• that should mean he runs fast?
  • May or may not be valid, but, his mother was a US citizen, which makes him one. I don't argue about him because of that, just his policies,...the few he has expounded...
  • Very little. I'm more concerned about him invading Pakistan, and all the innocent people who would be killed in such an action.
  • If the birth certificate is real, he's not eligible to be president. Look for a major mess.
  • He will deny his own grandma's word and send her away! The Chicago gangster politicial monster he is building will quelsh any non loyal pesent that questions his throne! Can you say Truth Squads? or SS? Hawaii can not and will not verify his so called certificate of live birth in there state! Of corse the obamamedia , thinks he is to "Pretty" to be wrong or questioned!! He is not a citizen of the USA just a flunkie brought, and BOUGHT to take over the world!! The amazing thing is how no one with any balls will step up and Ask the Question!!! They would be accused of being a racist!! BS!!!!!
  • If it is valid it means he's very clever or we are very stupid, and all we have to do now is wait for the proper authorities who oversee this matter to take the appropriate steps. In the mean time, if you could spare a few minutes and read this link it might help you to draw your own conclusion.
  • I find it hard to believe that the Hillary campaign, the Republicans or the Press would not have found this out during the Democratic nomination campaign. Obama's birth certificate and birth announcement in Hawaii has been authenticated by the State. Still, where Obama was born is a good conspiracy theory that will run forever.
  • Media Matters wrote, "Sorry, WorldNetDaily: Kenya wasn't a republic until Dec. 1964." There are problems with the assertion. 10 months BEFORE it became officially a Republic?
  • I think we really have more important things to be worrying about. All this desperate back biting is just wasting time and energy that is needed elsewhere. Suck it up, I had to when Bush stole 2 elections :)
  • i'm a little confused about the whole issue, frankly. if he wasn't born in hawaii, why hasn't someone in hawaii declared that, officially? it just seems a bit far-fetched to me, someone ineligible to run would get this far, but i suppose it's not outside the realm of possibility that someone would lie about their place of birth to become the most powerful man in the world.
  • Wow he is not from here and he is to young to be President, Biden is now President.
  • Well he needs to be removed since he is there illegally.
  • I believe it is false! The government had to lay the proper paper trail to make him legal. His birth certificate and administration is a lie always has been and always will be! The central government of the USA is a joke! A very serious joke!
  • I think it will be something that will allow birthers to survive another thousand years or so. Nothing more.
  • It certainly looks authentic. So what do we do now?
  • "A birth certificate produced in August 2009 which purportedly documents that Barack Obama was born in Kenya was apparently a forgery created by altering an Australian birth certificate." Source and further information:
  • Draw your own conclusions.
  • It is a FAKE and all you Obama haters are just jumping on the retarded bandwagon.
  • Boy and girls: Be careful with such claims. When crazy claims are made with no legitmnet evidence to support them it detracts from all legitmnet ideas and statments one makes. There are many polices and ideas that one may criticize about President Obama that are totally legit. This inst one.
  • Problem number one with the document, is the February 17th, 1964 date. Kenya gained Independence on December 17th, 1963, but it was not declared a Republic until December 17th of 1964. It shows Kenya as being a republic on the alleged birth certificate from 1964 but Kenya was not a Republic till December of that year. Huh? You may be asking how could a copy of a birth certificate be issued from a Kenyan Republic in February 1964, when no such Kenyan Republic existed in February 1964? Problem two, the birth certificate lists the hospital as Coast General Hospital in Mombasa Kenya. Mombasa did not become part of Kenya until December 12, 1963. Before that it was part of Zanzibar. So again you might be asking how could Barack Obama be born on August 4th 1961, at a Mombasa hospital in Kenya, when at the time of his birth Mombasa was still part of Zanzibar and was not part of Kenya. So how could a Kenyan birth certificate be issued from a hospital in a city, that was not at the time part of Kenya but another country? So if Mombasa was part of Zanzibar in August when Obama was born, then shouldn't the birth certificate be a Zanzibar certificate and not a Kenyan one? But wait it says Kenyan on the birth certificate, any sane person can put two and two together and see this is a forgery. Maybe the unnamed man who provided the birth certificate should have done his research before coming up with this forgery. Problem three is that this birth certificate they allege is Obama's Kenyan birth certificate, looks awfully similar to an Australian one that has been posted online. +4
  • It's fake, and the idiots used an 'O' instead of a zero in some numbers on it. Conservatives will do anything....they must be desparate because they know their wacky beliefs don't fit in today's world.
