantage. I give when I can, or say "sorry I have nothing" if I can't.
  • Definately sadens me, I always give them some change if I've got any & sit for a chat.
  • Not upset but slightly uneasy. It will annoy me if they are persistent or aggressive or rude.
  • Yes I upset and sad as well becuase i have no money to help him/ her i such way that she/he may not need begging an other time.
  • depends. .on my mood for that day, if It's on my pay day I give em what i feel like, otherwise I know for most of them it's a regular job with a particular uniform to wear everyday. . .except they earn more than I do, well on a really busy day. . .otherwise if I'm broke I just tell the lil b**** to f**** off!
  • makes me sad
  • Not at all , i everytime see a poor beggar i give him a lil penny no matter what , they r also human beings and they r not doing this on there own . i hate it when other people scold them and when treat them like shit shithead peoples do that !!
  • I have never had anything but a drunk ask me for money. beggars usualy just hold the sign and look for a response. I often try to give them something... nature valley granola bars are usualy appreciated. I wish I could give money but I don't have money to spare. to those who gripe about panhandlers making good money... I would say that is rare but... 30% of americas homeless are full time employed.... if they are successful at panhandling why the hell would they give that up to work their asses off for less than a value meal per hour worked?
  • I totally blank them. No problem
  • It annoys me. They need to look for a job.
  • It saddens me but where I live there are quite a few "regulars" that are out pretty much in the same spot almost every day or every few days so its hard to help all the time. Some even compete for "the best spoy", in front of Dunkin Donuts! We also have what is salled Spare Change News which is the homeless newspaper, and the homeless can sign up to become vendors to "sell" them for whatever people are willing to donate and then keep the money. A lot of people are more willing to donate that way.
  • They are invisible.
  • i almost never give them money ... 99.9% of the time i will offer to buy them a meal or some clothes and am usually turned down with a "no thanks, but can i have the money instead?" ... and the answer to that is always no
  • Nope it saddens me
  • Where I live I have never seen a beggar, but I would probably offer to buy them a meal instead of handing over money.
  • we dont realty have beggars in this country, we do have a few street people. most of whom are drug addicts or glue sniffers or physc patients,....... we have a very good health system in NZ that offers homes or beds for people of desperate needs. I would rather offer a meal than food to beggars.......... however, either way, it is a very sad thing to see........
  • sometimes we do when people are in begging profession Unnecessary. I always try to give them food instead of some cash
  • Never. What does annoy me is anyone who thinks it is.
  • No, not always. I gave a guy a few dollars one night because he said he was stranded and needed to get home to a town about 50 miles away. About two months later the same guy came up to me and started telling me the same story. I said save it man, I've already heard that one.
  • no . why get upset or annoyed ? If you've something to offer , then go for it . but if not , then you should chat them up
  • I feel bad for them and just give them money.
  • No. I'll even fork over some money if they catch me at the right time. I'll take a beggar over a pushy telemarketer ANY day.
  • It bugs me, but it shouldn't
  • no-in the past people have helped me -i help them-some argue that they are professionals and make money-i think if they are its there ka-they have got to live with taken advantage of the poor-so i give what i can when i can
  • No, I explain that I don't carry cash, which is usually true.
  • Actually yes - because I have never been asked for money by a beggar who didn't lie to me to get the money or be aggressive to me to get the money. That is annoying. I have no problem giving what I have, none at all - I want to do it, but show me enough respect to not lie to me or attempt to scare me into it.
  • no, honestly if i have some spare chance in my pocket then i'll give it to them.
  • Annoys me when I see them with a cig or a cell phone in their hands when they do ask.
  • no not realy
  • Sometimes it makes me wonder what kind of car they will be driving home. In London some make a very good profession of being beggars. Other times it makes me very sad.
  • It upset's me in the fact that it makes me sad, sad to see someone in this stage, i usually give money when begged, i suppose i am contributing to this type of behavior though, and possibly to drug use or just too much drinking, but i think on this and most of these people have very little left to live for.
  • On the one hand, the only person I'm on a first name basis with and talk to almost every day is a beggar. On the other, I'm generally one of those walk fast and don't make eye contact people. So, make of that what you will.

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