• well, we did it!! we did the jam the soap in the mouth, and he hated it, gagged and spat it all out, but did it work, I still threaten to do it now aged 10!!
  • ask a police officer next time you see one if they can do you a favour and say that their is an age limit or something to swearing and it is an arrestable offense to swear at his age - or take away a toy every time he/she swears as punishment or something like that :) :)
  • Where are they hearing the swearing to learn it? At home or from friends? If from friends, they need to change friends. If at home you are setting the example. They are modeling after you.
  • Duct tape his mouth shut. lol only kidding.
  • destroy his favourite toys one by one till he breaks down in tears.
  • i agree with jeaniefirst....i put soap on the tooth brush and brush there teeth with it...that way ur killing to birds with one stone...and if the swearing continues at least he'll have nice white teeth lol
  • TO THE SWEAR JAR!!! (do you know/get what i mean?)
  • if it is a friend of your brother's who is providing the example, then that friend is the first stop. He must be told to stop saying it in your house. Enlist your parents to bring the point home. then, send him to a room where there is not much to do each time he does it. explain to him why. keep doing this until he learns.
  • 1. By making sure you're not using bad language around them yourself. 2. By asking those around your child to please stop swearing (if that's what is going on). 3. By asking your child where they learnt language like that and if they use that language at school. 4. If the language is being learnt from and or used at school, talk to the teacher - it's likely that you're not the only one experiencing the joys of a potty-mouthed child. 5. Ask the child if they know what the words mean and really sit and listen to what they tell you - some kids do know what things mean, others don't. 6. Ask the child for the reason they use the words they do - is it to express an emotion, because they think it's cool to swear or because they think it's just another word to use? 7. Check out the media the child is exposed to or is able to hear at night time - tv shows, movies, music, radio etc. Try to restrict the child's access to this kind of media or teach the child that just because they hear it doesn't mean they should then use it. 8. Teach the child alternate words to use and alternate ways to expres themselves. 9. If none of these work, explain consequences to your child and have a reverse swear jar - when they swear they lose a certain amount of priveledges or money. 10. Divert their behaviour with positive reinforcement - via a star-chart that includes 'did not swear today' and a big reward such as a drive to the beach and a game or a board game or even an extra ten minutes awake before bed etc (try to fall into the pattern of paying them not to swear - it's financially draining). Biggest of all. 11. If your child lets loose with a particularly colourful term or word, don't reward them with laughs or positive attention. You might think it's cute when it starts but not later when you're getting dirty looks by parents covering their child's ears when your child lets loose out in public! 12. If your child swears at home, make sure they know it's not acceptable and then remove yourself from the situation - don't feed into the behaviour. Walk away and refuse to talk to them until they can speak in a more appropriate way.
  • Tell him to shut the f*#k up.
  • My son is 3. He knows there are certain words he cannot say and he knows there are stiff consequences if he does. I realized he was saying the -words- I was using SO. I stopped flat out. Now if I do slip in front of him. I apologize to him and tell him straight up they are bad words and I was wrong to say them. Thank goodness I havent slipped much in months. After about 3 weeks of ME not using swear words... he stopped too. A few days ago he heard someone use a swear word out in public. He turned to me and asked "momma, when I get big big can I say bad words too?" This was proof that at three... He does recognise what words are appropriate and what words are not.
  • I would say something along the lines of: "You don't sound very smart when you talk like that. You should use more intelligent language so everyone knows how smart you are." Saying it exactly like that might not work, but the main point is to have the child understand that swearing can sound ignorant.
  • shoot him, just kidding, maby tells him that every time you swear santa gets hit by a train.
  • Where is he/she picking it up from. Best way is to ignore it and don't use it yourself around your child. Your child is only continuing to use it because it gets a rise out of you, soon they will forget it if you do.
  • Shove a sock in their mouth
  • Control your 6 year old or he/she will turn out like me, I swear on average 50 times a day(if the world "control" sounds mean, it's not meant to sound like that). I started swearing when I was 6 years old too. I think you should tell your child that it is wrong to swear, and you should teach him/her some other words to use instead of the swear words.
  • Six years old is old enough to realize that what he's saying is unacceptable. His parents should down play the attention he gets from it and use his own reasoning to stop his swearing. For example, the next time he wants to go somewhere, say to a birthday party, movie, or out to eat with family, they should tell him "Sorry, we just can't take the chance that you'll embarrass us with your bad language, so you'll have to stay home with a sitter. Maybe next time you can go." A few times of being excluded and he'll change on his own, without any fuss and of his own doing. This method is based on non-violence and respect for both child and parent.
