• i dont think that its wrong or right. if its fine with the parents and child then i dont have a problem with it
  • It's not wrong, but it breaks down a barrier that I think is necessary for a proper parent/child relationship. A parent is a parent and should be thought of as that, therefore deserving of the title Mom or Dad.
  • Personally, I find it disrespectful, but that is only because I was raised to believe that you address your elders in a respectful and courteous manner at all times, especially your parents. But, if the child's parents are absolutely fine with being addressed by their first names, then that's great, but it seems to be more of a "buddy-buddy" rather than a "parent" thing to allow.
  • I think that children should respect their parents and call them by mom or dad. That's just personal preference I guess, because I wouldn't want my son or daughter calling me by my first name in public.
  • it depends on the situation sometimes i call my father by diminutival for of his name that her mother used to call him it makes him laugh
  • It's better than calling them fat jemima poopy pants
  • I don't think it's my place to call it wrong, but it seems odd to me. Personally, I think Mom/Dad seems more respectful.
  • it's ok but outside that circle,they should always show respect.
  • Its cute, until a certain age. my son called me nonnie for a few years, simply he could not say my name johnny. Later, the first names of parents have to go. i agree with most other answers that it does not show proper respect. Mom is mom and dad is dad. Everything else is cold.
  • I don't care for it at all - My children have and never would call me by my first name
  • I don't know of many societies in the world where children are permitted to call their parents by their first names. It is natural in all human groups I can think of to distinguish the heads of the household by their titles. This creates a clear hierarchy of authority, and yet paradoxically tells the children who cares for them most in this world.
  • I don't see anything wrong with it. If it were disrespectful in our society to call people by their first name, then that would be different - but that's not the case. It's not disrespectful, so it's certainly not "wrong." I call my birth father by his first name. I wouldn't call him "Dad" because I already have a Dad, who helped raise me. And that's how he was always referred to, perfectly respectfully, in my presence - so that's how I've always known him. It would feel strange to call my mother by her first name, because I'm not used to it; I've always called her "Mom" so I always will. Had I grown up calling her something else, it would feel odd to call her "Mom." Would that make it "wrong"? Of course not. Social norms shouldn't be confused with morals/values. Just because our society doesn't demand that we bow to each other doesn't mean we're being disrespectful to everyone every day. The custom of calling parents by their title instead of their name is not a matter of right or wrong; every family has their own customs.
  • well actually it depends on their culture. in my culture we call our parents by names. it really depends on where in the world you were brought up. We can not say your culture is wrong and mine is right can we.
  • "Wrong" is a strong word. I told my kids that Mom is the very best name in the world, and I would be very sad if they didn't call me that (when it came up when they were pretty young), because I'm so proud and happy to have that. Besides being "respectful", those terms announce to the world that this person is special in my life, so I think it's more sad when kids use their parents first names.
  • yes, I think it is disrespectful. :Honor thy mother and father.
  • Well, i dont think its wrong, LOl i do sometimes but only on occasion, ANd only when i need to And what i mean by need to, Yesterday to be exact i was playing softball and their was over 40 people in the stands if i would of yelled dad everybody would of looked at me so i yelled randall and MY dad looked lol :)
  • No, I don't believe it is wrong, but more unusual than not. If it is okay with the parents, it seems acceptable that the children can do that. However, other older adults might view it as disrespectful. I know a friend of my son's Dad demands that kids address him "Mr. ____" and respond "Yes sir" and "No sir." It does not contribute to his visits being enjoyable with that friend.
  • Well I Think Its Okay Intill They Understand What They Are Sayin At A Young Age They Pick Up News Words To Them So Fast So If They Keep Hearing Your Name All The Time There Going To Say It Also But I Think Out Of Respect They Should Not Call You By Your Name
  • If the parent and child don't create status issues which obliterate the use of boundaries or create false boundaries, I don't have a problem with it. Personally I don't care for or allow my son to refer to me as "Dude".
  • Not if its the wishes of the parents, personally I wouldn,t like it.
