• Birds are omnivores and often cannibalistic -- so yes
  • Hawks, Owls, Buzzards, Vultures, Eagles, Falcons, plus some others I can't recall. But wait, are worms considered meat, all birds eat worms.
  • Birds of prey do...also members of the crow genre are carrion birds!
  • Yes. My cockatiel LOVES chicken.
  • Yes, many birds like to eat meat, even other birds. We've even had some ducks eat ducklings. It was horrible, those nasty Muscovies.
  • Hawks, owls, falcons, vultures. Lots of birds eat meat, either as predators or scavengers.
  • I think that an eagle would eat a chicken if the opportunity presented itself.
  • Small birds eat worms. Large birds like vultures in larger animals.
  • Carnivorous birds can!
  • Yep. You ought to watch seagulls some time. The will eat ANYTHING, including other seagulls who are injured. It's interesting, too. An injured seagull KNOWS his days are numbered around the other seagulls. They will tear him apart alive.
  • 1) Yes. There are herbivorous, omnivorous, carnivorous and piscivorous birds. Further information: 2) "Birds' diets are varied and often include nectar, fruit, plants, seeds, carrion, and various small animals, including other birds. Because birds have no teeth, their digestive system is adapted to process unmasticated food items that are swallowed whole. Birds that employ many strategies to obtain food or feed on a variety of food items are called generalists, while others that concentrate time and effort on specific food items or have a single strategy to obtain food are considered specialists. Birds' feeding strategies vary by species. Many birds glean for insects, invertebrates, fruit, or seeds. Some hunt insects by suddenly attacking from a branch. Nectar feeders such as hummingbirds, sunbirds, lories, and lorikeets amongst others have specially adapted brushy tongues and in many cases bills designed to fit co-adapted flowers. Kiwis and shorebirds with long bills probe for invertebrates; shorebirds' varied bill lengths and feeding methods result in the separation of ecological niches. Loons, diving ducks, penguins and auks pursue their prey underwater, using their wings or feet for propulsion, while aerial predators such as sulids, kingfishers and terns plunge dive after their prey. Flamingos, three species of prion, and some ducks are filter feeders. Geese and dabbling ducks are primarily grazers. Some species, including frigatebirds, gulls, and skuas, engage in kleptoparasitism, stealing food items from other birds. Kleptoparasitism is thought to be a supplement to food obtained by hunting, rather than a significant part of any species' diet; a study of Great Frigatebirds stealing from Masked Boobies estimated that the frigatebirds stole at most 40% of their food and on average stole only 5%. Other birds are scavengers; some of these, like vultures, are specialised carrion eaters, while others, like gulls, corvids, or other birds of prey, are opportunists." Source and further information:
  • yes they sure can!:)
  • Chickens can eat chickens,they peak pieces...I don`t think it is a healthy diet for them.Lots of birds eat meat.Chicken Hawks Love chicken!!
  • g'day XT, Thanks for your question. Many birds do such as birds of prey. Regards

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