• yes i have, and its not pleasant
  • no...not yet
  • Yes, and the first thing that comes to mind is suicide. I would just rather die so I can't feel the pain.
  • Yes I have, it is amazing how something emotional hurts physically, and in the chest area. Time will heal, but that doesn't help when your pain is at its deepest. Good luck :)
  • Yep, quite a lot.
  • Yes, it's that tight chest I feel like I am going to die feeling. I have had it and it was one of the most unpleasant feelings I have ever had.
  • Several times, by the same people, how sad is that? You;d think I'd learn by now, but oh no.
  • no,never, i and hope not...
  • Of course I have. Getting your heart broken hurts but makes you appriciate love and realize how lucky you are when true love comes your way.
  • Yep i have, suffering from depression because of it.
  • No, and happy to say it, im independant for right now
  • Many, many times since about age 10-12! It is a natural result of allowing yourself to be friends, loved, or care about others. You always take a risk of having your "heart broken" as long as you are willing to look and seek out love of various kinds and levels. If you do not want to ever have your heart "broken" (and they do repair themselves over time) then you can simply lead a life without close friends or intimate friends, but I think that would be a very lonely, albeit "safe" alternative lifestyle.
  • Yes...more than once. But it made me appreciate the one who has never broken my heart even more. :-)
  • Yes, many times. By friends, family, husband, et cetera. It builds character (note the sarcasm).
  • Yes, yesterday. If you want to know the scoop, look at my profile. Thus the dark and depressing avatar.
  • just the once and on the odd occasion it still hurts.
  • Yes, mostly from family; arguments with my parents or my brother, cousins, etc. But not really from a crush or boyfriend because I was never really "in love" with them, it was more like lust.
  • I think all people will have a broken heart at least once in a lifetime. The pain that you feel is so sureal! Its as if no one else has ever been there. No one can imagine the emptyness. You might feel numb, youve cried so hard that you cannot cry anymore tears! You dont even feel no more. You feel isolated all alone. You cry at songs that remind you of your love. But, low and behold after a few days or weeks (might listen to Love Stinks 5times in a row). Your friends, family are still there. You start to hang out again, get on with your life. And maybe you meet that special someone whom was just meant to be together with you. You got that "eye thing" going on and the loves in your heart again. One day at a time!
  • Yep, just spent 2 days in the hospital for it. Cost me $12,000, have no insurance. Now I am going to a therapist. I have just found this site and it has really helped me to see that I am not alone and so many other people are and have gone thru the same thing. I just wish instead of reading responses on here that we could all get together and talk in person and give each other a REAL BIG HUG. Thats what I'd like to give you now. Hang in there . I know I am trying so you do the same. I wish I had found this site 2 months ago, it would have saved me some money anyway. Not sure about the therapist yet but I will do ANYTHING to get over this, except for the suicide thing
  • yes the first boy i ever loved i met him and we were instantly attracked to eachother it was amazing!! but i lost him and it did hurt for awhile
  • You can die of a broken heart but it's not worth it.get smashed its St patricks day
  • Yes, when a woman who was like my grandmother died when I was 14. If I close my eyes I can feel what it was like to be at the cemetery during a prayer on a hot August day when my heels were sinking into the ground and I cried my eyes out.
  • Oh yes. I posted the video for the song only, not the actual video. "My mouth is dry, forgot how to cry, what's up with that? You're hurting me..." "Smoke" by Natalie Imbruglia
  • Yes. At first I felt the most intense pain, and then intense loss, and then intense emptiness. Everytime I thought about it, what had gone wrong, how much I missed him, my chest would get tight and my head would hurt. Heartbreak is very much a physical as well as emotional pain.
  • Yes. Absolutely. Sorry for the cliche but time really does heal all wounds. Be positive, do healthy things like working out and eating right and spending time with friends and writing in a journal, etc. and before you know it, the days and weeks melt together and you will think of him/her less and less. It is painful, there is no doubt about it but you will make it through.
  • if it makes you feel any better i feel like my insides have been scooped out with a fork and that ia m missing a huge part of myself ow because i got my heart broken.
  • yep, amny times...not quite the greatest feeling ever to have..actually, it's one of the worst feelings you can have, in my opinion...
  • yeh one time i was so stressed out about lots of things and then one day this guy told me he was cheating on me and he liked the other girl better and it broke my heart cuz this relatioship was for 1 year and a half and i got so stressed out that i had a panic attack and my chest was hurt really bad because i fell over on my chest and i couldnt breathe so i guess you could say i really have felt the pain of actual heartache
  • I once heard that the pain is your heart breaking. A small tear in your heart’s wall, this is caused by all the stress hormones running rampant in your blood while in emotional pain. So the emotional becomes physical.