  • Put him in a monastery with a bunch of silent monks, he will get the idea.
  • First of all, kids repeat what they hear & they hear it everywhere. I used the ol' wash the mouth out with soap trick & it worked for me. But, I was consistent. If you don't mean it, whatever punishment you use, kids won't believe it.
  • 1.)Punch them in the shoulder. 2.)Make them eat Lima beans, baked cow's liver, steamed califlower, wheat-bread w/ thick crust, & drink un-sweetened Prune juice everyday. 3.)Tell their teacher to give them 3 hours worth of homework on the subject they find hard to understand or dislike. 4.)Make them take 2 ice-cold baths a day. 5.)Did not always them to watch T.V, play games, etc., instead make them read encyclopedias about WW1, WW2, etc or the bible(old testament!) for 3 hours daily.
  • ignore it and it will go away
  • Punish them. The 6-year-old should NOT make the decisions. You have to put a stop to it and have consequences so the behavior will change.
  • I would guess he's using it as an attention getting strategy. Have everyone completely ignore him when he swears and don't engage him.
  • just get a bar of soap and wosh your childs mawth out just use soap and water if that dont work my mustard in thar mawth that will barn thar mawth out all of them worked on my child so if your child swears again just put soap or mustard in thar mawth.
  • wosh thar mawth out with soap and water if that dont work put mustard in thar mawth it will barn thar mawth out or smack them and send them to thar room.
  • yes my child swor at me i toock him to the bath room and stud him at the sink and woshd is mawth out with soap and water and he nevre evrer swor again and if he did i will do it again.
  • dicipline him/her.... I feel kids are gonna hear swear words all their life. it's better they learn now when its acceptable and when it's not. At six... a child should know its not.
  • my parents always used the old wash our mouth with soap. that worked. if that didn't, you got your ass whipped and sent to your room. i don't remember any kids back then swearing at all, at least not in front of adults.
  • well when i was little i got swats on the but if i swore or anything i was suposed to do. but they always told me if i didnt stop id get a swat. i thank them for it because it has helped me ceep my self in line. a little swat isnt that bad but to many can be a very bad thing.
  • Where did they first hear the swear words? From friends, movies, If it's friends or movies, you should monitor who the child spends time with and what he/she is watching. If you are the cause, then practice self control around the young one by trying not use profanity. Adults tend to swear because it helps to relieve stress caused by the grind of daily living, just take caution around the child, and any child for that matter. Children are easily influenced and often repeat what they hear from adults.
  • stop swearing in front of them or allowing them to watch tv and movies with swearing. explain to them that certain words are for grown ups only and that when they are bigger they can use them but right now they are too little. set penalties for using grown up words and stick to the punishments.
  • By setting a good example and teaching this child that swearing is for adults, not children. Then, stick with it.
  • Our daughter used to say damn and we would just ignore it. She finally stopped after a few months. No biggy. Soap is toxic and can cause problems as well as using tobasco sauce. I heard of a child who choked to death after having that applied for swearing. I also find these choices by parents to be absolutely sadistic.
  • I remember tasting a bar of soap although I decided to go a different route with my children.
  • It's not always easy, especially if they have classmates that swear (my grandson has a few in his class) you can't just change the class but you can talk to him about it - If you set the example it is also a little easier. Kids that age think that those vulgar words are funny even though they are old enough to recognize they are "bad" words... I sometimes hear my 6 yr. old grandson say such potty words, giggling between himself and his four year old sister...Until I say something to them... You can only set the examle and explain to him why it is not nice to use such language...You can also reinforce bad language with some form of punishment - make him read a good childrens book instead! Now thats nice english!
  • You need to make sure he is not around anyone else swearing. THen, make sure you and others don't react to it. WHen my son was about the same age he picked up a few words. WHen he would let one slip my friends would laugh. this just made the problem worse. don't forget to talk to your kid about why he shouldn't do it and that you won't either.
  • Introduce him to a big ole bar of Lifebuoy or Zest soap. He'll either slow down on or stop the cursing or he will become quite the soap connoisseur.
