• You deserve better than this.Divorce her.
  • Sounds like the problem is her, not you.
  • Have you asked her why she is so negative? I would suggest counseling. There has to be some underlying issues that need to be addressed. Good luck!
  • if you don't know, then no amount is going to help you....amke up your out your life with such a person (cause thats not a wife) or NOT!!
  • and you call her your wife?, more like trouble and strife! get out of there!
  • It's your wife that has the problem not you, she is insecure so lashes out, get her to sort it out or get rid of her. :o)
  • If its because you have cheated on her then you might want to take some therapy and show her your ready to change. If its been going on for years then I think its time to file for divorce. Or make sex more interesting. Or do more romantic things for her. Or just sit and talk about these feeling you have with her. I'm sure she will listen if you just walk up to her and say "What did I do wrong this time?" I can almost bet she'll have an answer. Then look at her a say "Ok, Yes I admit I have done that. But is it REALLY something to get angry at me for?!" Oh, and also try to see where she is coming from, becuase it may very well be you. Hope I helped.
  • Stand up for yourself point out all the good in you...make sure you are as a matter of fact...she is trying to lower your self esteem for her own selfish reasons. I am sorry but love is acceptance and if she can not accept who you are then it's time to pack and deserve someone who makes you stronger and believes in YOU!
  • As someone who has felt that way about a person in the past, I say get out. By staying you reinforce everything she says and thinks about you. By standing up for yourself and showing that you are worth something and deserve better, you might just find that she changes her tune. There must be something she likes/loves about you if she hasn't left you. If not, then at least you're free to be with someone who won't treat you poorly.
  • leave her alone or deal with the bs
  • If she is belittling you and bringing you down, tell her how she is making you feel and that it is unacceptable. If the love has gone between the two of you, then maybe it is time for a divorce.
  • If it were me in this situation, I'd pack my s--t and the the hell out of there. Why stay with someone who can't stand to have you around?! Good luck. +4
  • id say grow some balls and leave her. no explanations, no conversations, just out.
  • find someone that appreciates you and accepts your flaws. im sure your wife is not perfect but she sounds like a bitch.
  • Well, first of all. I have seen and hear men and women say the same thing about their other half and not even realize what the are saying . Something like a bad habit. So this is what you do. Don't pack yet. The next time she starts that name calling aske her. Do you love me any more? Be calm explain to her that you are sick of it. But you have to remain calm, and focused on that issue. If she says she can't stand you than make arrangements and tell her what you are doing and why. Be respectful. Don't be like her. Than she will know you are very serious about this issue. fifi
  • Both of you need to go to some counseling! Without it, you have many years of unhappiness in your future. Personally, I have a low tolerance for such type of talk towards me, and wouldn't take it for long.
  • Ask her why she feels that way instead of running away like a pussy. *Not saying you are one, but that would be the pussy thing to do. Most men run from a woman who is hurting and angry... Because in asking... They might just find out what the problem is and then have to do something about it. I have a hard time believing that so many people took your word for this not knowing anything about you and blamed her immediately and harshly just because you are whining... Maybe that's why she "hates" you? Stop whining! Just Because you get sympathy from people that don't know any better and play innocent doesn't make her automatically evil. No one just acts like that for no good reason. Im not saying she is right, but like I said below... Human beings can only deal, the best way they know how and don't come with rule books. Men shouldn't whine... and in the words of Ferris Beuhler. "It's impossible to respect someone who kisses your ass." So in essence, whatever the hell the problem is, Im certain knowing absolutely NOTHING about you or the situation... that it is half your fault. It is a shame that no one else sees that.
  • Without saying a word, just walk in and pee on her shoes. Really, nothing is worse then getting your shoes peed on. Especially when they are on your feet.
  • counciling won't work in this case time to move on good luck
  • Divorce the bitch!!!, on the grounds of emotional abuse ... that will fix the cows little red wagon
  • What did you do? Did you have sex with someone else?There's got to be a reason she is so angry. Is there an issue? Are you not doing something she feels needs to be addressed? Try talking to her and asking her what's wrong? If u r married, address the problem and work at it.
  • Without knowing her reasons for feeling this way, it's hard to advise you on what you should do. Personally, I would ask if she wants to work it out or not, if not, divorce her.
  • read the book Men and From Mars Woman are from Venus. Then have her read it. Very Very Good stuff.