  • Well, I call my dad by his first name. I only ever call him my dad when I am talking about him, else no one would know whom I am talking about. My mum I call mum all the time. I do not call my dad Mark because I am trying to be disrespectful, but because I just always have. I don't think it's wrong, just perhaps a little sad
  • No. I don't think there's anything wrong with parents allowing their children to call them by their first names, I myself have called my parents by their first names for most of my life. It does show a certain level of respect and maturity to allow your children to call you by your first name, and knowing that their parents respect and trust them is important to a child's development. Just so long as they maintain some level of respect for their parents authority, does it really matter what names they're called by?
  • I don't think it really matters to be honest. I have a friend who addresses her Mum by her first name and it doesn't seem to have any particular effect on their relationship, positive or negative.
  • I have 3 children! a child calling a parent by their given name is absolutely disrespectful and should never be tolerated
  • I don't see it COMPLETELY different than calling a teacher by their first name. It depends on the people involved.
  • It's unconventional, but I don't think there's anything wrong about it, i even see some positive in a child knowing they're equal at a young age than learning as an adult that they're not a subordinate or inferior to their parents.
  • I think it's disrespectful and if I were called by my first name, I would feel as though my child did not feel like they were part of the family.
  • I think calling them by their first name is disrespectfil but my mother and father are comfortable with it so I'd rather call them by their name. I just can't find the commpassition to look at them as parents more like strangers who live with me, but otherwise, my purpose isn't disrespectful, for both are fine and OKAY with it.
  • Actually, I look at this in two ways. First off, I wouldn't ever call my parents by their first names, because I respect them and I would feel disrespectful calling them by their first names. It throws me off to call my in-laws by their first names. However, my son calls me Becky; my name is Rebekah. I lived with my parents for his first year of life while I finished high school, and so naturally he picked up my name from everyone else. I've also struggled throughout my life with the notion that adults deserve respect simply because they are older, because I unfortunately had a high IQ and spent most of my childhood being more intelligent and more well-read than a lot of adults I met. I could carry on a converstaion with anyone, and I was reading my dad's MIT college books in elementary school. So I've done my best to treat my son as my equal because I truly feel that he is. Just being younger doesn't make you deserve less respect than an adult. He understands how to be polite and knows that his parents make the rules, but he is also filled with a dignity and pride in himself and I'd like to think this is something I've encouraged. Also, when we left my parents' house and went to college, it was just the two of us, and we became best buddies, so there was no need for titles or for me to be above him.
  • Well really it depends on if the parent allows it, then its fine. Its just unusual to me to call them by thier first name. When my friend called her dad by his first name it made think that he was her step dad but I finally found out that was her really dad the whole time. It just gives me a different thought.
  • What, the kid doesn't know how to say "mom" or "dad".. Man that's just as disrespectful as someone calling them a**hole....
  • yes because it is just a way of disrespect and it is unpolite the child should be taught ,because it doesnt show any respect ,doesnt sond respactable towards the parents and it has a bad impreesion for the child
  • Yes!!! I never do that. I have grown to respect my two step sisters who refer to my mother by her name as I do so their father withouth a second thought about it.
  • its what u will put up with, its not wrong, but if u dont like it tell ur child what u want to be called
  • I think that it is fine seeing that there are billions of "moms" and "dads" out there. They have a name for a reason and it is something that makes them unique. How many parents call their kids son or daughter and never their names.
  • My little autistic son calls me Angel. My other children call me mom
  • I don't think it's wrong..As long as your child respect you it's ok.^_^
  • I don't think it's wrong, but I think there is value in 'mom' and 'dad,' which is familiar and unique to a parent-child relationship. It has always been a little odd for me to hear a child refer to their parents by their names; like they are just friends or something.
  • My mom never did tell me not to call her by her first name. So, I'll take her word for it.
  • That's really between the parents and their kids. When my wife was growing up, she generally called her folks "Linda" and "Jinx" rather than Mom and Dad, and everybody was fine with it.
  • It always seems disrespectful to me...that was not the way I was raised.
