By part gas, part electricity. I try not to use it so often during the winter because of high bills and because I can train my body to handle the rigors of coldness :D
We heat our home on occasion when the heater works with oil.
only gas.
Our home is all electric -- built in the 70's during the gas shortage!
Natural gas.
Natural gas.
Electricity, which is generated by nuclear power plants and coal burning power plants, and natural gas burning power plants, and I appreciate them all.
Natural gas.
Ordinarily propane. At this exact second a space heater.
natural gas.
I think it's electric. We have a thermostat.
Gas. Now help me pay the bill.
Wood stove.
We heat with gas.
I have a wood stove that I use primarily. My house is set for forced hot air with an oil burning furnace - so I do not use that too much.
Forced hot air from an oil burner. Am looking for a wood stove though.
We have Gas and my bills going through the roof...yikes:(
gas and electric
I use only wood heat (Alaska for ya)!!!
I have all Natural gas heating.
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