• I think he'll be reelected easily. I don't think he's doing any more damage than presidents since Johnson have done with irresponsible budgetary spending, and I think he'll do a lot of good things.
  • No and not much, only a conservative would say something like that.
  • No. Not much, compared to the last eight terrible years.
  • I hope he'll be a one termer and he can do as much damage as he can before he's stopped. +5
  • no, he will not be a one term president, he will win both his terms, not because of his strengths, but because of the GOPs weaknesses. the gop, on a national level has no one to compete against barack obama that could win, theres just no way the GOP will be able to win against him and especially now, considering the economy is starting to pick up, if more things go obamas way, hes guarenteed 8 years.
  • I believe he will get a second term. If Sarah Palin runs, then 110% he will get a second term.
  • DAMAGE???? Are you kidding me? The damage was done by the Republicans already. He is trying to get the country going. I think he can do it. Republicans don't even recognize repair when they see it. I'm not surprised.
  • Kind of depends on whether he has the will and the help to undo all the damage the Republicans have caused. If he can do that even partly he should be well on his way to a second term. It's important to keep in mind that other Dem's will not seriously challenge him and the Republicans have absolutely no one of national stature who has even the remotest chance of beating him. Right now the Republicans have no message, no platform, no ideas and no charisma. Things can change, but that's how it stands now. You can't win unless you're for something.
  • Oh stop already, the market is up people are dumping the gas guzzlers so the economy is doing better and so is the environment. This Obama bashing is disgusting, he's doing a good job despite all the people trying to undermine him and sabotage him. This ignorant anti-Obama rhetoric is counter productive for the people of this country.
  • I cant stand that people are already calling for his re-election or defeat in the next election. Obama has barely been in office for 6 months and some are saying that he should or should not be re-elected without seeing the outcome of his first term or any potential opponents. HEAR THE ISSUES, THINK FOR YOURSELF, THEN DECIDE.
  • I think he is trying to clean up after the mess Bush had developed.The country wasted countless billions in Iraq,for nothing.The economy is in shambles and that happened way before Obama.He is a president not some sort of deity that can perform miracles.
  • I hope not - If Obama could stay in for 20 years he couldn't do as much damage as Bush did in 8.
  • he might be a two term president - we will have to wait and see on that. As for damage - well I wouldn't expect much if any damage from Obama - he's a bright fellow surrounded by other clever smucks and unlike the last pinhead in office really seems to give a damn about this nation and the people who live here. We have a good man in office - let's wait and see how he's doing a few years down the road before we judge him any.
  • Dont really know, American voters are basically lemmings in sheep's clothing. So he may very well end up in office again, at least the medias love affair with him seems to be waining slightly.
  • I hope he doesnt get re-elected.
  • [posted answer instead of comment by mistake ... again]
  • I think he may not even make it to one term. He will probably do something so damaging to the country that he will be tossed out. Three military have already officers charged Obama ith Treason. Posted July 18th, 2009 by sentinel 3 MILITARY OFFICERS CHARGE OBAMA WITH TREASON Chalice 7-17-08 Commander Walter Fitzpatrick (Ret.) was the first Officer to charge Obama with Treason. Today, two additional Officers have signed charges of Treason against Obama, and more are sure to follow. Additionally, Carl Swensson will be soliciting for we, “The People,” as civilians to charge Obama with Treason. The Citizen Grand Jury will serve these charges to every member of Congress on August 2-5 such that there will not be a single congressman or woman who can stand behind a defense that they were not informed. The Citizen Grand Jury is working along with Gerry Donaldson ( ) to hold elected officials accountable to we, The People. Check out Carl Swensson’s site ( ) to get the most current updates on the status of Treason charges to be served to Congress on August 2-5. In addition, Carl is assisting others across the country in setting up Grand Juries regarding Obama’s eligibility to serve as President. If you are interested in convening a Grand Jury in your state or county, contact Carl and Gerry Donaldson! Gerry Donaldson’s expertise teaches America about the Citizen Grand Jury process for we, The People, to constitutionally hold elected officials accountable to their oath in office. This applies at all levels of government. Serving Congress with notice of the grievances, provides evidence of The People’s grievances and is part of holding them accountable to their oath of office. http://citizenwells.wordp... ~ The other way he may be a one term president is if he makes himself a dictator: "Right under the noses of most Americans – Obama has one-upped Hugo Chavez in the Dictatorial usurpation department of imposing Marxism upon a country. To thunderous applause, Obama has single-handedly, and with threats behind closed doors – nationalized the entire financial system and the Auto Industry virtually overnight. We are in a soft tyranny already, and next up on the block is the hard tyranny this dictatorship will ultimately impose upon the whole country. For some some people, who were in the way of Obama’s juggernaut to take over and rob them of their wealth and property – the hard tyranny has already arrived, complete with death threats to those who opposed the efforts of Obama’s takeover. For them, (many of whom actually VOTED for Obama) – welcome to the Hard Tyranny you voted for when you voted for a messiah promising “change”. He is changing us from a Free Republic, into a Marxist Dictatorship, and with the consent of the Leftist proletariat and the Politburo Elites in D.C." ~ I hope we don't hear this familiar title: His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal Barack Hussein Obama, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, and Conqueror of the World in General and United States of America in Particular.

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