  • I've been dealing with a similar issue lately. I've been letting my 5 yr old daughter know that the word she just said is not polite to use in public. I'm not making a big deal of it, and she seems to becoming more aware of the power of words. I'm letting her know that the worst words are the ones she uses in anger. She is absolutely forbidden from calling someone a name (stupid, dumb, ugly, etc.) She has learned that this will result in a time out. But the words like damn or hell, I just let her know that those aren't polite and young ladies do not use them. She seems to be responding well. She's stopped calling me a "right bastard."
  • I know this sounds bad but my mother used to rub bar soap in my teeth when i would swear as a child and it worked!
  • I feel the need to say that children learn by example. Although they are bound to hear such words on occasion no matter what precautionary measures you take, it doesnt become a problem if they are only surrounded by friendly words. If the child DOES NOT hear these words at home and is very young, I would have a talk with all caretakers and get to the bottom of it. If it's another child that is setting the example, then they should be separated from each other as much as possible.
  • Stop swearing yourself?
  • Buggered if I know....
  • Make him/her take a spoonful of straight vinagar everytime you catch him/her saying a swear word. Tell him/her if they are going to have dirty words come out of his/her mouth then you are going to clean it out.
  • It depends on where he hears it. Kids hear those words at school alot, but then alot of it stems from parents to. I think it all depends on what atmosphere the kid is in most of the time. I mean you could wash his mouth out with soap; give him time out; take special toys away from him; maybe even give a little wacking-which would'nt hurt. My kids know way better than that!!! Good luck. I think we as parents just have to primarily lead by example, and get them around people of the same value.
  • if my kids ever swear i will get a bar of soap and wosh thar mawht out with soap and water then i will smack them and send them to thar room and if they swor again i will put mustard in thar mawth it happend to me when i was a kid so you shud do it to your kids.
  • I always thought swearing was for people who do not have vocabularies wide enough to convey their exact feelings/emotions. That's why as a kid, I never swore. Maybe explaining that to your kid might help. It'll show him how silly swearing is, and how uncool. Of course, as much as you want him to not swear, you've got to set a good example too. Good luck with this, and let us know what worked :D
  • stop hitting him.
  • well if my six yrs old swor i wud grab old of his arm and take him to the bath room and wosh his mawth out with soap and water and if he still swor he wud get the mustard in his mawth but when i was 4 yrs old my mum was in the baff i was sitting next to the bath and i said basstard my brother said do you want to say that again then i said fuk off then he grabed me and took me to the sink and he wet the soap and wobelled the bar of soap in my mawth but my mum didnt tell him off i probbley got wot i was asking for but when i spok bubbles came out my mawth and i cud not speak proppalley it tasted horreyble but never swor again tho lol.
  • Man! This is classic! Anyway... does he know that you know? Have you ever told him that it's bad? Most people won't agree with me, and i half don't myself, but maybe physcial disapline will stop him... it's just ideas... if you don't do anything, he's gonna get jumped in high school
  • Try diciplining your kid. He says shit. send him to his room. what a thinker that was.
  • Somehow make them understand that such language makes them sound uneducated and at the same time show them how smart they really are and it's such a shame that other people think they're idiots only because of their vulgar language etc...
  • tell hi/her to shut the F*** up (joke)
  • give them a smack the first time but if they swear again get a bar of soap and wosh thair mawth out with soap and water and send them to there room for the nightand lock there bed room door if that dont work get a jare of mustard and brush thir teeth with it it will burn all the bad words away when i was little i had my mawth woshed out lol it was gross.
  • dont pay no attention to it, and they will stop it their selves
  • I liked Ausbabe's answer. I utilize principles of Applied Behavioral Analysis that postulates the power of positive reinforcement. I have a reward chart that clearly shows expected behavior, such as kind, respectful words, no hitting, calm body, listening ears, sharing, etc. There are also icons of a boy sitting by himself (meaning he can do things on his own and he is in control of his body), and an icon of a child reaching up to an adult for help. If he has difficulty, he has the opportunity to identify the icon that shows that he needed help. This helps him get in touch with the fact that he is indeed able to control his own actions, and, therefore take responsitiblity for his behavior. This is referred to as self-regulation. If he were to swear, I would first give him a warning, that he is in danger of losing his reward for the day. If he did it again, I would look at him straight in the eye, and calmly but firmly tell him that swearing is not ok. This signals to him that he cannot upset me by swearing, but that his behavior is going to be addressed. It is important not to lecture, and keep responses simple and short. We would go to look at the reward chart together. I would point at the respectful words icon (it's an icon of a mouth), and I say, "Were you able to do this on your own, or did you need help?" He is consistently able to point to the icon of a child needing help. I let him know that the consequence are the denial of a reward that he would have received at the end of the day, and tell him that I hope he will get the reward next time by doing everything on his chart.