  • Yes. It has happened a couple of times..all due to different things. My sister died 10 years ago and my heart broke then and still hurts at times. I am going through heartbreak currently. I got broken up with after 2 1/2 years and it sucks. He broke my time a year ago and then last month. I also experienced heartbreak when his dad got sick and died. Its hard when someone dies...but its even harder to watch them deteriorate, know they don't have much time, and be there when they die. Heartbreak is a way of life...I think everyone will experience it at least once in their lifetime...and if they don't they are very lucky.
  • When my father passed away, it still hurts and it's been 7 years this November... :(
  • yes indeed. There is a very good reason someone started calling the phenomenon a "broken heart"
  • Yes.By the only person I ever trusted with everything.
  • Yes I have, but, never from a breakup.
  • yes my heart was broken once, not by a lover. i now know why they refer to it as a broken heart, it physically hurts , like it's ripping to shreds in your chest, it takes a long time for the pain to disipate
  • yep suffering from it right now!butterflies in stomach so unbelivably bad..i can barely head feels like its infested with a virus called my ex boyfriend...i cant concentrate on daily tasks..but what i keep thinking is...does he feel what i'm he letting me ruin his day to day!!!!so why should i???answer is..because im a fool for happened me before and promised it would never happen again..and it did...will i ever learn i keep saying after this time i def will...but realistically i dont think i will..i let my heart rule my head.
  • Yes, my router went funny and for a moment I questioned my own sanity and self esteem... luckily It was OK after restoring it to factory settings! AB was back up and running in no time! Phhhhhew that was too close for comfort.!
  • Yes and no doubt it will happen again!
  • It Could Hurt Really Bad And U May Think It Was The Last Person U Will Ever Fall In love With But Its Not So No Need To Worry!!!
  • Yes, and at the time it seems that nothing will ever be the same, again. But believe it or not, things will get better and you'll get over it. Time, etc.
  • Yes I have...I will never forget it. My chest hurt, in that very place that my heart ached actually. It seemed like there would be no end it it...but there there always is..."God never closes a door without opening a window." You just have to be willing to look for that window.
  • Oh yes. It was awful. I could never get over it. Until I did! Surprised the heck out of me to find that one day I was actually attracted to another man, looking forward to the experience of love again. It took a long while to feel secure enought to fall in love again, but it did happen.
  • Yes Yes Yes. I have had such a broken heart my whole body hurt.
  • Many times. I remember being surprised that heartbreak actually does feel like your heart breaking.
  • I have, yes. It's a nasty feeling that one. Suicide seems so friendly when you're heart's torn appart.
  • Yes I have and still do, probably always will.
  • Absolutely!! I didn't expect it to happen on AB site. You learn from your mistakes and what I learned was never and I mean never ask a question again!
  • Yes i have but now I'm happy i had to go through that cause now I've met my wife.
  • Yes. The worst part is having it on your mind 24/7. You come to detest the feeling and just wish you could get on with your life.
  • Yes i have felt that way and still do....I could never puy it into words. It's like my hart really has broken....I keep telling myself that this too shall past.
  • Oh, absutly - right now, actually...
  • Yes i have. Not too long ago. I didn't know how I was going to recover, but time heals "most" wounds and I'm just fine ;-)
  • Yes :( but time heals all wounds
  • definately. for about 2 months, actually. <ouch>i dumped a guy i thought i loved... and then got shot down by the guy i've loved for years... it all worked out eventually... like 6 months later. </ouch>
  • Yes, it makes it hard to breath.
  • Yes!...
  • yes, your breathing decreases, your heart physicaly hurts and sometimes you cant eat or sleep.
  • Yes, right now I do. I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest and someone is kicking me in the stomach. It is very, very hard. I am SO sad after breaking up with my boyfriend a week ago. The pain is unbearable at times.
  • baby the answer is yes. its this tight hard feeling in your chest that what you do isnt good enough that your a mess and a terrible s.o.b. that no one b it mother bestfriend or future spouse will ever love you againg...but bby it will get better that much i promise you now it wont happen magical over the couse of 2 -3 days but it will happen one day you will wake up and see the wonderful beautiful splendid creture that you really are...and thats when the healling can realy start
  • Yes. The sinking feeling in my stomach and the knot in my throat. Who said that its better to have loved and lost? Sometimes you wish as if you'd never loved at all.
  • heart still hurts even after a while now. its hard on the heart when you love with all of it
  • I've been sad enough yes... I feel that way right now actually...
  • Yes, several times and even moreso now with my now four year relationship, where he loves and cares for me as a friend, but I am deeply "inlove" with him and will soon stop seeing him at all or die.
