• hmmm :| +3
  • G'day Austinius, Thank you for your question. I am. I lost my faith in Christianity at university and I have not been attracted to any other religion. Regards
  • Agnostic, but I don't think that there is a deity.
  • Atheist Moongrim Reports as Ordered SIR!
  • As requested. My reasons are detailed in many other answers on AB so I won't repeat myself.
  • PRESENT!! well actually i'm agnostic... still fits more into this category than the alternatives.
  • Religion-free since 1970.
  • Agnostic Atheist - I don't know everything, but I have no reason to assume there is a god.
  • Agnostic. I at least know what I do not know.
  • Atheist, by my standards. Agnostic by some. I do not say that it is impossible that there is a God, but I do say there is not the slightest evidence for a God and therefore live my life as if there is no God.
  • Atheist here. My reasons and explanations are all over this website.
  • Aye! Reason - God doesn't exist ;0)
  • Agnostic I suppose . I see no reason to believe
  • Atheist. Lost faith decades ago. Like Im Alec I don't absolutely rule out some kind of God but I feel that the ones on offer are unconvincing and often unpalatable.
  • Atheist by principle, anti-theist by trade. My reason is that I incapable of being anything else.
  • I think I'm more agnostic than atheist, but the thing is, unless I don't understand what agnosticism is, I don't wait for, or ever expect, a proof of God. I suppose it would change a hell of a lot if I did. So I guess in the meanwhile, atheist. Reason, in short, is that the idea of God just doesn't make sense to me, and is rendered pretty invalid as such when, to me anyways, it seems like nothing more than a testament to human behaviour and psychology. But then, deriving my own logic from it, isn't that what religious people do, just as much? :/
  • Here.O wait wrong class.Whats up with this class?You all look so hopeless.I know who can help.
  • Present! :) Main Reason: People in the ancient world thought up this belief to explain happenings that they couldn't understand or explain themselves and instead of letting it go they NEEDED to come up with a reason for something happening. Their solution: It must be God! and people have continued to believe this 'theory' even though we are more advanced in our knowledge of science these days.
  • I was bought up as an atheist, I wouldn't want it any other way. Thanks mum & dad
  • I don't KNOW, so agnostic. . .I don't CARE, so atheist.
  • Here! Free will/the problem of evil/endless contradictions. Once you realize that free will with an all powerful, all knowing creator is impossible things really start to come apart. Like God creating a murderer, then sending his creation to hell. Not very loving, is it? My conclusion is no such entity exists.
  • I could prove that I believe (in) anything that exists. Anyone can say they believe in a god but no one can prove they do, so even saying that one believes is being dishonest;- without being able to prove that they do; nor can one even have 'faith' (in a god) without any supporting evidence to base that faith upon. "believers" can only hope that God exists and that the bible is true. If there was a God the world would be a totally different kind of place. Etc... Anyway I guess I'm just trying to say I'm an atheist.
  • Atheist - began questioning family religious traditions at 12 years old. By university, I had settled firmly into atheism. - Thanks for your question!
  • Does the best answer get a prize? Do I win a new car? Do i win an all expenses paid trip to imaginary heaven or hell? Will gawd smite me for answering? I just don't know! OH NO! The sky is falling! I worship chicken little..the know all, see all little chicken for the great little golden books of old. Umbrellas go on sale soon as a church near you!
  • Born without religion, read the bible and many other works of fiction. Went to sunday school, sang hymns, and engaged in all the other enforced mind poison that christianity forces down your throat from an early age. Realised what a total load of BS it was and never looked back. I think some people may have a natural immunity to the disease of religion.
  • I'm an atheist, primarily because gods don't exist.
  • Take away mankind from Earth ... and the words atheist, God, or religion are gone too, then perhaps creation would be known or understood by another name and explanation ... So the term Atheist only exists because man exists ... Like many issues, man makes up his own labels for those minorities who doubt or deny his other creative's of questionable acts or beliefs whenever it best suits the majority ... I am a male human being created equally the same as all human life ... Yet my story pertaining a universal creation may be different ... Peace
  • Not present. Sorry to break up the party but there's always one, isn't there? My reason is that I have not seen any evidence that the incredibly complex physical laws governing the cosmos down to the subatomic level did or could have come about without an intelligence responsible. There is evidence that these laws and relationships have been present since the big bang unchanged; they did not evolve and grow in complexity or adapt to the expanding universe; rather, they have been elegantly controlling the universe's expansion and operation.
  • 31 ! Reson being that i find an anthropomorpic God to have an vanishingly small probability of existing spontaneously, without the context of a large civilisation of similar beings.
  • I prefer not to divulge my beliefs in answer to this question...why stop with religious beliefs? why not ask about race and ethnicity while you're about it, and be even more divisive?
  • Sorry, duplicate answer
  • Atheist through and through ... do not believe in fairy tales or myths ( well I did until I was 5 years old )
  • practical atheist. absolutely, i'm an agnostic, but isn't everyone ?
  • Present. Raised religious, went to sunday school, sang in the choir, played the handbells, was an acolyte, went to church camp, conducted the children's choir, was confirmed, went to bible study, killed at bible trivia. Went to a methodist college. Was considered a fine and upstanding member of the religious community, basically. But I was troubled by the hypocricy I perceived in the church, inspired most directly by discovering a Sunday school teacher was beating his wife and children because they weren't holy enough. My preacher started speaking out against Muslims and Gay people. I was sincerely distraught over this, as a believer. This couldn't be the same religion I saw in the Bible. Why the discontinuity? I decided to try to find the true religion and read everything I could find on the subject of early Christianity and the history of religion. In short -- whoops. Read enough on that subject and blind faith goes right out the window, and you're left basically with tradition, social control and a well-meaning community. I don't fall for tradition, hate social control and never fit into that community anyway. So I left the church and never looked back, and am 100% happier for it. The truth will set you free.

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