• doesn't seem that way does it. I'd say they will do it anyway, so if they're gonna pump money into it anyway, why not just distribute contraceptives freely instead, then look at the stats again next year.
  • No, it does not. Studies have shown that students who receive abstinence only sex ed wait slightly longer before they start having sex, but when they do have sex, they are far less likely to use protection, and are more likely to fall pregnant or contract an STD. So, no. abstinence only does not work.
  • it works if it is put into practice. when it comes to our bodies, hormones, and lust well is hard to say no to all 3.
  • We have a word for kids who rely on the teachings of abstinence programs... "Parents". Hope this helps.
  • a resounding "NO". it's my belief that all of our ills stem from one source, poor parenting skills or lack of parenting skills.
  • Abstinence works, obviously. These teens, however, leave a lot to be desired in terms of sexual responsibility. Period. Such education often takes a hard beating, but the fact is that abstinence education isn't the ONLY education taught, nor are the schools the only place to get it. And before anybody jumps me for this and says "but the schools don't teach blah, blah, blah..." I have only ONE thing to say about that: BULLSH*T! Schools AREN'T the only source for this kind of education. If the parents were smart enough (or dumb enough, depending on how you look at it) to have had children of their own, they are PLENTY capable of educating their own children on the mechanics of sex, it's risks, and measures to take. But the sad fact of the matter is that almost EVERY teen who gets themselves in such a predicament does so for one reason, and one reason ONLY: It feels good to boink, so much so that they will d*mn the consequences and do what ever feels best at the time. Teens want the rights and privileges of adulthood all the time. And that's as it should be. However, these teens are demonstrating by their actions that they want all this WITHOUT the responsibilities that go along with it. Don't get me wrong: there are plenty of adults like this as well. Does abstinence education work? YES. Are there plenty of teens who refuse to adhere to it (or any other sexual education)? YES.
  • Abstinence and continence has been preached from day one by religious fanatics. And as can be told from their own adult type lives, it's impossible to keep folks from screwing around. So- no. But like with every other Religious belief system- they'll keep denying reality for ages.
  • The education you receive from your parents is the only education that will leave it's mark on young people IMO. A few classes that say 'don't have sex' or 'wear a condom' don't hold a candle to parents saying the same thing. So no, I don't think that abstinence education works.
  • Apparently not in Mississippi. I don't think anyone actually believes abstinance programs are going to eliminate pregnancy and STDs. They are there as a counter weight to what some people believe is too much provoctive influence from other sources, be it permissive adults, graphic images and film, popular music etc. Raising kids is always tough. Parents would like to have some influence over what children see and hear.
  • All the facts say no. So, moving on, let's look at some things that conservatives say: "Communism doesn't work because you can't trust the powerful to distribute things evenly. Gun control isn't a good idea because you can't trust a handful of people (the government) with all the guns. Legalizing drugs can't happen because you can't trust people to use drugs responsibly. Socialized medicine won't work because you can't trust the government to take care of everyone effectively." "But where we CAN place our trust is with teens, with their raging hormones, rapidly-developing bodies, an incomplete understanding of the world, and a natural arrogance that accompanies the transition between being a child and an adult. If we tell them to not have sex until the oh-so-holy and never-failing sacrament of marriage, they will be abstinent. And because they will listen to us so obediently, there is no need to teach them how to have sex responsibly." Makes perfect sense.
  • To keep teen pregnancy and std infection numbers in the top five...yes.

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