  • The answer is simple! Keep a wooden spoon handy and every time he or she starts to swear, smack them with it. It may be hard at the time but the swearing really has to stop. This is the quickest and easiest way to stop it. Good luck! :)
  • I would tell them not to swear at this age since they probably don't know why their swearing or the meaning of the words. no dessert or less play time such as tv, games until they stopped.
  • I would find it unnecessary to make them STOP, they're gonna say words that you may not like sooner or later.
  • On the rare occasion that my kids swear, they get a disapproving look and are told "don't say that--it's an ugly word." (ages 8, 6, and 3). The 3-year-old has not sworn. Works because my approval is important to them. However, for lying, they get a drop of tobasco on their tongue. You could use that for swearing as well. Unpleasant, but no safety issues as with soap. They will ask for water to wash it down--that will make it worse. Give them milk. Interestingly, I've only had to use tobasco a couple times. Hasn't been any lying in a very, very long time.
  • my sister would make my neph lick the bar of soap LOL
  • Gice them consequences for their actions, and stay strong on them. Even if you think it's cute, you have to punish them for it. Take away a toy or privledge. Don't cuss in front of them. Keep doing these things- setting a positive image, ans showing them that you don't swear will show them how to behave properly. Children don't learn from "do as I say, not as I do"- so teach them through your own actions.
  • I don't know if this will work for you but when my children were little and they would say bad words I would take them to the bathroom and lift the toilet lid and make them stand there and spit "all the bad stuff" out of their mouths into the toilet. Sometimes they would have to spit a good 15 - 20 times. They hated having to do that so much but it made them stop saying bad words...and that included saying things like "stupid", "butthead", "idiot", whatever was not nice to say. It worked for me. It's worth a few tries!
  • When my 5 yr old was 3 or 4 he started cussing. I told him the words were bad and that he was not aloud to say them or I would put soap in his mouth. When he said it again I put a small drop of soap on my finger and rubbed it on his tounge. It was a small amount and it did the trick. I only had to do once more for cussing. I have also tried it with back talking.
  • Punish the six year old.
  • Stop swearing in front of him.
  • Ignore it. The more a child sees something bothers you the more determined he or she will be to go out of their way to do it. If you simply let it slide they will sooner or later stop when they see they are getting no reaction from you
  • try Hot sauce ?
  • Be the example. They hear it from somewhere, the television, home, school, freinds. Adults using those words is a "yep, it's okay to say that, they do"
  • Tell the little one what they are doing wrong, and why it is wrong. Tell them only once. Tell them that their will be concequences each time he or she swears. Take away something. The easiest way to get a child to listen to you, and learn from their actions is to take something away. You might have to remind them why you are taking it away. So basically ignore, and when they swear take something. They may come to you later and ask for it, or ask why you took it away, tell them, but in short form this time. Good luck!
  • I would have to ask where the child is hearing the bad language. You first make sure he is not around it and then you start punishing him when he uses it.
  • Tell him to shut the f*ck up. Give him a dose of his own medicine.
  • Backhand him
  • You have a naughty room when ever he swears you put him in it for every minute of his year. (ie: 6 yr old goes for si minutes.) If he says sorry at the end he can come out. If he escapes the countdown goes again. If he escapes dont talk to him or look at him just place him back without saying anything. If he is good and doesn't say anything you make a chart and have an astronaut or whatever the astronaught moves up whenever he is good and whenever he reaches the top he gets to do what ever you want with him.
  • When he swears, immediately leave the room, get the soap and make him put it in his mouth. While doing this, explain that swearing is dirty, and we do not do this. Be calm, do not laugh or give extra attention. Just act like it is a part of the everyday. Do this consistently and he will probably stop after a little bit, once he realizes you are seriousabout it, he will not like it, prompting him to think before he speaks.
  • Do you swear yourself?
  • ignore him if he notices that he isn't getting attention and that nobody cares, he will eventually stop.
  • I wouldn't pay attention. I have seen that work, especially at that age
  • make them pay you a dollar for every cuss word they say. or wash their mouths out with soap. literally.
