• Houston, we have a problem!
  • See ya! Hope you find happiness somewhere down the road buddy! *flips him off as I walk out the door*!!! +5
  • They elicit no emotion in me--I feel nothing about them. I think, though, that they form a very inaccurate generalization; probably as a result of bias gained from an unpleasant personal experience.
  • I feel contempt because I have never done any of those things. I am not a macho man, nor am I a pig or a slave owner. I have only ever shown kindness and care for the women I was with, yet I was the only one who was stepped on. For the way women have treated me, I should be the one to hate.
  • Well, I take care of my wife. I cook, clean, do the laundry. Not that it is appreciated. Does she show me the love I want? Does she show me the respect I deserve? Women are such low lifes.... Oh, sorry, that is kind of painting all women with a broad brush. Sorry ladies.
  • Aside from the fact you spelled chauvinist wrong, it is a generalization and they are never accurate. It's not fair to men. *Edited to correct my misspelling of chauvinist. I'll remember it from now even if I think my way looks better. lol!
  • Don't worry, with an attitude like that this person is unlikely to ever find one.
  • For a guy I am very emotional... So if a girl came up to me and said that as soon as she walked away I'd run into a corner and cry hysterically >.< It's not true, all of us are different.
  • I think the only problem you may have is that you have met the wrong kind of men. You have to be so careful with that word "ALL." Usually, in fact very frequently, judging any group of individuals so broadly is inaccurate. Do not allow preconceived notions to stop you from meeting a decent man. I am sorry that you have had such a bad experience with men. All you can do is keep searching for the one guy who is right for you. Good luck!
  • They make me laugh since they are ridiculous.
  • Sounds like the words of a chick who is asking for it.
  • I think she need to go to the gym.
  • Sounds like you'll be using a dildo the rest of your life!
  • good luck getting a dildo to take out the garbage
  • I feel that you are kind of lumping all men in the same group.Not all men are the same. Are you a chauvenist, is that why your wife cheated on you?
  • Been there, felt that. It lasted about 30 seconds before I realized that ALL men would include my father and brothers (and eventually my sons), all of whom are good men (though not without their faults). I'm glad I got over it, too, or else I would've missed out on knowing some really great people.
  • You have obviously not met many men and you are not likely to meet many more. To answer the question about how I feel about your words...nothing..absolutely nothing.
  • Luckily, most men are not like that. If that is all you are finding, you need to find a new place to look.
  • Sounds like you have been hert in the past. But i promis you, not all men are not the same. [:
  • Since you don't know how to write and spell, maybe you should be our slave. Biatttch! Stay in school ho.
  • I'm a man. I don't expect women to be my slaves. I expect men to be. I'm gay. ;) And I feel that someone speaking those words is setting herself up for a lifetime of bitter, self-inflicted misery if she means them.
  • if they can find a woman who wan't to be in this position, fine with me
  • I think that this girl is not only extremely sexist but a hypocrite. A lot of women feel that way about men because they feel men are sexist toward them, so then they do the exact same thing to men, and often way worse. They practically call and treat men like animals unless they are handsome and prince charming. The numbers of girls who do this are increasing rapidly i think.
  • You do not even know me but hate me. Interesting. I have been married seventeen years and my wife has never been a slave. What about women who abuse the husbands what are they called as this is what I went through in my first marriage. Or does the world believe that women are not capable of such things. O and this is how you spell "chauvinist"
  • Typical feminist speak.
  • I feel that you don't deserve the pleasures of having a man until you realize that they are all different and that you CAN find the one who's everything you want.
  • Not all men are, I know some men that are "slaves" but sometimes I do hate men too at least once a week. Men do have an easyer ride in life because they do not give birth, they do not menstruate and have hormonal swings, they rarely take the head responsibility of children when they are born. And sometimes they don't do so much housework...
  • you are making poor choices...
  • The words don't make me FEEL anything. If these are someone's actual feelings, I would say you are finding the wrong men. Ask yourself, why that is.
  • You have poor taste in men. I never asked a women to do anything for me. In my relationships I do all the cooking because I enjoy doing it but hate washing dishes.
