Emotions I could never eat any food equal to my weight even if I tried.
lol not one thing ! my goodness :P
Hmmm... I would definitely attempt to eat my weight in chocolate, if it were provided free for me. I'm also sure I would attempt to drink my water percentage in Red Bull, again, if it were provided free ^_^
Well, let me see!! when I discovered Pizza I was a little skinny kid of about 8 stone (112 pounds) I recon I've done it by now! :-/
ice cream
in one day? nothing over a coupla days? steak and ice cream!!!
sushi and seafood.
Shrimp and King Crab. Or at least I would give it a shot.
My wife! ;)~
Peanut butter. I love to spoon it out of the jar.
Smart Food white cheddar popcorn. Good stuff and addictive as hell.
Fries or Ice Cream
Peanut butter M & M's.
Grapes! yum!
Shes at home waiting for me!:)
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