  • Yes. Grief can have intense physical symptoms.
  • yes, yes i have
  • YES. Someone I had been with for a very long time was killed in a motorcycle accident, and I was in pain for months. My heart felt like it was being crushed, and I couldn't breathe.
  • I have a few times, it's not usually an actual "heart" located pain, it's in your core, & it truthfully can hurt. When someone says something about their heart, this is what it truthfully means anyways, because it hurts your soul, which is the heart of your being. It's a feeling that can bring even the strongest of us to our knees, & something that I wouldn't wish on the worst amoung us.
  • Yes when i found out that my fiance cheated
  • Yes. Who hasn't?
  • yes, but its not actually your heart thats hurting, its a blood vessel in your chest that starts throbbing. its the same blood vessel which causes butterflies in your tummy.
  • Yes, my marriage ended about eight years ago. I was 18 when i married had a child at 19, and divored at 24. He cheated on me, many many times. and i really thought my heart was going to be broken, it felt like it broke. but its eight year later and i am ok.
  • oh yes....heck I actually wanted to go to the doc to get an x ray because it felt like he stuck the knife in and left it there. In all seriousness I hurt so badly it made me physically sick and I ended up in the hospital. Love hurts...kinda makes you wonder why we do it :)
  • Yes. What's up with that? It's so hard to accept the reality.
  • ABSOLUTELY! RIGHT NOW! Every day I wake up and feel the pain in my heart. I can't eat, I barely sleep, I definitely don't smile or laugh anymore :( I know there's a light at the end of the tunnel...I'm just trying to get there!!!
  • oh yes, when my father died, i never ever thought that i would get over it, in fact ive never gotten over it but life has gone on. I miss him and my heart aches as much now and he died in 1979.
  • Yes and if you feel this way, I am so sorry, it is not a good feeling to have.
  • I havent felt this way in a long long time. Not sure if that means that my heart as hardened somewhat because of past hurts or what. But I certainly pray that if this is the case, that God will melt my heart nad make it as it was before the hurt happened
  • yes i have , very recently too.
  • All the time.
  • yes - but it mended on its own
  • yeah I felt so heartborken, that i wanted to DIE.. thats how bad it was, but then I realized itwasnt worth it....
  • yea.... :( a couple of times it has happend to me to the point where i didnt want to live any-more.... :( but i relized that its there lost not yours everybody gets there hurt broken from time to time you just got to get up and try to shake it off.....and move on because there is plenty of great guys out there that will treat you right trust me i was lucky and got one!!! :) (GODBLESS) sweetie take care...
  • Oh yes. Hearbreak can be so painful, it was one of the hardest things i've ever had to deal with (i'm still only 16).
  • My heart always feel like that when I hear/see my Mom cry... and I am an adult!
  • Yes, we lost seven people in our family in seven years. So much pain. I'm alright now though.
  • yup and my sorry A$$ is still with him...
  • Oh yeah! Once I thought that I would actually die from it. It hurt so bad it made my entire body hurt with it. I couldnt eat or sleep. That was the worst pain I have ever felt!
  • Must be your first or one of them, life is to short have fun and forget, time heals all wounds
  • yes I have
  • yes ofcorz... ur life will be incomplete w/o this... remember every failures...and tragedy is the key to success... and to become a BETTER PERSON...
  • Yes. My heart hurt/ached sooo much - really felt like it was breaking - but I knew it was right for me to accept the relationship was at an end, and end it. We were just causing one aother turmoil and my children. I think when I have been completely in unrestrained heart that is when my heart felt broken.
  • yes i have felt so heart broken that i cant express. Its painful when you see a person you love is happy with some one else but its HURTS when you see a person you love in not happy with you.
  • I think so. I think everyone can understand this feeling. Having your heart broken doesn't necessarily mean that it has to do with being in, or out of love. I think everyone at one time or another, has had their hearts broken; Whether it be because their best friend moved away, a pet's death, family problems, or any other situation thats main ingredient is a connection through some kind of love. So to answer your question, yes it hurts. It feels like you can't breathe, and if you're crying, it feels like your throat might explode from trying to hold down the tears, and your eyes fill with so many tears that you're afraid you won't ever be able to see clearly again...and your heart..your heart is working soo hard to keep your body functioning properly, to keep itself from pumping so hard that it might just jump right out of your chest and never want to see the light of day again. Yeah. It hurts.
  • Yes but it's better now.
  • Yes, I have. When I lost Jay I felt like someone ripped it out.
  • It also feels like you can't breath sometimes.
  • Yup. Right now,Only when Im awake!!
  • once and never agin

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