  • How I feel about those words? That you must be a very frustrated person. I don't know what happened to you, but you are clearly projecting a whole lot of frustration on a whole gender. Your view is extremely limited and very sexist. See what happens? People even mix up your opinion with feminism, though it's got nothing to do with that. Bullshit is what I feel about your words! You're exactly the same as all the bad things you hate in those people who have wronged you. And with those strong prejudgements of yours, you are unabling yourself to heal also. I do feel sorry for you. But the choice is yours. I hope you make the decision to heal yourself and to open up to the many good men there are in this world.
  • That's fine because we all hate you.
  • &quot;I hate all men". Interesting. Are you sure "Hate" is the word you wanted to use? Are you sure "all men" or only the one(s) who hurt you, which I'm sure has happened? Since every man, just like every woman, is different, I find your statement very hard to believe. Now, "all men are macho"... Interesting, again. Many women LIKE macho men, though that seems to be changing, and many much prefer LESS macho, and more empathetic, sympathetic and compassionate. "Chauvinist pigs" - "a man who is perceived as approving of an inferior status for women in society" (from ) and "a term used in the 1960s among feminists for men, usually with some power (such as an employer or professor), who believed that men were superior and expressed that opinion freely in word and action." (from ). Now, I will acknowledge that there are some of those out there, but most men that I've met are not like this at all. "Expect women to be slaves" - Nah... I prefer, as do many men I know, "partners"... SHARING responsibilities and dreams. How do I feel about the words? Well, as I said, I really doubt that "hate" is the correct word, but maybe it's right by YOUR definition of "dislike". I also believe not ALL men are as you describe. I have found that generalizations never work, and I hope you have or will, soon, too. My guess is you've been hurt by a jerk or two, and you don't like them very much. Well, I don't blame you for that, but you may have a problem with your selection process, picking those "macho" men, believing you can change what you don't like about them, and finding you can't, so you get hurt. I'm sorry about that... Again, not all men are like that. Find a different place to look for a relationship, and choose against the type you normally choose. You may find he's too nerdy or mousy for you, based on your description, but he will NOT be the "macho, chauvinist pig [who] expect(s) women to be slaves". You may find you want someone who is at least a touch more "macho and chauvinistic", but someone who still knows how to treat a woman. (Of course, if you don't like men to hold doors open for you, or walk on the street side of the sidewalk, or... You may not find the right man. There ARE many chivalrous men out there!) Good luck in finding the right man (or woman, if you prefer) for you. ;-)
  • It's true that some men are chauvinists, but this is a blanket statement. There are some wonderful men out there with beautiful souls; some men are feminists, even. My boyfriend is! Don't dismiss an entire gender because of bad experiences you may have had (assuming, of course, that this question is personal and not hypothetical or pertaining to another person, that is). You'd be cheating yourself, and them.
  • I agree with part. SOME men are shovanist pigs and think women are below them. I have been hurt a lot by men in my life....but I love my daddy and he is not like that at all. So ALL men are not like that
  • I fail to see the problem. And women hand it all to them. And shovanist, is spelled: Chauvinist.
  • Well, they made me giggle a bit!
  • The word hypocrit comes to mind. That statement implies a chauvenistic opinion in itself.
  • Either words said in anger or words from an ignorant person.
  • Damn it women! Will you get of that computer and get me another beer!
  • i think the men u are referring to are red necks and hill billy's, civilized ppl should have more sense than that... but than again there are some messed up ppl out there. well any ways thats my opinion
  • I don't necessarily agree wÅŸth you. If you let them, they would be even worse. You just have to learn to play it right. Never let a man or anyone to make you feel bad. Son't give people the control over you. Keep in your mind that youself is the most important thing in your life. You value yourself therefor people value you. As far as slave issue. It is a given taken world. If you realize that you been giving way too much without receiving, then you should stop. No matter what stop what you are doing and rethink about it. I bet you are a smart person with great potentials. If this jerk doesn't work for you, no need to waste time just move on to the next person who is gonna value you.
  • You need to find some different men. ALL men are not like that.
  • Know of some ladies who think guys are a working meal ticket for them
  • I think the person who says them must have been hurt/abused by lots of assholish men.