  • My son wasn't "swearing" but was using inappropriate language like butt head or poopy pants when he was 5 or 6. This was advise I received a worked like a charm. I took him into the bathroom and had him sit on the toilet (lid closed) and I sat on the edge of the tub and said "If you want to do potty talk then go ahead and say the words you want sitting on the potty. Potty talk if for sitting on the potty." He looked at me like I was nuts and I told him to go ahead and start saying the words in the bathroom and told him that every time I heard that type of talk, he would have to go in the bathroom, sit down and say the words. It happened one time after that and took him back in there, but after that it stopped. My problem was solved.
  • Set a good example for them and get out that trusty bar of soap.
  • make that super nanny thingy ( get a chart and give him a star for each hour passes in which he doesn't swear in and if he swears you take off a star and when he completes 50 stars buy him a present or do something nice like going to picnics or something he would enjoy and praise him a lot and make him feel a sense of accomplishment ).
  • Tell him to go outside and cut a switch.
  • 1. The same way he learned to swear. Keep your mouth shut! When kids know they are bugging you - they'll keep it up. 2. Check the supermarket to see if they still sell Fels Naptha soap; that works too.
  • Now maybe I have really understanding kids, but when my oldest son told me about a child that he knew that swore, I told him that when children swear, it reflects poorly on the parents. I said that when a child swears, even if it is just in the company of his friends, it is disrespectful to the rules that his parents have set for him. And further more, it gives the listeners the idea that the child's parents either don't teach him manners or that they indeed teach him to swear and it makes them look like poor parents. This description of responsibility is all it took to teach my oldest 2 sons that swearing is wrong. They respect me well enough to not want people to think poorly of me because of their actions. Its amazing what your kids are capable of understanding if you try to talk with them. Being as they would totally tell on each other, my 9 and 12 year old have never swore. With other children that I have babysat or been around, especially the young ones, when you hear the swearing, react with a strong gasp like it just totally shocked you to hear what they said, and then with disappointment, and never ever allow ANYONE to giggle at the situation. If you act like this behavior is completely unacceptable they will not want to do it much longer. Good luck and remember parenting is an art not a science!
  • Eahehesy spank da child lol it always seems to can scare them into it
  • Well, the reason your 6 year old is swearing is probably because he/she either heard those words from you, or on TV. My answer is, make sure that YOU dont swear, and make sure your 6 year old is watching apropiate TV shows.
  • punish the little devil, tell him that if he dosen't stop saying swears he's not going to (thing he enjoys the most) and meaby stop swering in the home
  • If they get an allowance you could set up a swear jar. Every time ANYONE swears in the house they have to put money in the jar. Or you could give them tokens for every day without swearing. Then when they earn enough tokens they can turn them in for a small treat.
  • STOP all interaction with other people coming into your house that swears. Stop all TV that is not age appropriate. And get you child into a childlike routine. If you are allowing your child adult media and adult conversation and you're not aware of adult interaction during the day. Then STOP. And revaluate. If not your child will only copy everything he/she does every day. Mimmick what you want your child to see and do and like wise will happen. If you curse like a sailor so will they.
  • When he says a bad word don't laught and ignore what was said. Don't make a big deal about it and he will quite/ That what I did when my 3 year old pick up a bad word from her grandparents and she quite.
  • I am 25 and I am still cant stop swearing.. is that bad??
  • By stop swearing yourself. He is only getting it from someone. It doesnt come naturally or anything. You need to let him/her give you a little reminder when he/she hears you say bad words. Make sure you say, "That's NOT accetpable talk. Do NOT say that again. Mommy/Daddy needs to stop saying bad words too." Maybe have him/her tap your hand when you say it. Just to "teach" you when you do do, and you can do the same to them.
  • I say go the old route beat their butt...
  • i know that many people on AB would oppose, but i dont think my parents were wrong in giving me a stern (though not painful) slap when i misbehaved as a child.
  • put tubasco souce on their tongue after they say the worked on me when i was little.or if you want something a little less spicy try dish soap my parents used that when they didnt have any hot souce
  • the first thing is to find out where he learned swearing and go from there, he knows its wrong, he uses for attention and also its immaturity...i know quite a few cousins that got hot sauce, soap, might not of stopped them but they darn sure knew better than to let an adult catch them again!! oh, and when he got hot sauce, we were not allowed to give him water....
  • Simply don't allow it and be consistent. Also, don't swear in front of the child.
  • tell them, every time they swear, its a present less to them.
  • a good ole fashion spanking. and soap to the mouth. worked for us as kids it can work for our kids

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