  • I think it often a sign of dysfunction.
  • I think it is completely up to the family involved.
  • I don't think it's wrong. I have no kids of my own, but I sure would love to be called Momma. I've read lots of stories and seen movies where kids called their parents by first names but never known anyone, but as a master's level psychology student, I don't know that it would be psychologically harmful, but it might not establish that "parental" boundary. With me it's jut about that mother-daughter, son-daughter bond.
  • I dont necessarily think its wrong but more disrespectful than anything. I thought that I wanted my son to call me by my first name while I was pregnant but the more I thought about it the more I didnt like the idea. In that situation I say " to each his own."
  • I wouldn't necessarily say it is wrong. I guess it is more of a comfort thing. If parent and child are comfortable with it, then I think it is ok. I would not be comfortable calling my mom or dad by their first name or having my children call me by name. If it is your cup of tea, then I would say to make sure there is still the element of parent and child, and not best friends between the two.
  • Yes, I think it is wrong for a child to call their parents by their first name. In scriptures we are reminded that we are to honor and respect our fathers and mothers and so calling them by their first names is both dishonorable and disrespectful. When our children are growing up, we would be anxiously waiting for the moment when our children would call us mom and dad.
  • I always did call my parents by their first name, first word I ever spoke apparently was my mother name, only when I grow up a bit and wanted something I would use pai and mãe. I don't think is wrong by any means!
  • If the parents accept it, it is.
  • If I had kids, I wouldn't like it if they called me by my first name, but some parents prefer it..i see nothing wrong with it then.
  • No, family values have been eroded enough already
  • i like call my parents by it so like yea
  • That's up to the kids, in my opinion
  • Actually, it is no one's business but the parent/child. My son ( at 42) has only ever called me Mom..but of course when he would call me at work or refer to me by name to others, he'd say "may I speak to Rosemarie" or , "this is my mom, Rosemarie." I love him, trust him and respect him. If he felt comfortable calling me Rosie or Rosemarie why on earth should I have a problem with it? It is my name, after all! :) Happy Saturday! :)
  • No. I thought so when my first kids were born. I was a young parent then, and it felt weird having my kids call me Dad. Big mistake. Calling parents by their first names gives them a familiarity with the parent they shouldn't have. They begin to believe they're EQUALS. Time and again, parents must EMPHASIZE... "I'm not your friend, your buddy, your pal or your peer. This is not a DEMOCRACY, it's a dictatorship. What I say GOES, because I SAY so. I'M the parent." ...and have them address you accordingly..
  • Not at my house. I say it's disrespectful.
  • I would never do it but if the parents are fine with it then who am I to judge.
  • It always sounds odd when I hear it, and it seems disrespectful-even though the intention is not one of disrespect.
  • no i have always called them mum and dad and my children have always called me mum. it wouldnt feel right.:)
  • Personally, I think its about what the parents beliefs and values are, although I don't think I would like my daughter calling me Paige anytime soon... it just doesn't seem right.
  • I always called my parents by their given names and my kids call me and my s/o by our given names. After all they are our names and we don't have a problem with our kids calling us by them. My kids respect me for who I am not what I'm called.
  • No. It is not respectful. Addressing a parent by a term that denotes they are the person's parent shows respect. If my children called me by my first name, I would tell them not to do that. I have step children who call me by my first name, and it doesn't bother me because they were 16, 15 and 10 when they first met me.
  • If both the parents and the kid are comfortable with it, sure. Why should anyone else care?
  • If the parents are okay with it then it's their choice.
  • I suppose it's kinda weird...I only called my step dad by his name.
  • No It's very disrespectful. It will effect how they behave toward their parents without knowing it. NO mater how liberal your family is... hierarchy in the family member should be applied. It's the learning process and prepare them how to behave properly in the society.
  • definitely
  • My son doesn't call me by my first name. It is not the done thing.
  • Its based on respect. No children aren't to call the parent by name but should know the parent/parents names along with other information incase they get separated in public. Its ok for them to say it as they learn but know mom and dad is more appropriate

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