  • 1) As I am a man, I feel sad to be hated by this person. The person saying this has probably had an extremely negative experience of men. Also it looks like a hasty generalization to me. Further information: 2) "Male chauvinism is a term used to describe the belief that men are superior to women. The term was widely used by the feminist movement in the 1960s to describe men who believe or display an attitude that women are inferior to men, speak to women as inferiors, or treat women negatively based solely upon their gender. Female chauvinism is a less commonly used term used to describe the symmetrical attitude that women are superior to men. The term "female chauvinism" has been adopted by critics of some types or aspects of feminism; leading second-wave feminist Betty Friedan being a notable example. These critics argue, for example, that in some gender feminist views, all men are considered irreconcilable rapists, wife-beating brutes, and useless as partners to women or as fathers to children. Ariel Levy used the term in different sense in her book, Female Chauvinist Pigs, in which she argues that many young women in the United States are replicating male chauvinism and sexist stereotypes." Source and further information:
  • I feel they are one girls opinion and she hasn't met many men.
  • i feel u r wrong and should think how lucky u r
  • I feel like you should have worded it different.
  • Those words are beautiful and sounds about right because all men are exactly what you say we are.
  • Can't we all just get a bong?
  • Well, that is a very strong statement. I don't run into those kind. I have always met the opposite. My husband is very respectable a real man and treats me like a real women. I don't think I have ever met someone like you say. Why do you feel that way what did they say to make you say that? I would say walk away from anyone like that.
  • That two of them are misspelled (it's spelled "chauvinist," and it's spelled "you"). Beyond that, the statement is patently ridiculous, so the spelling mistakes fit right in.
  • Shovanist? I feel you didn't go to school.
  • I think I'd pay more attention to them if they were spelled correctly.
  • My husband is not chauvinistic, nor are most of my male friends. I feel you are a generalizing moron.
  • The word Chauvinist has a precise meaning. Calling men pigs is not exactly going to get you much sympathy since there are billions of men on this planet and more of them than not are good people whom you have not even met. If you don't want to be a slave, then don't permit yourself to be one. Don't blame others.
  • Ummh...I can handle the "u" but I do have a little problem with "shovanist".
  • Kinda sux. Apparently you don't know Ec, or the millions like him yo...
  • Suits me fine. I personally hate all women. I think they are all femenist misandrist, ego centric gold digging bitches. To each his/her own i say.
  • not at all true. I know plenty of nice guys.
  • Blah Blah make me a sandwhich :) See I can be jackass for no reason too
  • Those words make me feel sad for you.
  • after all that it makes me feel bad, but not all guys are like that you shssh if i knew you i bet i would ask you out "that's just me" and and i'll treat you like a princess ahahahahh lol yah dig
  • A lot of men are like that, a lot of PEOPLE are like that.
  • You must be hanging out with the wrong crowd.
  • all women are whinging, whining, two faced gold diggers who expect all men to kiss their arses. How do you feel about these words
  • hate is caused by jealousy and envy....i feel u mean the OPPOSITE of your words..... the women i personally have known who spouted these words, desired the one thing they could not 'get' ...a man and POWER over they tried ever devious means they could to INTIMIDATE & DOMINATE...REJECTION caused them to have MUCH HATE..... thats how i feel about one with this kind of hate and words...and i have GREAT pity and sorrow for them.....but thats..Justme...:)
  • You make it sound as if women aren't meant to be slaves.
  • Aside from the misspelling of chauvinist, you need to look up "chauvinist" for a definition. My dictionary says it means "excessive or blind patriotism: JINGOISM." I don't think that all men are warmongers. I, for one, end to place women above men in almost all social situations, and to give them respect, honour, and deference.
  • Sorry for you. I LOVE men. The chauvinistic ones make me LOL!
  • i don't like when men disrespect women either, but not all men are that way. there are plently of real men who love and worship women.
  • Oink Oink byaatch!!
  • Sexist.
  • i think , "what a sad,shallow, person you are and your sad,'concept' of ALL MEN"...what kind of woman are you? do you expect them to be slaves to you ? do you have any idea what a woman should do and be for her 'man'? or are you one of those who look for men that can do for you , not what you can do for them? and HATE is a very bad,strong ,emotion...
  • Obviously you haven't met all men.
  • I feel the same about women
  • I know people who actually believe that all men are macho, ego driven assholes. So I feel dissapointed, I suppose. :P

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