• There are many pictures of Mohammed despite many having been intentionally destroyed by zealots. Once upon a time, Islam had a rich tradition of figurative art and music, it was only in recent centuries that they cracked down on them. reference:
  • Because , although Muslims do not worship the prophet, they do attach an unofficial and fanatical significance to him that treats him as more than a man. Insulting the prophet will get you killed in many muslim countries quicker than insulting Allah. There is nothing in the Quaran that forbids it. The Hadiths actually forbid all images of people and animals. By any objective interpretation, this would include photographs too. Somehow, for many muslims this somehow got warped into being applied specifically to the prophet. By the way, there are a few depictions of him to be found, like this one :
  • Not important, the picture that is
  • In Islam its not allowed to take photgraphs.
  • I just did a google image search after reading this question. I found some. Im sure there are portraits of his likeness somewhere
  • There are pictures of Mohammed, mostly by other Muslims.The picture below is a traditional Iranian image of Mohammed. Try this link.
  • Cameras had not been invented yet?
  • it's not allowed but we have every detials his body (colur, tall, ...etc) and every details even the number of white hair in his beard. peace be upon him
  • Muslims base their beginning with they obey this OT scripture... (Exodus 20:4-5) “You must not make for yourself a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or that is on the earth underneath or that is in the waters under the earth. 5 You must not bow down to them nor be induced to serve them, because I Jehovah your God am a God exacting exclusive devotion, bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons, upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation, in the case of those who hate me; This explains why their decorations are limited to script. Which in itself is quite amazing. A "picture" can be in any form...even rock.
  • Because he didn’t want his followers to fall into the trap of idolatry. By having no image he tried to ensure people would only worship Allah & not him. At least thats my understanding.
  • From my understanding Islam does not like paintings or sculptures of any religion including there own. so you have nothing to look at..
  • Uh, it's against their ten commandments or sumthin...
  • I don't know about you but I don't want to look at a picture of a man who pillaged, murdered and had sex with a 9 year old girl hanging on my wall. If you look him up on wiki you will find all the facts you need on what this supposed prophet was like.
  • Because in their religion, it is forbidden to use his image in any way. They feel that it debases the intent of his message. He is a prophet, not to be mistaken for Allah who is the point.
  • He represents a seeker of truth who's only purpose was to honestly connect with the Divine. His picture is immaterial.
  • I don't know. What is the answer?
  • He was sensitive about his nose? I dunno. - [I betcha some humourless twit will DR that one. No excremento.] - ;-)
  • Why don't people just honor the fact that this is a religion that forbids this and leave it alone? Who cares what the heck he looks like anyway? Does it matter? He was a man from the east.
  • there were no cameras. but I have a water color.
  • You are mistaken. Islam has made MANY pictures of Mohammed.
  • There were no cameras back then
  • Because he is really Dracula.
  • MOhamad who Ali?
  • In Islam there is no space of Photo: If any kind of original photo is available then people make it a symbol of warship. It is not acceptable at all. In Islam warship is only for God. So there is not any kind of photo of any messenger is allowed in Islam.
  • He didn't have a camera?
  • This question is asked almost every week. Google it.
  • Muhammad (Peace be upon him): BEAUTY OF CREATION Describing the Messenger of Allah who passed by her tent on his journey of migration, Umm Ma'bad Al-Khuza'iyah said to her husband : "He was innocently bright and had broad countenance. His manners were fine. Neither was his belly bulging out nor was his head deprived of hair. He had black attractive eyes finely arched by continuous eyebrows. His hair glossy and black, inclined to curl, he wore long. His voice was extremely commanding. His head was large, well formed and set on a slender neck. His expression was pensive and contemplative, serene and sublime. The stranger was fascinated from the distance, but no sooner he became intimate with him, than this fascination was changed into attachment and respect. His expression was very sweet and distinct. His speech was well set and free from the use of superfluous words, as if it were rosary of beads. His stature was neither too high nor too small to look repulsive. He was a twig amongst the two, singularly bright and fresh. He was always surrounded by his Companions. Whenever he uttered something, the listeners would hear him with rapt attention and whenever he issued a commandment, they vied with each other in carrying it out. He was a master and a commander. His utterances were marked by Truth and sincerity, free from all kinds of falsehoods and lies." Ali bin Abi Talib describing him (Muhammad peace be upon him) said : "The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him was neither excessively tall nor extremely short. He was medium height among his friends. His hair was neither curly nor wavy. It was in between. His face was not swollen or meaty-compact. It was fairly round. His mouth was white. He had black and large eyes with long haired eyelids. His joints (limbs) and shoulder joints were rather big. He had rod-like little hair extending from his chest down to his navel, but the rest of his body was almost hairless. He had thick hand palms and thick fingers and toes. At walking, he lifted his feet off the ground as if he had been walking in a muddy remainder of water. When he turned, he turned all. The Prophethood Seal was between his shoulders. He is the Seal of Prophets, the most generous and the bravest of all." Abu Huraira said : "I have never seen a thing nicer than the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him. It seems as if the sunlight were moving within his face. I have never seen one who is faster in pace than the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him. It seems as if the earth had folded up to shorten the distance for him. For we use to wear ourselves out while he was at full ease." Whenever Abu Bakr saw The Messenger of Allah he would say : "He is faithful, chosen (by Allah), and calls for forgiveness. He shines like a full moon light when it is far from dark (clouds)." Umar said : "When he got angry his face would go so red that you think it were an inflected red skin-spot with pomegranate grains on both cheeks." Ibn al-'Abbas said : "His two front teeth were split, so whenever he speaks, light goes through them. His neck was as pure and silvery as a neck of doll. His eyelids were long haired, but his beard was thick. His nose was high-tipped, middle- cambered with narrow nostrils. His legs were plain, straight and stretching down. His other limbs were straight too. The two hollows of his soles hardly touch the ground. When he walks away he vanishes soon; but he walks at ease. The way he walks seems similar to one who is leaning forwards and is about to fall down." Anas said : "I have never touched silk, or a silky garment softer than the palm of the Prophet peace be upon him; nor have I smelt a perfume or any scent nicer than his. His sweat was pearl-like." ====================================== Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet Watch this PBS documentary film on the prophet of Islam: Muhammad's career changed the world he lived in. His legacy continues to influence us today. Learn more about him and view clips from the film concerning gender issues, other religions and prophets, violence and jihad, the Qu'ran, and how Muhammad informs American Muslims' lives today. The materials of the film were developed, written and edited by Michael Wolfe, Alexander Kronemer, Michael Schwarz and members of the film's Advisory Board.

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