  • I don't think this is a genuine question. You were the wife according to this: Which one are you?
  • Have you asked her why she does all of the things in your question? Maybe she wants a divorce. You need to talk to her and if you can't then tell her you are filing for a divorce. Find someone that appreciate you for what you are and value you as a person. This provided you didn't do something that merits her behavior such as cheat on her w/ someone else man/woman or didn't come home to sleep.
  • get a divorce... let her learn she had a good thing, then you will need counseling, anyone who is willing to take that kind of abuse has very low esteem good luck
  • You know exactly what you should do. You just need enough self esteem to get yourself out of there.
  • These answers are obviously reflections on other users personal experiences with this kind of situation. Which isin't really all that helpful to THIS guy...if you ask me.
  • You need a referee in this battle. Hopefully you both are committed to the marriage; divorce is almost always a poor choice. Then go to counseling together. You need to talk to each other, but for now you need a moderator so you can be civil and understanding with each other. And maybe you need to make some changes.
  • I am angry with my husband but I don't hate him. I look at him and wonder what he's thinking. Are you sure she hates you. I suppose since she talks crap about you ... then maybe she does hate you. Why don't you have enough self esteem to make a decision. Either work on things or leave. Those are your only options. Goodluck
  • Sounds like shes very selfish, greedy, annoying, and has no part in the marriage what so ever. If she doesnt wanna make it work, have a little patience, and understanding. Who is she? If you wanna save the marriage, do little things for her throughout the day, send her flowers... Get her a pass for a day off somewhere of a place that should would LOVE...(spa, message therapist..ect.) ...Give her alittle reassurance of your love for HER. Make her feel beautiful, and pretty...and like your attention is on her. Smile at her, communicate with her. Ask her how her day was...if she is rude and nasty with any of this, take her by the hand and make her understand. Ask her what happened to your marriage, and what happened to the way things used to be. You guys got married for a reason. Remember what that reason was....Look into her eyes, tell her how you feel...ask her how she feels. Ask her what she wants. In all truth, she might have done something VERY bad...and WRONG twords you but will never admit it, and she shows hate twords you...only because she...hates herself. ...there might be much more to the issue then what has been brought to the table. Cuz clearly its not really you, its her... ...if you cant save the marriage, at least you tried...and if being togather cant make you happy. Then her being alone might.
  • Possible things you can do: Suicide. Divorce. Murder. Running away. Going to counseling. Talking to your priest. Avoidance, ( stay away from her.). Acceptance, ( learn to put up with it ).
  • first of all, DONT let HER opinion of you distort YOUR opinion of you. Im sure you arent all that bad. What are her complaints about you and are they real? You are good at SOMETHING, im sure of that. and everyone amounts to something. SO, what are her complaints? Give some more info, and I can better advise you.
  • When you have sex make her have many many orgasms that seems to make them like you as a person more.
  • I know exactley how you feel, I hate these empowered women that think they can treat everyone like garbage. Its unfair to the rest of us. My wife and I have four kids so packing up is not an option, or I would have packed a long time ago. If she is not willing to work on the relationship then it doesnt mean that much to her, which in my eyes means theres your answer. I would encourage you to try to work it out, because if your wife is anything like mine, she is just proud and scared to actually be nice and solve the problem. Good Louck
  • Ask her what is bothering her and it may be something which you doing and she is against it.
  • She sounds very unhappy, how are you treating her? Are you making her feel loved or special? Some times you get back what you put in. You can't change her, you can only change yourself.
  • First of all you need to work on your confidence. Then you need to get smarter and stop doing the things that annoy the shit out of her.
  • Make her happy.
  • There are a lot of women (and men) in relationships who find the greatest pleasure in manipulating the other. Your missis is dragging your arse across the floor like a dog and without asserting your own respect not much is going to change the way she treats you. HOWEVER - "i dont amount to anything" is a strange thing to say to someone. Does she go to work and pay the bills, do you sit at home all day and the place is a shithole when she gets back.. If this is the case then shes got a point and YOU do need to change!! If it aint the case leave the bitch
  • If I was in this situation I would pack up and leave.
  • Best advice is to leave. That is if you didn't do something in the past to cause her to act this way.
  • I would wonder what it was you did to cause such a reaction, firstly. But I also know that it could be something else. Ask her what the deal is. If she is evasive, it could be an affair. If it's something you did, she should tell you.

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