I can think, I can wait and I can fast. Hermann Hesse Siddharta.
I especially control my temper when I see someone is trying to make me angry ....
i control my anger but u can prompt anger from me. its kinda the same as laughter. i can laugh on my own, but telling a joke prompts my laughter
I always control my anger in public. Maybe not so much at home...
Just don't take away my cookies or Ima bust a cap in your butt;)
I really only loose it if someone is teasing my daughter.
you could back into my restored Mustang Fastback. That'd make me plenty angry.
You'll make me angry if you eat my pizza. No one gets between me and my pizza.
I am sure you could do something to make me angry but, for the most part i control it. :)
I get really angry over certain things I actually thought Id started controlling it better maybe not lol
You cannot... other people, who are around me, can.
Probably not, I make the choice whether to be mad or not.
Bruce Banner here...........Lets just say we should'nt touch this anger issue ok?
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