• Because actually they don't want an answer, they just want to talk about it. And that's the truth
  • Well; women have their own minds and want to use them ... However; I do believe that SOME women take advice from men as well as there are SOME women who Don't ... +5
  • That way they can yell at us when we try to say "I told you so"
  • Because it wasn't advice they were seeking. But to be heard. Then again it may also have been simply because it was bad advice!
  • ..generalization much...if I ask advice from anyone and I think it sound and workable, I'll take it, man or woman.......when advice is given without me asking, eh...I may just blow it off my it given from friend, family, lover, or expert of any sort.. ..that's me...
  • I ignore any unsolicited advice, be it from male or female. I will ignore any advice that I believe was given with malice. I ignore any advice that I feel is not in my character to act on. With a question like this, I'd have to ask; so, have your experiences been THAT bad?
  • People chose to listen or not to listen. I dont think it is a sexist thing. Dont take it personally. If an underling is not listening, then write them up. + 5
  • i have 3 sisters and alot of friends that are girls and they always ask me for advice but never take till its to late,,, GOT ME AS TO WHY,,,IF YA DONT WANT IT DONT ASK,,,AND DONT GET MAD IF ITS NOT WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR
  • Because it is not usually what we want to hear.
  • No offense, but the bigger culprits are the men. And I will be happy to debate you on this issue. Men know everything and just want a sounding board.
  • I don't, i'll accept good advice from a man as well
  • the ones who do so habitualy I believe it is because they think taking advice from someone makes them weak.... while less often, when women get little man syndrome they get it far worse than men do
  • I don't. Depends on the man is all.
  • i don't-- i have respect for everyone till they prove they don't deserve it. i don't care what the shell looks like !
  • if i answer this, are you going to read it or ignore it?
  • Doesn't apply to me. I just want the advice from the right person, which however is easier said than done.
  • Because they don't know what they want.
  • because they think that we men think that they are beneath us and refuse to listen to some one that thinks like that where as a lot of people or men per say dont think like that but there are plenty that do
  • "No man will tell me what to do" syndrome?
  • Because they are men
  • Because women "Are" always right? :) +5
  • They only want to share emotion, feel You're there, care and understand. They don't want any advice.
  • because they can.
  • Probably for the same reason men ignore advice from women
  • they dont? i didnt know that. i take advice from everyone i just take what i get.
  • Same reason they ignore it from other women. If the advice goes against their own belief or common sense, it won't be taken on :)
  • Men generally have a different way of looking at a problem to find a solution to it. This differing thought process often leads to an unacceptable solution for the lady, either aesthetically , ethically, or physically.
  • men men men men men men men men men men men men men men men and sex is wut goes throught ur head right now cuz that is wut ur reading
  • Duh!!!!! bcoz i wasn`t born brain dead +5
  • Because all their really interested is their money and penis. Why have to add all that yapping when there's shopping to do. ;+
  • No matter what, male or female, people only take advice that is the most convenient or leaves them feeling like they are a saint. Most people want the easy fix that requires either no effort or very little. And most women don't want advice, just someone to listen. Plus sometimes guys don't make it sound like advice but rather like a command. IE. "don't whine about it just do this or that" instead of "do you want my advice?" Maybe you may want to try this or that and see if it works!
  • Generally speaking, women are taught to view men as potential rapists, as members of the "patriarchy", as semi-functional morons who still try to pee standing up. Did I miss anything, ladies? Why should a woman heed advice from a man when he might tell her that " yep, the only way your gonna get through this (problem) is to swim through the (metaphorical) swamp full of alligators and slimy things, so take off your shoes and start swimming". That's tough and to the point. Who wants that when they can tune in Oprah, the blame-it-all-on-some-guy media queen? We'll shed a few crocodile tears (this answer is taking on a reptilian theme, no?) blubber a little while and... nothing gets solved! Why solve today's problem, why slay the present dragon, when tomorrow will just spawn a new one?
  • Because they are so stupid?
  • Because men are always right! Because men do not understand! Because men ignore the emotional side of the equation. Did I mention that men are ALWAYS right?
  • Just something that has been handed down from one generation to the real need for it, kind of like an appendix. When it gets inflamed, it can be removed or at least medicated with a simple "I told you so" or "I warned you". It will rear it's ugly head again however.
  • Because since the dawn of humanity, women have always been telling each other that all men are the same and that we're all wrong. :)
  • Because we're dumb.
  • When women ignore advice from men, it's because women don't like the advice men give them. Now, if the advice is what a woman wants to hear, she will not ignore it. Now, if you find your woman is ignoring all your advice, you have a problem.
  • ignoring the times when the advice is less quality than what they came up with on their own, often women defy the advice of men because they think taking a mans advice means they are less because they are a woman.
  • Helloooo.:P
  • It always depends on the man. I have been able to trust some of my guy friends more than girls. They seem to be more straight forward, where as girls will tell you whatever it takes to make you feel better, or will hurt you to bring you down. The only time I don't take a man's advice is if he likes me. For ex: if I ask a man if a guy I am dating is right for me. If the guy likes me, he will tell me whatever it takes to get me :P
  • men, the old hunters, have brains that are hard wired to solve problems, capture and conquer the wild beast, return it home and share it with the family. women have brains that are hard wired to protect the family, feel and communicate emotions. when a woman speaks, she almost never first wants her lover to solve the problem. she wants to feel that she has been heard, honored, respected. after that, he might slowly introduce problem solving tactics, but, carefully.
  • Did you say something? LOL I typically go to men for advice on most subjects.
  • Ummm.....I try not to. I feel like I ignore lots of advice from both men and women for the simple reason that I need to do what I feel is right.
  • For the same exact reason that men ignore advice from women. lol. +5
  • because men are all the time thinking of sex.
  • They don't. Some of the best advise I ever got was from a man.
  • What I want to know is this: what does it matter the gender of the advice-seeker and the advice-giver in this scenario? Why, specifically, men? Why do people ignore advice in general, no matter who it comes from?
  • Have you talked to every woman on the planet? If not, you're making a sweeping generalization. The women that do ignore advice do it for the same reason that all people do--because they don't agree with it for whatever reason, whether they're being contrarian or they know the advice won't work for them.
  • Because they're wise to your tricks. You say "my advice is that you take off your clothes and close your eyes, and I will give you a big surprise," and they say "Um, I'm wise to that trick."
  • I am tempted to respond 'I'll take "Broad (no pun intended) Generalisations" for $400, please, Alex.' -- But I think that, since a lot of good answers have been provided, I will venture one possibility - because the women didn't actually ask for your advice. And even if they did, the thing about advice is that it's like a present, sometimes it fits nad sometimes it doesn't, and if it doesn't, you shouldn't use it, you should return it with thanks.
  • And I could just as easily turn the question around and ask why do men ignore advice from women? I do think it helps not to generalize, as in "Why do all..." That right there's your answer, or at least part of it. I've given sound advice to both women and men, and sometimes they've acted on it, and sometimes they haven't.
  • They think that they know men well but thats not the case ;)

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