• I think it's probable that many stores have never thought to make a rule against that. I think it's also probable that they'll close that loophole the day after you try it.
  • I worked at a woman's fashion store and men were NOT allowed to try on our clothes in the changing room. They were told that they were more than welcome to buy the clothes and try them at home and they could bring them back for a full refund. I hated it.. My guy friend would come to my job and I'd let him in the changing rooms to try clothes on if the place wasn't packed.
  • I am a transsexual who has not transitioned enough yet to go out in public. I do buy dresses and the like but I do not think we should go as a man into a dressing room and try on a dress. I am very much aware of children and do not want to confuse them. I do not want them to wonder why a man is putting on mommys dress. Also I do not think it is fair to the store because when I finally get my operation and have all the right parts I would not want to think a man was trying on a dress I would buy. So, buy from the Internet or a catalog and let others not have to face the question of what they should do or say. It is very important for me to not attract attention and hopefully you will understand this one day. If the photo uploads here is one of my dresses I got online for only 29.95 Karen Ann
  • thanks for your reply :) Do all shops have a mens and womens dressing room (I am 17 sorry if I don't sound very bright about it lol) and isn't there normally somebody "guarding" the changing rooms?

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