• A dodecagon is a polygon with exactly twelve sides. When spelled uppercase, the outlines of the letters E and H (and I in a serif font) are all dodecagons Dodecahedron One of the seven basic forms in the highest symmetry (“hexoctahedral”) class of the cubic, or isometric, crystal system. It has 12 rhomb-shaped faces, each of which intersects two of the crystallographic axes and is parallel to the third. This form is uncommon in gem diamonds
  • Just going by the names, the first would be a 2d (flat) shape, and the second would be a 3d solid. Am I right?
  • A dodecagon is a plane polygon figure with twelve straight sides. A dodecahedron is a regular solid with twelve pentagonal faces.
  • Both have 12 sides but ... One is 2 dimensional - dodecagon One is 3 dimensional - dodecahedron

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