• To the extent of putting things away and no longer thinking about them, yes I can. Now, somewhere in my subconscious whatever it is will still be there, but I don't think about takes up no conscious time. You have to do that or you will go nuts. You can't always be thinking about everything all the have to decide what's most important and focus on that. :)
  • Certainly. By exercising self control and by meditating. Christians can pray for God's Holy Spirit too so that as the Apostle Paul said, "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus".
  • Control of the mind can achieved by determined practice. It is a long drawn out process but worth every bit of the effort you put in. There is no short cut. I got the idea from Bhagavad Gita. If you are interested I could give you a link.
  • It is possible to control the mind however, starting out to find the mind is the first difficulty. It cannot be found outside of the initial look-er, so then who would control it? As Suby points out it takes effort to find the vantage point from which look on the mind dispassionately. Only then can it be let go of, which is the best way of control. Put it at arms length. It is a mirage not to be taken seriously. Yet sometimes that vantage point comes quickly and intuitively. Best wishes.....:-)
  • Yes. By using it.
  • taking responsibility for your some research on cognitive behavior therapy.
  • Yes, I just by think twice when I am going to do something!
  • To control the mind takes every bit of your awareness. Reason being is that there are a million things that the mind will hold onto for a million reasons that you can think of. Total effort, on every level is required to control the mind. the mind seeks to be active for it's existence and Propagation of itself. If you do away with all of the things that you hold on to, that you desire, that you think you need, that you worry about , that you think about... And if you are aware of your breath and are aware that you are that awareness..., You would be in control of your mind.
  • I can't control which thoughts enter my head. But I can control which ones get to stay there.

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