  • It's entertaining, but I wonder if the false evidence could get the person fined for contemp of court. Even Bill O'Riley and Ann Coulter are willing to admit that Obama was born in Hawaii.
  • In terms of the effect on his eligibility to hold the office of the Presidency, it probably will have little effect. From this site ( you can read the following: The 14th Amendment defines citizenship this way: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." But even this does not get specific enough. As usual, the Constitution provides the framework for the law, but it is the law that fills in the gaps. Currently, Title 8 of the U.S. Code fills in those gaps. Section 1401 defines the following as people who are "citizens of the United States at birth:" - Anyone born inside the United States * - Any Indian or Eskimo born in the United States, provided being a citizen of the U.S. does not impair the person's status as a citizen of the tribe - Any one born outside the United States, both of whose parents are citizens of the U.S., as long as one parent has lived in the U.S. - Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year and the other parent is a U.S. national - Any one born in a U.S. possession, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year - Any one found in the U.S. under the age of five, whose parentage cannot be determined, as long as proof of non-citizenship is not provided by age 21 - Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is an alien and as long as the other parent is a citizen of the U.S. who lived in the U.S. for at least five years (with military and diplomatic service included in this time) - A final, historical condition: a person born before 5/24/1934 of an alien father and a U.S. citizen mother who has lived in the U.S. * There is an exception in the law — the person must be "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States. This would exempt the child of a diplomat, for example, from this provision. Anyone falling into these categories is considered natural-born, and is eligible to run for President or Vice President. These provisions allow the children of military families to be considered natural-born, for example. You can go to that link and read this, and more, yourself. All this hubbub over Obama's birth certificate, and the implications people are trying to make thereby, really don't even amount to a hill of beans in the courts. If he meets the requirements by law for natural-born citizenship, then he IS a natural-born citizen. And even if, by some teenie-tiny remote chance, the laws were to be changed to exclude the particular definition by which Obama qualifies as a natural-born citizen, he would STILL be a natural-born citizen because ex post facto laws are illegal. (US Constitution, Article 1, Section 9 In the world of politics, there is ONE thing you can count on: If any political party could disqualify an opponent in any race for the Office of the Presidency by proving the candidate was NOT a natural-born citizen THEY WOULD HAVE DONE SO. This 'find' is NOT a "smoking gun". The Republicans would have been all over Obama's *ss about not being a natural-born citizen LONG before if there were any REAL chance that it were true. Now...If someone were to prove his MOTHER wasn't a citizen of the United States at the time...THAT would change everything.
  • Then I guess someone will be suing and Biden will be our new president.
  • Utter nonsense.
  • There was already one that was claimed to be real that was found out to be a fraud. I'm sure this one is also. Keep it up though Obama haters. Every time you cry and whine about him being in office, and, every time you make up shit about him, and, every time you ask stupid presuppositions like this are burying your party further and further into the ground.
  • That's nothing.. I heard that a farmer has actual video footage of Big Foot!
  • I want to say zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz but the last time I did that I was DR'd so I guess I'll answer politely - I don't think much really, as a Scot, where the American presidant was born means nothing to me. Is he good at his job? (Opinion required, there will be no right or wrong answer) Is he capeable at his job? And if so, does it matter where he was born? And in preperation for the screams, the President of America is just a job. An extremely important one I agree, but it's just a job and in 8 years or so, someone else will be doing it.
  • A couple of people have said it. For those of you who want to keep beating this dead horse I have three words: President Joe Biden. Even the Democrats cringe at that idea.
  • I guess about the same thing as I feel about senator swartzeneggar.
  • *Sigh* It's been verified over and over again that he was born in Hawaii. It seems the extreme Obama haters just won't quit grasping at straws. He was born a U.S. citizen, he was elected by majority vote, he's president! Period!
  • just a sigh...a VERY LOUD SIGH!!!
  • <Yawn>
  • Well considering its been recorded that he was born here in the United States, I dismiss that as a fraud.
  • I think is a silly desperation on the part of those who have not been able to swallow the fact the he is the President. Meanwhile, take a look at this information and share your opinion.
  • File it with the fake Dan Rather GW Bush National Guard papers.

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