• Nothing or nobody. Without your spirit, you might as well be dead.
  • Most Answerbag members are working on it.
  • Not much these days. When I was a child, verbal abuse did it, but, with God's help, I am through the other end of the tunnel, and have seen miracles.
  • apathy
  • Fairweather friends, the ones who are always there when things are going well and the sun is shining, yet as soon as something is going wrong they're nowhere to be found.
  • the feeling of being left out ... the feeling of poverty or being underprivileged... the feeling of being lonely and unloved.
  • Crying, tears drain me and make me feel like crap the rest of the day.
  • When someone says something negative to me -- doesn't accept me -- tries to change me. On the other hand, a smiling face does wonders for my spirit. Here's to more smiles in the world.
  • People
  • Losing a friend to a misunderstanding .
  • negativity
  • Someone bulling you and putting you down in front of others
  • Not much. It's my spirit and you have to get past me to crush it. Enough said.
  • I try to maintain a strong spirit, and I usually can. But whenever I see FOX and Friends...ugh, I start losing reasons to live.
  • Global Warming
  • I'm working on transcending that kind of suffering. 2 points for confidence in yourself...
  • negativity or bad attitudes at wrong times
  • Although its been said many times, many ways... negativity.
  • Cruelty, ignorance and hatred.
  • When my husband tells me I should leave him because he can't be the kind of man I deserve. It breaks my heart to see him in such pain and to know he feels inadequate as a man because he's unable to work to provide for us. He's disabled and it's hard sometimes when he thinks that he's not good enough for me. I just wish he could see in himself what I see in him. If he did he'd see what it is that keeps me from leaving him and what it is that I love so much about him.
  • Ugliness of any kind.
  • Negitive people.All that ever comes out of there mouth is negitive....I like hope....
  • Too see innocent children dying ( from wars, disease, starvation, etc..)... they are the future of our next generation.
  • Failure.
  • 1) "And then if you aren't frustrated enough, the 13th hole (No. 2 handicap) may crush your spirit. It's a monster hole into the wind and the elevated tee shot may only serve to balloon the ball even more. Keep it low, let it flow. But your spirit will be revived by the last three holes on the ocean. They are some of the best on the West Coast." Source: 2) "Is your life falling short of your goals? Tear down the barriers between what your heart longs for and what you're afraid to ask for. Awaken the courage to be yourself. Break free of the entanglements that crush your spirit. Develop a livelihood that reflects your unique talents and delights. Travel your own unique path to happiness." Source: 3) "Fighting against the world A world that tries to crush your spirit with every action, with every offer It succeeds and sends you away Away, to a limbo state that takes away your passions, and desires" Source: 4) [about Infidelity]"'Seek, knock, and open' every door you can to find the help that is available so this doesn't completely envelop and crush your spirit for the rest of your life." Source: 5) "A wounded spirit comes as a result of a re-action to negative words, events, actions, or a violation of your person or rights – a re-action that crushes you, knocks you down and from which you cannot seem to rise. It crushes an area of your life – your spirit – which is quite devastating in how it affects us." Source: 6) "Thinking of you and your friend. I hope that in the moments when diabetes crushes your spirit, you can fight doubly hard against it because you are fighting to have a life for her as well." Source: 7) "what that man said about his treatment by the Vietnamese: “It’s an awful thing, solitary. It crushes your spirit and weakens your resistance more effectively than any other form of mistreatment....”" Source:
  • Listening (I try to avoid) or watching a news cast. It can get very depressing.

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