• Okay. Sure. (all one word answers?)
  • The shortest *complete* sentence, with verb and subject, is, "I am."
  • "Go." or "Go!" Contrary to popular belief, 'Go.' is the shortest complete sentence in the English Language, not "I am." Read Orangy's answer for an explanation. Or, visit these lovely sites for more information:
  • English does not require a subject for the imperative case. If left out, the subject is generally understood to mean "you." Therefore, almost any one-word verb in the English language can become a grammatically correct one-word sentence when used as a direct command. (Examples: "Stop!" "Go!" "Speak." "Eat.")
  • words such as 'yes', 'no', 'sure', 'ok', etc., are not complete sentences because, as stated above, a sentence requires a subject. 'I am' is not a complete sentence because there is no complement (i.e. I am what?). However, in the English language, the imperative case does not require a subject, as it is implied - such as in the case of the command 'go'. However, I can understand why someone would argue against this, as it would not be understood without the context of a second person. 'I go' would therefore be the shortest sentence, as there are no one letter verbs in the English language, and as 'I' is the shortest subject word. The sentence is complete even without stating where the person is going, as the verb 'go' does not actually need a destination to be gramatically correct - regardless of how rarely it is used without, it is still possible to do so in the sense that one is simply leaving the place one is in now. Hence, this would therefore make any sentences in the 'I', followed by any two letter verb format, the shortest in the language.
  • "I Do".
  • "I am" is the answer to your question.
  • I do; however, that short sentence condems you to a life sentence
  • What about "O!" Or if approached by a stranger asking who is there... "I!"
  • "I'm" Any objections to "I am" bieng a complete sentence is based on a false assumption that "am" is only a mere copula. "I am" is as complete as "We are," "They should," or "You were." Therefore, if all agree that a complete sentence must have a subject and predicate, and if all agree that "I am" does, and if all agree that "I'm" equals "I am", and if none can provide a grammatical (rather than stylistic) objection to a contraction being used as a sentence, then there are only a few valid candidates for the shortest sentence: "Go," "do," or "I'm." Because the implied "you" of the first two is necessary to provide meaning, and also obviously larger than the "I" of "I'm," I must conclude that the shortest sentence of the English language must be "I'm."
  • Jesus wept. +5

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