• 1/4 (one quater), 1/2 (one half), 3/4 (three quaters), 1/3 (one third) etc. :)
  • Do you see the key on your key board that has the question mark on it? It should be on there.Instead of pressing shift,just press on it by itsef.Just type the number,then type the / then the second number,and this should come out to the fraction you desire.*
  • Is this what you mean - hit ALT 0188 for ¼ hope you can see print 1/4 ALT 0189 for ½ 1/2 ALT 0190 for ¾ 3/4 ok
  • 1) "fraction: a ratio of two integers, the numerator and the denominator, usually written one above the other and separated by a vinculum (horizontal bar)" Source and further information: In computer texts such as this one, we don't have an easy way to type this. So we replace the horizontal bar usually with a slash "/". 2) A fraction can be seen as a given number of "portions" of the unit (or the whole). Those portions have names generally corresponding to the number of portions in a whole; they have generally the same name as the ordinal number, for instance: 1/2 half (plural halves) (this is an exception to the rule) 1/3 third (thirds) 1/4 fourth (fourths) 1/5 fifth (fifths) 1/6 sixth (sixths) 1/7 seventh (sevenths) Most of the names for smaller portions are rarely used, like 1/17 seventeenth. 3) Now to your examples. The basic portions used here are: 1/2 half 1/4 quarter (other name for fourth). If they are more than one, just replace the 1 on the right side by the number of portions: 3/4 for three quarters.

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