• It's another way for attorneys to make more money!!!
  • I think every man should get a pre nup
  • i think it's a good idea, i know if you are getting married you shouldnt need to get something like that done as you are SUPPOSED to be together forever, but lets face it, marriage is fickle these days, and if one party was considerably richer than the other, i'd want one, and if the woman kicked up a fuss about it, all the more reason to get one, if she didnt intend on taking half my shit, she wouldnt care if the prenump was there.
  • It's sensible, especially for the wealthy. They have a whole separate and complicated group of worries.
  • Two words come to mind: Insurance Policy.
  • I think it is logical and prepares for the marriage to fail... and proves you do not have that much faith in your impending marriage
  • I think if you're fabulously wealthy it does make perfect sense. Otherwise it just seems like you've got no faith in the relationship, & if so why bother getting married.
  • I know that it isn't a good idea to ask for one two weeks before the wedding is to take place!
  • If you can not trust the person you are marrying don't marry them.
  • My thought is that it is a beautiful thing!!! That will assure me that whatever she came into the relationship with, she walks away with and nothing of mine!
  • My son married into a very wealthy family and was asked to sign a pre-nup. He had no problem with it because he isn't interested in her money ... just her.
  • I think it’s pretty sad that divorce has become so prevalent that people even think it’s necessary. I know divorce is sometimes the best option, but if it weren’t such a popular one, I doubt the concept of a “prenup” would have ever entered into the public consciousness.
  • I totally agree with them. My sister had a financial agreement written up when she and her ex-b/f moved in together - it was worth its weight in gold when they split - she got to keep what she had put in financially when they sold the house. I do think that the age of trust when it comes to money is gone unfortunately. Unless you both have equal assets then a proportionate arrangement should be undertaken in the event of a split. I would have no problem signing a prenup or similiar document as it is there to protect me as much as them.
  • Probably I wouldn't mind but it's kinda making a dooming prediction.Isn't it?
  • If i could get a woman to take half my bills, that would be great. I don't have anything of value to sign a pre-nup over.
  • Every couple has one, "Do you promise to take this woman/man to be,...", But every couple should be required to write one out, not just repeat the words. I'm gonna do this, you're gonna do that. If that doesn't happen, this is what is what we agree to do. That forces them to think about what they are actually committing to. Then it should be posted on the back of the front door to read every time you head out the door.
  • I think a prenup is getting a bad rap. Its only responsible to list what assets one has going into a marriage. Each person has certain properties before the marriage and they should remain as such, unless one party decides to share ownership. it doesnt have to declare certain results if there is a devorce.
  • I actually think it's a good idea when moving into a serious relationship regardless of possibility of marriage. Consider, a now former partner arguing that he should have joint title to your home while investing zero dollars in same....but I digress.....
  • They can come in handy if you believe in divorce and haven't waited long enough before marriage to be 1000% convinced that you will stay together for life.
  • i think if you need a lawyer to get married, you may want to reconsider the reason for the marriage because it isnt about love.
  • I didn't get one, but my mom wanted me to get a postnup. I didn't for 2 reasons, 1 - I trust my husband with my life and 2 - it seems to me like a back up plan, a "what if we don't make it", which is not how I wanted to think of my marraige. I'm not sure about your exact situation so this is just food for thought.
  • It almost sounds as if you expect the marriage to fail.
  • It's a plan for failure; and if you feel you really need a preup to protect yourself from the person you chose to marry, they are the wrong person for you. You should trust them completely with everything prior to marriage.
  • I would not be with anyone who asked me to sign one, not because I want their possessions, I don't, but because it tells me that they do not trust me nor think that the relationship will last, therefore I am just wasting my time on them.
  • Great idea!

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